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Full Version: Has any pro Gus fans changed their minds?
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I was Pro Gus the first two years. The infectious attitude got to me as well. I really thought he was going to get to 6-8 wins this year. Halfway through the season I was really let down and actually hoped he'd get canned but they were still not out of the playoff race so I figured let him finish the year. After Khan said he'd be back I was disappointed at first. After reflecting upon the year and hearing khan say that next year he expects more the I kinda changed my tune, again. The way I see it, the Jags are a missed FG and a couple of bad snaps away from being 7-9. Not sure if that is really Gus' fault or not. With khan stating next year he wants results along with the fact that a couple games were so close to going the other way I'm now in the Category of sink or swim. If they can get the wins I'm all on board but if they start out like they have been playing I'll be on the fire Gus bus real fast. Been losing so many years now, what's one more. I think I can handle it. Hopefully the next coach can get it done.
I've already been Jeans Myth'd once thanks, I won't wait to call garbage for what it is anymore.

The only thing that prevents me from going on a "fire Gus" rant is the continuity factor. I think the plan to keep him was made with Bortles in mind. Gus stays, the offensive scheme and coaching stays, and the hope is Blake makes another big jump in year 3. If that and an improved defence is not enough to sneak in as a wild card (or at least go a legitimate 9-7 or something like that), then Gus and the staff are gone. Bortles, going into his 4th year at that point, with one offseason devoted to mechanics and another to the finer points of QB play, will be enough of a veteran to take the changes in stride without regressing. That's what I think the rationale is.

Quote:This guy's such a clown, insert juggling pins here.

He kinda reminds me of a Peewee Herman.

That's a bit harsh.

I only attack the densest of the dense. And if calling a moron a moron is seen as attacking, well so be it.

A) I "harp" on those posters because I get enough childish nonsense from my kids. I get tired of coming to a place where I like to read tidbits and opinions on our team, only to have every thread derailed, every scum bum with a computer hops on here and floods the board with repetitive posts. Banging the same drum over and over. It's annoying.

I know what catharsis means son. By definition, you're saying you get relief from posting the same "I HATE BRADLEY" stuff over and over. But you don't, otherwise at some point, you'd be "relieved" and wouldn't feel the need to post the same mumbo jumbo.

B ) I too enjoy "killing time" on the board. It is why I come here. What I don't get is that at least 10-12 of you posters wake up every day to come here and post the same wah wah wah stuff. (But if you're at "work" you should be working)

Yo Boy, Thundercat, rocdee... same ol song and dance, every single day. I didn't know McD's allowed employees online during work hours.

The difference between myself and the trolls of the board is that I can say my piece and have an intelligent and sometimes enlightening conversation with many posters on here.

But a few posters seem to only be friendly with people that beat the same drum. Sure, sometimes I get hot... get into some nonsensical back and forths...

That's when I choose to take a break.

Wrapping it up...

you get no relief from being negative. Negativity breeds negativity. Hate breeds hate.

And getting all worked up like a bibber changes nothing, not your attitude, not the team, nothing.

Facts are facts. Nothing said or done here has any effect on the team. So while a conversation of "options of back up QBs" could be a nice thread.... it is sure to be over-run in a matter of minutes with people just wanting to complain that others don't see their way.

--before you fire off with "you do the same" No, I don't.

You can have your opinion -- Gus is horrible, Henne is horrible... that's fine. But they aren't going anywhere, and that makes you mad, (not YOU YOU) and that's kind of sad.

They say the truth hurts.. See heres the thing.. Being positive is why there is still a losing culture around here, people accept everything. I call it "the Gus mentality".No one wants to hear or talk about the negatives on this team.. It kills them to hear the truth! But im that guy thats gonna cut the BS and talk about it whether you like it or not.. I dont care about your feelings or your friend admin... If you want someone to cater to your feelings and agree with everything you post then go to your momma house!
Quote:They say the truth hurts.. See heres the thing.. Being positive is why there is still a losing culture around here, people accept everything. I call it "the Gus mentality".No one wants to hear or talk about the negatives on this team.. It kills them to hear the truth! But im that guy thats gonna cut the [BAD WORD REMOVED] and talk about it whether you like it or not.. I dont care about your feelings or your friend admin... If you want someone to cater to your feelings and agree with everything you post then go to your momma house!
Truth hurts?


Must hurt to know you're a simple minded fool, child-like in nature.

I call it the "21st century can't beat sense into your kids anymore" flaw.


You keep talking about whatever you want dude. Eventually I'll get tired of it enough and you'll all just be blocked.


Ain't nobody got time for ya'lls nonsense. Especially with the offseason coming up. It'll get worse once you kids are out of school.

Oi... I might just take a 4 month vacation until draft time.
Gus is a defensive coach who can't stop ANYONE. His defense has gotten WORSE. He's terrible. 

Quote:Truth hurts?

Must hurt to know you're a simple minded fool, child-like in nature.

I call it the "21st century can't beat sense into your kids anymore" flaw.

You keep talking about whatever you want dude. Eventually I'll get tired of it enough and you'll all just be blocked.

Ain't nobody got time for ya'lls nonsense. Especially with the offseason coming up. It'll get worse once you kids are out of school.

Oi... I might just take a 4 month vacation until draft time.

You're gonna "bah humbug" free agency???

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
Quote:You're gonna "bah humbug" free agency???

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

That is pure gold. Getting blocked by Kane is something that keeps me up at night. Not kidding. It's like that one guy who threatened to add people to his hall of fame in his signature. Forgot who that was.
I have turned from a "Pro Gus" to a "Show Me Now Gus" guy.  My mind is give him the next year.  


To begin the year, many in the community had the Jags pegged for a true playoff contender.  If you were to put down the teal koolaid, not listen to the organization that wants you to buy tickets, and look at each position's relative talent, it was/is just not that good at too many positions.   I am hopeful that Caldwell has drafted well and these young guys have another level to step up, and that he is able to find some truly impact players in this year's draft and free agency.  When Caldwell ripped the roster apart several years ago, it is a primary responsibility for Gus to develop these young guys; however, not all acquired were 1st-2nd rounders and will take time to develop.  I think one more year is fair given the extent of the rebuild.      

Quote:It's the first. I noticed that there was no accountability for lazy play. That Gus created an environment that said "You can play just enough to earn your pay check comfortably and nothing more." In the third year that changed a little bit but the last 5 games made it seem like it reverted back. On the defensive side anyway.

Mmm...no. House got benched because he was wasn't playing to his potential. When he was reinserted to the line up, he was immediately better. That's accountability. It's also a move that was universally panned on this board. Funny how that works.
Quote:Mmm...no. House got benched because he was wasn't playing to his potential. When he was reinserted to the line up, he was immediately better. That's accountability. It's also a move that was universally panned on this board. Funny how that works.

And yet Bubblegum did his Fire Marshall Bill impersonation week in and week out with no accountability.
Quote:And yet Bubblegum did his Fire Marshall Bill impersonation week in and week out with no accountability.

Gratz was probably the one putting in the reps in practice. And it's not like there was a better option on the roster. Unless you mean McCray.
Quote:The only thing that prevents me from going on a "fire Gus" rant is the continuity factor. I think the plan to keep him was made with Bortles in mind. Gus stays, the offensive scheme and coaching stays, and the hope is Blake makes another big jump in year 3. If that and an improved defence is not enough to sneak in as a wild card (or at least go a legitimate 9-7 or something like that), then Gus and the staff are gone. Bortles, going into his 4th year at that point, with one offseason devoted to mechanics and another to the finer points of QB play, will be enough of a veteran to take the changes in stride without regressing. That's what I think the rationale is.
I think this is spot on.  I'd rather have a new HC this year but I think they just want some continuity with all the change that's taken place.  With all the firings this year we would probably be low on the list for the better coaches anyway.  Hopefully there will only be a few vacancies next year if Gus can't get it done and we can get someone we want and not leftovers.
Quote:Mmm...no. House got benched because he was wasn't playing to his potential. When he was reinserted to the line up, he was immediately better. That's accountability. It's also a move that was universally panned on this board. Funny how that works.
Sorry, man. But that is revisionist history, and completely disingenuous.

House was benched after the tin horn game in a stupid move to feign accountability.

House actually played very well that game, with one mistake on that first hopkins td.

The fact that Gus benched him after that game was when I began to realize, he's not capable of coaching in the nfl
I'm still trying to come to terms of hiring a GM who's never been one, a Head Coach who's never been one, a OC who's never been one and a DC who's was demoted from the position in his last gig. When Andy Reid was available. And coming off a 2-14 season. SMH.


Regards....................the Chiefjag

Quote:Sorry, man. But that is revisionist history, and completely disingenuous.

House was benched after the tin horn game in a stupid move to feign accountability.

House actually played very well that game, with one mistake on that first hopkins td.

The fact that Gus benched him after that game was when I began to realize, he's not capable of coaching in the nfl
Look at his #s/grades before and after that game. And I think he gave up 2 tds to Hopkins at least.

And, yes, that is what happened. Nothing revisionist at all. Just doesn't fit the narrative, I guess.
Quote:Look at his #s/grades before and after that game. And I think he gave up 2 tds to Hopkins at least.

And, yes, that is what happened. Nothing revisionist at all. Just doesn't fit the narrative, I guess.

Don't care about grades...

And the second td was not on house.

Go watch that replay of the second td. Hopkins got away with pass interference and Evans at fs blew the coverage over the top.

If anyone should have been benched, it was Evans.

The majority of that game, house had Hopkins on lock.
Quote:Don't care about grades...

And the second td was not on house.

Go watch that replay of the second td. Hopkins got away with pass interference and Evans at fs blew the coverage over the top.

If anyone should have been benched, it was Evans.

The majority of that game, house had Hopkins on lock.

Regardless you cannot say that Gus displays any kind of consistency when House gets benched for a few bad plays and Gratz continues to play after several bad games.
Quote:Regardless you cannot say that Gus displays any kind of consistency when House gets benched for a few bad plays and Gratz continues to play after several bad games.

It's the false narrative that bothers me. The fact that house got benched while he was playing at the highest level of any cb the entire season, and then when Gus, who clearly had no idea what he was doing but was trying to get some spark out of his lack luster defense threw a dart at the wall and then randomly selects his best cb to be benched is not something that is praise worthy of the coach.

And on top of that, the benching was stupid in terms of sitting your best corner based on a game that he actually played pretty well in. Even the announcers in that game were giving house credit for almost the entire game. There were three catches Hopkins made that really solidified that game for the tin horns.

Only one of those three catches could be blamed on house.

And you're right as well, only a manager that is in over his head would reprimand his best employee while allowing low performers to stay off the hook.

It's mind boggling to consider that some folks are not seeing this incompetence.
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