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@Jaguar Warrior


1. No

2. No

3. No

4. It doesn't matter that I've never been involved in those things. I can think logically


would you like to attempt to answer the questions I've posed? Why was this officer, in the same situation/scene as other officers, the only officer with her sidearm out?

Quote:@Jaguar Warrior


1. No

2. No

3. No

4. It doesn't matter that I've never been involved in those things. I can think logically


would you like to attempt to answer the questions I've posed? Why was this officer, in the same situation/scene, the only officer with her sidearm out?
Wood told CNN in a follow-up interview that his client had her gun out because she was the only officer there for a few minutes and she thought Crutcher was armed. The second officer had a Taser because the "proper tactic ... in that scenario is for second person ... to have less lethal (weapon)," said Wood, a former police officer.
Quote:@Jaguar Warrior


1. No

2. No

3. No

4. It doesn't matter that I've never been involved in those things. I can think logically


would you like to attempt to answer the questions I've posed? Why was this officer, in the same situation/scene as other officers, the only officer with her sidearm out?

You aren't thinking logically because you don't have the facts or the results of an investigation. I have no idea why she had her sidearm out because I don't work in law enforcement and I don't know the rules of engagement for the Tulsa police.

@Jaguar Warrior



But you've automatically sided with the LEOs. How could you do that not having the facts of the investigation?

Quote:@Jaguar Warrior



But you've automatically sided with the LEOs. How could you do that not having the facts of the investigation?

Because statistically the LEOs have been in the right more often than not. I give the LEOs the benefit of the doubt.
@ Jagwired - That makes sense.

@Jaguar Warrior


Who put those statistics out? Think about what you're saying, my brother.


Don't you think LEOs are going to give themselves the benefit of the doubt whenever they can?

Police are not trained to properly handle situations where a person they encounter is possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If the law rolls up on you and you're drunk, stoned or otherwise impaired, prepare to be shot. Even if you are slowly stumbling away from multiple officers with your hands up and not necessarily responding to all of their commands, don't expect a baton to the back of the legs, to be tased or tackled. You will be shot.
Oh my.

Quote:@Jaguar Warrior


Who put those statistics out? Think about what you're saying, my brother.


Don't you think LEOs are going to give themselves the benefit of the doubt whenever they can?

Research and investigation organizations (such as the FBI) put those statistics out.


You are now abandoning this single event and jumping into the issue being systemic. It sounds like you already have a distrust for law enforcement, most likely cultivated by a dishonest media or anecdotal experience. I cannot help your innate distrust in law enforcement if you believe the system is corrupted. The only thing I can say is do your research and wait for the facts to come out. If she is guilty of murder, she will be dealt with accordingly.

Quote:Research and investigation organizations (such as the FBI) put those statistics out.

You are now abandoning this single event and jumping into the issue being systemic. It sounds like you already have a distrust for law enforcement, most likely cultivated by a dishonest media or anecdotal experience. I cannot help your innate distrust in law enforcement if you believe the system is corrupted. The only thing I can say is do your research and wait for the facts to come out. If she is guilty of murder, she will be dealt with accordingly.

Like 90% never have charges filed. It's because 90% of the time the officers are in the right.

Keep believing that.
This guy got shot because he was being stupid.  Maybe the cop was being stupid too, if so, she will be punished.  Regardless, he got shot because he refused to follow orders.

Peace and love to you all, but we disagree.

By refusing to follow officer commands, the situation rises to resistance without violence at that point, it becomes a felony stop and it is SOP to have one or more officers with a weapon drawn to effect a felony arrest. Fact.


The part that got the citizen in trouble was his refusal to keep his hands visible to officers. Had he done that one thing, he would not have been shot. He reached into his car. His hands were obstructed from the view of officers at that point. He was warned what the consequence of doing that would be. He chose to do so, and now we have what we have.


It's easy to blame the cops here, but unless you know their procedures and tactics (which HAVE CHANGED in light in the amount of civilians randomly shooting cops), you really can't say that they broke any law or even procedure of the job.


Also fact.

If you ignore a cops orders you stand the risk of getting shot. Some say this so casually as if it's ok. This should not be the case. It used to not be the case. Why is it acceptable and even applauded? We have a justice system. This isn't Judge Dredd. I just can't understand the thought process of "well if you don't do everything cops say you might get shot" and think that is perfectly reasonable. 


I understand cops being on edge especially given the current climate that his been bubbling up for a long while now but it feels, to me at least, like there has to be a better way, weather it's through different training or public out reach or something. I don't know what it but just accepting cops as executioners if you disrespect or ignore them is frankly absurd in a modern society. 

Quote:[Image: o3EWZ0I.png]

My God...did she really say this?


Quote:What does this thread have to do with Trump? Oh that's right., not a [BAD WORD REMOVED] thing.

He's deflecting.


Quote:Hey guys, let's dig into this slain man's past and dig up some dirt to justify getting murked by this scared, female cop who pulled out her gun instead of her taser like her other officers did

It's common in situations such as this for one officer to have lethal force ready and the other to have less than lethal ready.  


There are more facts that needs to be brought out here before you can jump to the conclusions you have.  That doesn't stop you, though.



Quote:Police are not trained to properly handle situations where a person they encounter is possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If the law rolls up on you and you're drunk, stoned or otherwise impaired, prepare to be shot. Even if you are slowly stumbling away from multiple officers with your hands up and not necessarily responding to all of their commands, don't expect a baton to the back of the legs, to be tased or tackled. You will be shot.

Yeah, you use your taser while the guy hopped on drugs reaches for his gun. Then when that taser doesn't stop him and he shoots and kills you, your family can be planning for your funeral instead of you going home to them that night.
Quote:If you ignore a cops orders you stand the risk of getting shot. Some say this so casually as if it's ok. This should not be the case. It used to not be the case. Why is it acceptable and even applauded? We have a justice system. This isn't Judge Dredd. I just can't understand the thought process of "well if you don't do everything cops say you might get shot" and think that is perfectly reasonable. 


I understand cops being on edge especially given the current climate that his been bubbling up for a long while now but it feels, to me at least, like there has to be a better way, weather it's through different training or public out reach or something. I don't know what it but just accepting cops as executioners if you disrespect or ignore them is frankly absurd in a modern society. 

Why do people think it IS okay to ignore officers, walk way and reach into the window of your vehicle?




I couldn't find the words I wanted in regards to accountability.

It really comes down to a simple choice.  Either:


A.  Do what the officers tell you to do.




B.  Don't do what the officers tell you to do.


One way, you are almost guaranteed to still be alive afterwards.  The other way, your chances of survival are significantly diminished.


I don't get why some people don't get this.

Quote:Why do people think it IS okay to ignore officers, walk way and reach into the window of your vehicle?




I couldn't find the words I wanted in regards to accountability.
That isn't what I said. I said the mentality of ignoring a cop puts you in danger of being shot. 
Quote:That isn't what I said. I said the mentality of ignoring a cop puts you in danger of being shot. 

That doesn't appear to be what happened here, though.


It doesn't look like he only ignored the cop.
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