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Full Version: Has any pro Gus fans changed their minds?
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Quote:How drunk are you from the watt jock snuffing contest?

Just saying:


JJ Watt did have 8 Tackles, 3 Sacks, 3 Tackles for Losses, 2 Passes Defended, a Fumble Recovery, and 4 Quarterback Hits.


Not saying that the announcers weren't snuffing [sic] his jock, but well...is they had to...it's not a bad choice.
Not sure how this loss, as bad as it was, would change anyone's opinion. The result is a better draft position, which now that the season is behind us is a good thing. I know the players that are out there aren't trying to lose, but are they playing they're best in a meaningless game? Does Khan giving Bradley a vote of confidence earlier in the week give Bradley license to treat this game as an exhibition rather than a requirement for keeping his job? Does he purposely not get his team ready as a directive from the top? Who knows? The point is, many on this board love to rush to judgement when they hold very little of the information. Having a "take" is a good thing, but emotional knee jerk reactions are what annoy those of us who realize that we're not dealing all or even most of the information. This thread is seeking those who don't normally have those types of reactions and hoping that they had one. Good luck with that.
Quote:Not sure how this loss, as bad as it was, would change anyone's opinion. The result is a better draft position, which now that the season is behind us is a good thing. I know the players that are out there aren't trying to lose, but are they playing they're best in a meaningless game? Does Khan giving Bradley a vote of confidence earlier in the week give Bradley license to treat this game as an exhibition rather than a requirement for keeping his job? Does he purposely not get his team ready as a directive from the top? Who knows? The point is, many on this board love to rush to judgement when they hold very little of the information. Having a "take" is a good thing, but emotional knee jerk reactions are what annoy those of us who realize that we're not dealing all or even most of the information. This thread is seeking those who don't normally have those types of reactions and hoping that they had one. Good luck with that.

Err...the Jags can't draft based on earlier years.  At some point in time, you have to teach your team to win!
Quote:I was pro Gus before the start of the season. I wanted to give him his due diligence and the benefit of a doubt. But with each embarrassing loss, ect ect ect.. We all know how that story goes..

He's long over due now for the boot..

Yeah it's been tough. People have made good points as to what the team lacks and what not. But after a while a change of culture is needed. A new way of thinking you know.
Quote:I was pro Gus at the start of the season, that changed around the first Clots game.

That game was meant for us to win. What could've been right?
"We are better than how we played today" 

I've never been "pro Gus" nor have I been anti Gus...I have sat here for the last 3 seasons with an open mind, looking at the big picture rather than the record. One thing I have noticed is that most posters here are looking for any and everything negative...


I also held my expectations down from the lofty 8-8 or higher most posters insisted must be reached...I felt 6-10 would be a good benchmark for this year...


I watched the first and second season where through most of it, it looked like the players had never even stepped foot on a football field in their lives...Receivers running wrong routes, receivers dropping more passes than they caught, an OL that couldn't protect the QB against an sophomore high school team and a defense (second season) that looked like it had some promise, while the offense couldn't find their [BAD WORD REMOVED] with both hands, and ST was worse...I saw the biggest points differential in losses can I can remember ever seeing and just ugly play everywhere...


This season I saw on offense who started to get their [BAD WORD REMOVED] together...An offense who finally started getting on the same page, receivers who caught passes for huge gains, I saw touchdowns scored even from the redzone...I saw an offense who nfl analysts started calling "explosive"..I saw nfl players and nfl analysts praising Gus for the improvement on offense...I saw franchise records fall, I saw a running game start to manifest...I saw Blake Bortles name being thrown around on different networks and also our receivers got media attention...I saw the Jags being talked about in a positive manner for the first time in years...From year one of Caldwell and Gus, to this season is nearly night and day...Games lost for the most part were close and a few of them could have been wins if not for stupid mistakes by the players


I also saw the defense regress, questionable play calling, misuse of timeouts, coaching blunders but in the end, they ended up about where I expected...


No, I don't consider losing to be acceptable, but I also have never seen or even heard of a roster being torn down as far as Caldwell did, and he even admitted he may have gutted it a little too far and filled the first year with UDFA and rookies and a few FA signings...I did not expect much year one, year two, I expected to start seeing flashes of what we want towards the end of the year, year 3 I expected to play like a team that's been together for awhile, and string some wins out and lose some heartbreakers...


When it's all said and done, I guess I look at things different than most here...The first two years I was expecting minimal wins, this year I expected to see more...I have seen improvement from year one to year two, year two to year three, and I expect to see even more next year...I don't think 10 wins should be the benchmark for next season, that's hard for teams to do anyway, but I would expect 8-9 wins...

Quote:Not sure how this loss, as bad as it was, would change anyone's opinion. The result is a better draft position, which now that the season is behind us is a good thing. I know the players that are out there aren't trying to lose, but are they playing they're best in a meaningless game? Does Khan giving Bradley a vote of confidence earlier in the week give Bradley license to treat this game as an exhibition rather than a requirement for keeping his job? Does he purposely not get his team ready as a directive from the top? Who knows? The point is, many on this board love to rush to judgement when they hold very little of the information. Having a "take" is a good thing, but emotional knee jerk reactions are what annoy those of us who realize that we're not dealing all or even most of the information. This thread is seeking those who don't normally have those types of reactions and hoping that they had one. Good luck with that.

Hey man if you don't like it leave. I wanted to talk with people that had a change of opinion. It doesn't stop people talking politics or anything else. It's like you are tying to tell people to just conform and don't talk about anything and accept the outcome. This thread was for conversation. If you can't handle that then bug off.
Quote:I've never been "pro Gus" nor have I been anti Gus...I have sat here for the last 3 seasons with an open mind, looking at the big picture rather than the record. One thing I have noticed is that most posters here are looking for any and everything negative...

I also held my expectations down from the lofty 8-8 or higher most posters insisted must be reached...I felt 6-10 would be a good benchmark for this year...

I watched the first and second season where through most of it, it looked like the players had never even stepped foot on a football field in their lives...Receivers running wrong routes, receivers dropping more passes than they caught, an OL that couldn't protect the QB against an sophomore high school team and a defense (second season) that looked like it had some promise, while the offense couldn't find their [BAD WORD REMOVED] with both hands, and ST was worse...I saw the biggest points differential in losses can I can remember ever seeing and just ugly play everywhere...

This season I saw on offense who started to get their [BAD WORD REMOVED] together...An offense who finally started getting on the same page, receivers who caught passes for huge gains, I saw touchdowns scored even from the redzone...I saw an offense who nfl analysts started calling "explosive"..I saw nfl players and nfl analysts praising Gus for the improvement on offense...I saw franchise records fall, I saw a running game start to manifest...I saw Blake Bortles name being thrown around on different networks and also our receivers got media attention...I saw the Jags being talked about in a positive manner for the first time in years...From year one of Caldwell and Gus, to this season is nearly night and day...Games lost for the most part were close and a few of them could have been wins if not for stupid mistakes by the players

I also saw the defense regress, questionable play calling, misuse of timeouts, coaching blunders but in the end, they ended up about where I expected...

No, I don't consider losing to be acceptable, but I also have never seen or even heard of a roster being torn down as far as Caldwell did, and he even admitted he may have gutted it a little too far and filled the first year with UDFA and rookies and a few FA signings...I did not expect much year one, year two, I expected to start seeing flashes of what we want towards the end of the year, year 3 I expected to play like a team that's been together for awhile, and string some wins out and lose some heartbreakers...

When it's all said and done, I guess I look at things different than most here...The first two years I was expecting minimal wins, this year I expected to see more...I have seen improvement from year one to year two, year two to year three, and I expect to see even more next year...I don't think 10 wins should be the benchmark for next season, that's hard for teams to do anyway, but I would expect 8-9 wins...

Wrong thread homie. Seriously I read your post but you didn't fit the thread criteria. But to be clear you are a Gus supporter. Ok.
It's just depressing as hell that, again, we finish in the toilet.  Again, we have not much to look forward to in the next season.  Again, we'll probably fire another head coach because I'm sure Khan has Gus on a short leash. Again, we'll have to watch as the team flounders and struggles with another coaching philosophy. Again, again, again...the cycle is getting very old.

Quote:Wrong thread homie. Seriously I read your post but you didn't fit the thread criteria. But to be clear you are a Gus supporter. Ok.
I don't think so I've criticized Gus as much as anyone...Just because I don't run around screaming FIRE GUS, doesn't mean I'm a supporter...I just try and be fair, Gus was given absolute [BLEEP] to work with the first two years and everyone expects him to be setting the league on fire...I don't feel that's a realistic expectation
Quote:Not quite only because I think the talent level on this team just isn't there yet. I'll prolly have a flamethrower at my head soon but it's just how I see it. We have a few quality guy but that's it. We don't have any real game changers and until that happens we will never compete. I think Gus is getting the most of what he can out of the players. Caldwell I think is doing well to just haven't had enough picks to gather enough players. Just my opinion on the situation.

I just look at the teams that are in the playoffs and they have multiple bonefide game changers. We have no one to the level of Watt, Houston, Brady, Hopkins, Von Miller, Rodgers, Peterson (both Adrian and Patrick), Mathieu, I can keep naming guys really. We have no one of that ilk.

I just can't agree with the statement highlighted above.  This has been obvious to me since the beginning of Bradley's 2nd season.
Quote:You've been pretty patient then. I for one didn't like the hire to begin with and have never been on board. So it's easy for me to not like him as our coach. But I guess if I did like the hire I wonder if I could maintain your level of patience.
I guess its been a " if he stays, whatever. "If he goes, that's fine too" attitude for me.
Quote:Just saying:

JJ Watt did have 8 Tackles, 3 Sacks, 3 Tackles for Losses, 2 Passes Defended, a Fumble Recovery, and 4 Quarterback Hits.

Not saying that the announcers weren't snuffing [sic] his jock, but well...is they had to...it's not a bad choice.

It was annoying, and im not afraid to say im a hater.
Quote:Not quite only because I think the talent level on this team just isn't there yet. I'll prolly have a flamethrower at my head soon but it's just how I see it. We have a few quality guy but that's it. We don't have any real game changers and until that happens we will never compete. I think Gus is getting the most of what he can out of the players. Caldwell I think is doing well to just haven't had enough picks to gather enough players. Just my opinion on the situation.

I just look at the teams that are in the playoffs and they have multiple bonefide game changers. We have no one to the level of Watt, Houston, Brady, Hopkins, Von Miller, Rodgers, Peterson (both Adrian and Patrick), Mathieu, I can keep naming guys really. We have no one of that ilk.
agree 100%
Quote:Hey man if you don't like it leave. I wanted to talk with people that had a change of opinion. It doesn't stop people talking politics or anything else. It's like you are tying to tell people to just conform and don't talk about anything and accept the outcome. This thread was for conversation. If you can't handle that then bug off.

Talk about an over reaction to my post. Sorry you can't handle your post being dissected for what it is. You're searching for something that doesn't exist. Anyone who has taken a measured, unemotional approach so far isn't going to have a meltdown like you hope over a meaningless season ender that oh by the way helps our draft position.

We get it. You're an emotional basket case seeking affirmation. Carry on.
Quote:Talk about an over reaction to my post. Sorry you can't handle your post being dissected for what it is. You're searching for something that doesn't exist. Anyone who has taken a measured, unemotional approach so far isn't going to have a meltdown like you hope over a meaningless season ender that oh by the way helps our draft position.

We get it. You're an emotional basket case seeking affirmation. Carry on.

Your wrong. No one here is over reacting or being dramatic. You just don't like people conversing about our head coach. This is a message board people will have differing opinions. You are the one that can't handle mine. That's why you here complaining about me. Too bad for you. Deal with it because I'm not going to stop.
Quote:It's just depressing as hell that, again, we finish in the toilet. Again, we have not much to look forward to in the next season. Again, we'll probably fire another head coach because I'm sure Khan has Gus on a short leash. Again, we'll have to watch as the team flounders and struggles with another coaching philosophy. Again, again, again...the cycle is getting very old.

So were you a believer In Gus methods at one point?
I cringed when we hired him, but got behind him all the way up to the 1st Colts game. I really wanted the guy to succeed but its pretty clear now he is going to have to defy all odds to be retained beyond 2016. Maybe we get lucky and Fowler is a 20 sack a year guy as a rookie and we pick up a range safety, Cyp goes off, 2 starter caliber Cbs, a LT, C and they are all probowlers. Even then 11 wins is a tall order with the schedule we have. Loads of good Qbs, and pretty darn good defenses too.

Bradley's record is bad. So are the redundant threads that say so, want him fired or wonder if they've changed their mind.

Wanna vent? Get on Khans piss for keeping him. In fact, tell him you won't attend any games while Gus is still coaching. That'll learn him.
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