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Full Version: Has any pro Gus fans changed their minds?
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The 76ers just called to see if Gus Bradley is available.

At some point he has to flip the switch from "just get better" to win or else. There's a culture of development right now which is fine for the youth. But the youth is gaining experience and hunger. It's time to get rid of the coddled development phase and ramp up the pressure and intensity which begins in training camp. The hunger will need to be fed.
Quote:Dude, it seemed like after every loss there was some stupid comment that Bradley said that made you scratch your head and wonder what the heck this guys does Monday through Saturday...  


someone with a better memory than mine should put together a list of Gus' inane comments.  But you're right, the "we tried everything" one was one of the more infuriating things he said this year.

Or someone could make a list of the message board's inane comments about Gus Bradley. You up for it?
Quote:Or someone could make a list of the message board's inane comments about Gus Bradley. You up for it?

Why don't you start by posting all the weak minded ramblings of those who complain about posters complaining?

You probably already made list that you read and then cry into your pillow about every night.

If you need help, pm bigjag57
Quote:Why don't you start by posting all the weak minded ramblings of those who complain about posters complaining?

You probably already made list that you read and then cry into your pillow about every night.

If you need help, pm bigjag57

Har Har Har you so funneh!!!

My point was, we clearly know, and have known for months now that you and those like you wish to get rid of the coach. It's beyond the point of, "I'll respectfully disagree with your opinion." to "WILL YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT THE HEEEEELLL UP!"

That's why I get so irritated is because I'm trying to look out for my fellow fan and saying hey, stop hitting your head on the wall over and over again expecting a different result. Id imagine that you're notorious for posting fire Gus Bradley content in threads that are unrelated.

It's greatly diminished the quality of the board content as such because instead of being a mature adult and contribute sound and logical posts, you and your posse whine like little spoiled children.

So then I ask, do we need to crowd fund for some bah-bahs and binkies? Need some diapers and a cute little sky blue onesie? What I'm trying to point out is you have well established your opinion, so why keep on?
Hey, I make sure that I only post anti Gus stuff in Gus oriented threads. I do not derail non Gus threads--- anymore.

I've learned the error of my ways. Yup. I'm a reformed man. No derailing done by me. No sir. I'm a changed man. :-)

I get your point---reading people gripe about the same stuff can get old. But I for one try to keep my gripes in threads that are directly related to Gus and to coaching.

For those who don't want to read about Gus or the coaches being bad, don't enter those types of threads. I think that's fair, right?
Quote:Har Har Har you so funneh!!!

My point was, we clearly know, and have known for months now that you and those like you wish to get rid of the coach. It's beyond the point of, "I'll respectfully disagree with your opinion." to "WILL YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT THE HEEEEELLL UP!"

That's why I get so irritated is because I'm trying to look out for my fellow fan and saying hey, stop hitting your head on the wall over and over again expecting a different result. Id imagine that you're notorious for posting fire Gus Bradley content in threads that are unrelated.

It's greatly diminished the quality of the board content as such because instead of being a mature adult and contribute sound and logical posts, you and your posse whine like little spoiled children.

So then I ask, do we need to crowd fund for some bah-bahs and binkies? Need some diapers and a cute little sky blue onesie? What I'm trying to point out is you have well established your opinion, so why keep on?

The Jaguars horrible play has diminished the quality of the content of this board.  Don't blame this on loyal fans.


Very few are whining.  Most are just pointing out the obvious that Gus has failed here thus far.


You talk of being a mature adult but this post shows anything but maturity.

Quote:Gus is a placeholder for a new head coach.  


I think barring him miraculously becoming a good head coach next season he's gone.  I don't see us winning more than 6 maybe 7 games and that's not enough.


Then Caldwell will have the talent stocked up.  Bortles and ARob will have another year under their belt.  Several new FA/draft picks will be added to the defense.  Suddenly this team looks a lot more attractive to a big time head coach...

I guess I don't understand the logic or rational to not move into a new era now if Bradley is going to be replaced after next season anyway?
I know this isn't exactly the answer to your question but Khan basically made it clear in England that Gus would be back. I came to terms with it shortly after that so it wasn't a big blow when the announcement became official a couple weeks ago. I have decided to support him because that is all that we can do at this point. I hope he succeeds because that means our Jaguars are also succeeding. With all that being said, I don't see how anyone can overlook his many short comings as a head coach. I hope that he makes tremendous strides in the offseason otherwise we are in trouble. We were gifted the easiest schedule we will probably see in a lifetime and still barely eeked out 5 wins. Next year we probably won't have such luck as pertains to difficulty of schedule and catching teams without their QB. I keep hearing "but we were at least close in games this year", as if that makes a statement. The majority of NFL games are decided by less than a touchdown so it sounds like most games are close. Without even looking it up I am certain we had more interceptions, fumbles and penalties than last year. Yes we threw for more yards and touchdowns but we ran for less of both and not out of choice but out of necessity. We gave up more sacks and more 3rd down conversions as well. We can go on and on areas that didn't improve or actually regressed. While I do agree that this offense can be special I cannot act like it performed like it in all aspects and especially not against the better teams. When the probowl results came out we were tossing around at least 3 names that we thought could be in the runnings but now all of a sudden we have zero talent. We have some pieces and will get more, it's time for that talent to get coached up.

Quote:I know this isn't exactly the answer to your question but Khan basically made it clear in England that Gus would be back. I came to terms with it shortly after that so it wasn't a big blow when the announcement became official a couple weeks ago. I have decided to support him because that is all that we can do at this point. I hope he succeeds because that means our Jaguars are also succeeding. With all that being said, I don't see how anyone can overlook his many short comings as a head coach. I hope that he makes tremendous strides in the offseason otherwise we are in trouble. We were gifted the easiest schedule we will probably see in a lifetime and still barely eeked out 5 wins. Next year we probably won't have such luck as pertains to difficulty of schedule and catching teams without their QB. I keep hearing "but we were at least close in games this year", as if that makes a statement. The majority of NFL games are decided by less than a touchdown so it sounds like most games are close. Without even looking it up I am certain we had more interceptions, fumbles and penalties than last year. Yes we threw for more yards and touchdowns but we ran for less of both and not out of choice but out of necessity. We gave up more sacks and more 3rd down conversions as well. We can go on and on areas that didn't improve or actually regressed. While I do agree that this offense can be special I cannot act like it performed like it in all aspects and especially not against the better teams. When the probowl results came out we were tossing around at least 3 names that we thought could be in the runnings but now all of a sudden we have zero talent. We have some pieces and will get more, it's time for that talent to get coached up.

17 INTs last year, 18 this year

Turnover ratio last year -6, this year -10

15 fumbles last year, 25 fumbles this year

573 penalty yards last year, 880 this year

1,633 rushing yards and 9 rushing TDs last year, 1,473 rushing yards and 5 rushing TDs this year

71 sacks/118 QB hits last year, 51 sacks/89 hits this year

32% 3rd down conversion last year, 35% this year (for our offense)

43% 3rd down conversion last year, 46% this year (for our defense)


Even if the team actually improves next year I wouldn't be surprised to see another 5 win season at best.  We won't get an easier year than we just had.
Quote:I know this isn't exactly the answer to your question but Khan basically made it clear in England that Gus would be back. I came to terms with it shortly after that so it wasn't a big blow when the announcement became official a couple weeks ago. I have decided to support him because that is all that we can do at this point. I hope he succeeds because that means our Jaguars are also succeeding. With all that being said, I don't see how anyone can overlook his many short comings as a head coach. I hope that he makes tremendous strides in the offseason otherwise we are in trouble. We were gifted the easiest schedule we will probably see in a lifetime and still barely eeked out 5 wins. Next year we probably won't have such luck as pertains to difficulty of schedule and catching teams without their QB. I keep hearing "but we were at least close in games this year", as if that makes a statement. The majority of NFL games are decided by less than a touchdown so it sounds like most games are close. Without even looking it up I am certain we had more interceptions, fumbles and penalties than last year. Yes we threw for more yards and touchdowns but we ran for less of both and not out of choice but out of necessity. We gave up more sacks and more 3rd down conversions as well. We can go on and on areas that didn't improve or actually regressed. While I do agree that this offense can be special I cannot act like it performed like it in all aspects and especially not against the better teams. When the probowl results came out we were tossing around at least 3 names that we thought could be in the runnings but now all of a sudden we have zero talent. We have some pieces and will get more, it's time for that talent to get coached up.

So, how much $$ have you spent on attending the Jags games over the course of the past 3 to 10 years ?
Maybe we have this all wrong. Its possible Shad is smarter then any of us. Maybe he and Dave sat down said we are 50/50 keeping Gus or firing him. Maybe they came to the conclusion that there will be 8 possible 9 teams looking for headcoaches this off season, so the pool of decent coaches will be thin specially with more opportunistic options out there. So they keep Gus helps to keep BB5 with the same system, then next year we are maybe one of only 2 teams needing a head coach and there will be more possiblilties to get a real good one.

Quote:Maybe we have this all wrong. Its possible Shad is smarter then any of us. Maybe he and Dave sat down said we are 50/50 keeping Gus or firing him. Maybe they came to the conclusion that there will be 8 possible 9 teams looking for headcoaches this off season, so the pool of decent coaches will be thin specially with more opportunistic options out there. So they keep Gus helps to keep BB5 with the same system, then next year we are maybe one of only 2 teams needing a head coach and there will be more possiblilties to get a real good one.

You think? Do you read most of the posts on here?
Gus apologist checking in.
Quote:Hey, I make sure that I only post anti Gus stuff in Gus oriented threads. I do not derail non Gus threads--- anymore.

I've learned the error of my ways. Yup. I'm a reformed man. No derailing done by me. No sir. I'm a changed man. :-)

I get your point---reading people gripe about the same stuff can get old. But I for one try to keep my gripes in threads that are directly related to Gus and to coaching.

For those who don't want to read about Gus or the coaches being bad, don't enter those types of threads. I think that's fair, right?

Quote:17 INTs last year, 18 this year

Turnover ratio last year -6, this year -10

15 fumbles last year, 25 fumbles this year

573 penalty yards last year, 880 this year

1,633 rushing yards and 9 rushing TDs last year, 1,473 rushing yards and 5 rushing TDs this year

71 sacks/118 QB hits last year, 51 sacks/89 hits this year

32% 3rd down conversion last year, 35% this year (for our offense)

43% 3rd down conversion last year, 46% this year (for our defense)

Even if the team actually improves next year I wouldn't be surprised to see another 5 win season at best. We won't get an easier year than we just had.
You could probably do the same with all of the offensive improvements that were made too.
Quote:Caldwell needs to feel some heat too



He has TOO many questionable moves.



Yeah, he has some good picks, but he has more dumb/bad decisions
they see me trollin, in every thread... drumming up the same ol noise again
Quote:Maybe we have this all wrong. Its possible Shad is smarter then any of us. Maybe he and Dave sat down said we are 50/50 keeping Gus or firing him. Maybe they came to the conclusion that there will be 8 possible 9 teams looking for headcoaches this off season, so the pool of decent coaches will be thin specially with more opportunistic options out there. So they keep Gus helps to keep BB5 with the same system, then next year we are maybe one of only 2 teams needing a head coach and there will be more possiblilties to get a real good one.
It is probably Shad is smarter THAN many of us.


Your post proves that.
Quote:It is probably Shad is smarter THAN many of us.


Your post proves that.

Holy Crap. Did FBT hijack your account?
Quote:Why don't you start by posting all the weak minded ramblings of those who complain about posters complaining?

You probably already made list that you read and then cry into your pillow about every night.

If you need help, pm bigjag57
So... people who don't want to read whining are weak minded?


But the people who come here, day after day, to rant about wanting this coach or that GM fired (when it is completely out of their control) is strong minded well worded and thought out posts?




Grown ups often get annoyed by childish things. It is why kids are sent to their rooms to play.

So grown ups can be grown ups.
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