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(09-03-2022, 12:02 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]About the empty folders-


[Image: 6xt8x9.md.jpg]
(09-03-2022, 12:02 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]About the empty folders-

The empty folders weren't in the lists before Friday. Where did they come from if they weren't seized or on the inventory list of what was taken?

The 1 picture they created has added cover sheets by the FBI as the actual cover sheets were stapled to the document. They don't just place them on top or paper clip them. Then they actually folded one of them open that was clearly stapled and put a fake cover sheet over it. Then they modified the picture to add their white out. All of that is illegal but I'm sure they will say it's fine.

Then add that the actual list from Friday doesn't have any SCI top level items listed. Where did those items go as they were listed in the seized list?

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Federal judge orders appointment of special master to review seized Trump records
Special master will review records seized in FBI raid of Trump's home

A federal judge ordered Monday that an independent special master be appointed to review the records seized by the FBI during its raid of former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home and ordered the Justice Department stop its own review of the material for investigative purposes.

It should have been that way from the beginning.
(09-05-2022, 03:38 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]It should have been that way from the beginning.

Sadly the never Trumpers are so hellbent on getting Trump that they do realise they have opened Pandora’s box.  I am happy that I am in the last 1/4 of my time here on earth but weep for my children and grandchildren.
(09-05-2022, 03:38 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]It should have been that way from the beginning.
Biggest part is the judge specifically said and/or executive privilege. The DOJ tried to claim that was waived to allow the raid.

Reports are saying medical, accounting, and tax records were seized. They have some big issues if that is true.

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(09-05-2022, 05:11 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-05-2022, 03:38 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]It should have been that way from the beginning.

Sadly the never Trumpers are so hellbent on getting Trump that they do realise they have opened Pandora’s box.  I am happy that I am in the last 1/4 of my time here on earth but weep for my children and grandchildren.

It’s probably why you don’t hear Schumer or Pelosi crowing about it. They know.
Media figures promote conspiracy that judge who postponed Trump DOJ investigation is doing ‘Trump’s bidding’
Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Stzrok tweeted that Judge Cannon gave Trump 'special treatment'

Liberal media figures were outraged after news broke Monday that a federal judge allowed former President Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review the records seized in the FBI raid against the former president.

(09-06-2022, 05:07 PM)The Drifter Wrote: [ -> ]Media figures promote conspiracy that judge who postponed Trump DOJ investigation is doing ‘Trump’s bidding’
Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Stzrok tweeted that Judge Cannon gave Trump 'special treatment'

Liberal media figures were outraged after news broke Monday that a federal judge allowed former President Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review the records seized in the FBI raid against the former president.


I guess they were expecting one of Nancy's crew to serve as a Special Master lolol

I'm sure they were drooling over it lol
So now the go to FBI leaker paper Washington Post, or whatever it is called, has leaked from random unknown sources that there was info on a foreign nation and their nuclear capabilities. Media and dems that have no clue are now going crazy about it.

I hope Trump has it reviewed, shown he declassified it, and then shows the world the info on Iran and Obama deal. That would be a total Trump move and the dems jump all over it.

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Both sides have completely destroyed the trust required to successfully transfer power between current and previous administrations. Biden better pray this works out for Trump or that he dies in office.
Who knows how all this will turn out? I sure don't. What I would like to know, though, is why Trump took classified documents with him when he left office. I have yet to year any plausible explanation. And if he declassified them, why does the special master need a top secret security clearance to see them?
(09-07-2022, 08:04 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Who knows how all this will turn out?  I sure don't.  What I would like to know, though, is why Trump took classified documents with him when he left office.  I have yet to year any plausible explanation.  And if he declassified them, why does the special master need a top secret security clearance to see them?

1. Trump might've made an error or the DoJ could be wrong. Based on what we know of Trump's previous persecutions I'm betting the DoJ knows they're wrong but don't care. Anything to take down Trump, even if they have to destroy the Law to do it.
2. C'mon Marty, if the DoJ believes the documents could in fact be classified you can't have someone without the clearance review them.
FSG and Marty both make good points. There’s no logical reason for Trump to take these documents and as far as I know, no other President has done so. On the other hand, this could have been handled much more discreetly.

Let there be no doubt, the raid on Mar-A-Lago was a power move by establishment leftists to not only neutralize Trump, but to serve as a shot across the bow of political foes. The Lois Lerners and Peter Strokes see a strong ally in a White House being run by establishmentarians manipulating a mentally declining meat puppet and a cackling idiot second in charge. From a truth ministry to draconian COVID controls, this incident provides one more revealing insight to how the left would like to run this country if given enough authority.
(09-07-2022, 08:21 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-07-2022, 08:04 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Who knows how all this will turn out?  I sure don't.  What I would like to know, though, is why Trump took classified documents with him when he left office.  I have yet to year any plausible explanation.  And if he declassified them, why does the special master need a top secret security clearance to see them?

1. Trump might've made an error or the DoJ could be wrong. Based on what we know of Trump's previous persecutions I'm betting the DoJ knows they're wrong but don't care. Anything to take down Trump, even if they have to destroy the Law to do it.
2. C'mon Marty, if the DoJ believes the documents could in fact be classified you can't have someone without the clearance review them.

It was Trump's own lawyers who said the special master should have a maximum security clearance.  That's why I asked the question- if those documents are indeed declassified, then why did Trump's own lawyers say the special master should have a high-grade security clearance?  

It's relevant to note that no one is arguing that he didn't have the documents.  Not even his own lawyers.  So the question is, why?  Why on earth would he want to keep those documents?  There doesn't seem to be any question that those documents belong to the government, and I say that because when the government asked if there were any more that they had not turned over, the answer was no.  And since the FBI had no trouble finding them, one would assume that if Trump's people had made any effort to find out if they were there, they would have found them.  Easily.  So one has to assume they were hiding them for some reason.  

Like I said, I have no idea if he'll be formally charged with a crime.  The big mystery to me is, why the hell did he want to keep classified government documents, some of them with the very highest classification?  And if he did declassify them as he has claimed, why did he want to declassify top secret government documents?  And if he did declassify them, then the public has the right to see them, under the Freedom of Information Act.
(09-07-2022, 08:25 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]FSG and Marty both make good points. There’s no logical reason for Trump to take these documents and as far as I know, no other President has done so. On the other hand, this could have been handled much more discreetly.

Let there be no doubt, the raid on Mar-A-Lago was a power move by establishment leftists to not only neutralize Trump, but to serve as a shot across the bow of political foes. The Lois Lerners and Peter Strokes see a strong ally in a White House being run by establishmentarians manipulating a mentally declining meat puppet and a cackling idiot second in charge. From a truth ministry to draconian COVID controls, this incident provides one more revealing insight to how the left would like to run this country if given enough authority.

That's Trump's fault it was not handled discreetly.  The government asked for the documents back, and they didn't get them.  So then they used a subpoena, and they got about 1/3 of them, and a denial that there were any more.  Meanwhile, someone informed the government that there were a lot more.  And the government panics about what is in those top secret documents, and how they are being stored and handled, and the fact that the Trump people lied about there being any more of them.  So they sent in the FBI and took them.  And it was Trump who publicized the raid in a tweet.  

So, yes, it could have been handled much more discreetly, but whose fault is that?
These discussions make me laugh. I don't know how you guys can postulate about anything. Trump is a known liar, but you know who else has lied repeatedly? The FBI and the media. Just wait and see. Some of you get too invested in your narrative before any facts come out, which is why you can't tell you're being lied to.
(09-07-2022, 09:28 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-07-2022, 08:25 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]FSG and Marty both make good points. There’s no logical reason for Trump to take these documents and as far as I know, no other President has done so. On the other hand, this could have been handled much more discreetly.

Let there be no doubt, the raid on Mar-A-Lago was a power move by establishment leftists to not only neutralize Trump, but to serve as a shot across the bow of political foes. The Lois Lerners and Peter Strokes see a strong ally in a White House being run by establishmentarians manipulating a mentally declining meat puppet and a cackling idiot second in charge. From a truth ministry to draconian COVID controls, this incident provides one more revealing insight to how the left would like to run this country if given enough authority.

That's Trump's fault it was not handled discreetly.  The government asked for the documents back, and they didn't get them.  So then they used a subpoena, and they got about 1/3 of them, and a denial that there were any more.  Meanwhile, someone informed the government that there were a lot more.  And the government panics about what is in those top secret documents, and how they are being stored and handled, and the fact that the Trump people lied about there being any more of them.  So they sent in the FBI and took them.  And it was Trump who publicized the raid in a tweet.  

So, yes, it could have been handled much more discreetly, but whose fault is that?

You and I know that a warrant could have been served more discreetly than bringing in a convoy of vehicles with lights flashing. They waited until everyone was gone then made an intentional spectacle of it. Just admit that.
(09-07-2022, 10:00 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]These discussions make me laugh. I don't know how you guys can postulate about anything. Trump is a known liar, but you know who else has lied repeatedly? The FBI and the media. Just wait and see. Some of you get too invested in your narrative before any facts come out, which is why you can't tell you're being lied to.
Dude. You may be the most condescending poster on this board. Get off your high horse for once and stop pretending like you're better than everyone.
(09-07-2022, 10:00 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]These discussions make me laugh. I don't know how you guys can postulate about anything. Trump is a known liar, but you know who else has lied repeatedly? The FBI and the media. Just wait and see. Some of you get too invested in your narrative before any facts come out, which is why you can't tell you're being lied to.

There are facts in this case that neither side denies.
He took numerous government documents from the White House when he left office.  
Many of them were very highly classified at some point.
He did not turn them over when asked, or when served with a subpoena.    
His lawyers denied he had them.  
Then the FBI went in and found them.  

Those are all undisputed facts.
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