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Full Version: Has any pro Gus fans changed their minds?
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Quote:So were you a believer In Gus methods at one point?

Yep, during his first year. I thought his style was a refreshing change and that once the old baggage was purged from the roster we would start seeing results.  But just as Setsuna says, the accountability factor never emerged.  Additionally, he seems completely clueless on the sidelines. Between head scratching play calls and atrocious clock management, he's always standing there with hands on knees at every snap like some football wisdom is going to magically appear. I think Khan has made a critical mistake in voicing his support for him next season. I predict he'll be gone by the 4th game.
Quote:Caldwell needs to feel some heat too



He has TOO many questionable moves.



Yeah, he has some good picks, but he has more dumb/bad decisions


Quote:I lay more blame on Caldwell than Gus, doesn't matter who our coach was this year, the defensive half of the roster was complete garbage. More than half the oline is garbage, a kicker with a mental problem, it goes on and on and on. 

I hear ya guys...  I have defended D.Caldwell since the start of the season and as of right now, I still think he's done a good job.


But I think his seat is gonna start warming up a bit too by the end of next season if things continue as they are currently heading.  Which is to say, if we are still stuck in neutral and only eeking out 5-7 wins, Caldwell is gonna have some explaining to do.


As for the original topic of this thread...  I just want to point out that at the beginning of the season, I was not negative towards Bradley.  I was actually where alot of folks are, in terms of giving him time to get this thing turned around.


But it was that 3 game stretch from October 4th through October 18th that really cemented by position on Bradley.  After those 3 straight losses, I could no longer just ignore what I was seeing anymore.


Maybe he'll figure it all out, but I no longer thing so.  And it was those games against the clots, bucs, and tinhorns that really made me sour to Bradley.  The cherry on top of this ice cream sundae is that from November 29th through January 3rd, we went 1-5 to end the season.  1-5 at a time when we controlled our own destiny to get into the play-offs.


I just have no confidence in this coach anymore.
If he is gone mid season next year that is a massive failure by ownership to properly evaluate what's going on.
Quote:If he is gone mid season next year that is a massive failure by ownership to properly evaluate what's going on.

Yup, Khan will regret his decision to say Bradley was safe...  He should have waited and fired him today or Tommorrow.  Of course, it's still not too late for him to change his mind...  The fact that we all know how next season is gonna turn out based on him being the coach should tell him something.


Why continue fighting the head wind?  Just make the correct decision.  At this point, that's all that matters.  How you get to the decision is of no importance.  What is important is to make the correct decision.  The correct decision is to fire Bradley.

So to confirm all those who want him gone are happy for another change of OC?
Quote:Yep, during his first year. I thought his style was a refreshing change and that once the old baggage was purged from the roster we would start seeing results.  But just as Setsuna says, the accountability factor never emerged.  Additionally, he seems completely clueless on the sidelines. Between head scratching play calls and atrocious clock management, he's always standing there with hands on knees at every snap like some football wisdom is going to magically appear. I think Khan has made a critical mistake in voicing his support for him next season. I predict he'll be gone by the 4th game.

That's because you thought you were getting the "DO YOUR JOB" Gus Bradley and things were going to change around here, but unfortunately, that's just not what we got.
Quote:It's the first. I noticed that there was no accountability for lazy play. That Gus created an environment that said "You can play just enough to earn your pay check comfortably and nothing more." In the third year that changed a little bit but the last 5 games made it seem like it reverted back. On the defensive side anyway.

Wow dude I just got dejavu reading your post. Who was the dude that said playing in Jacksonville was a nice vacation? It's like we have a team full of players and coaches on vacation.
Quote:So to confirm all those who want him gone are happy for another change of OC?

If it has to be, it has to be.


Besides, BB5 did just fine with the change in OCs from last year to this year, except for the high # of INTs, but that was mostly because he had to throw so much with no running game.
Quote:Wow dude I just got dejavu reading your post. Who was the dude that said playing in Jacksonville was a nice vacation? It's like we have a team full of players and coaches on vacation.

Aaron Ross
Quote:So to confirm all those who want him gone are happy for another change of OC?

Who's to say the OC and other coaches aren't leaving anyways?  And who says the OC has to leave with a new coach coming in, either?


But to answer your question, if getting rid of Gus means we lose our OC, I'd be fine with that.  I think keeping Gus is doing more harm than good to the overall team.  If getting a legit HC means we may have to sacrifice the OC, so be it.  Besides, if we get a legit HC, who's to say we don't get an upgrade at OC anyways?


Alot of variables...  The one that is of most importance, in my opinion, is at HC.
Quote:So to confirm all those who want him gone are happy for another change of OC?

This thread is not a fire Gus Bradley thread. There is already one of those so kindly please stop trying to derail the thread.
Quote:Wow dude I just got dejavu reading your post. Who was the dude that said playing in Jacksonville was a nice vacation? It's like we have a team full of players and coaches on vacation.

That dude is dead to me.  And he got fired at ESPN a few years back, which was sweet!!!  
Quote:Aaron Ross

Oh yeah that guy. I always thought he was a scum bag after everyone was proud of his wife performing in the olympics and the team rallied around them. Then he comes out and slaps the team and jville in the face.
Quote:This thread is not a fire Gus Bradley thread. There is already one of those so kindly please stop trying to derail the thread.

How is this thread any different? How is asking a related question detailing a thread?

Chill out wannabe mod
For those still on the pro-Gus bandwagon...  Does the fact that we started the season 1-5 and then ended the season 1-5 give you any pause? 

Quote:How is this thread any different? How is asking a related question detailing a thread?

Chill out wannabe mod

Dude I'm actually trying to avoid the thread getting deleted by the mods. They have it out for me so I'm actually trying to stay on topic. That's all
Quote:For those still on the pro-Gus bandwagon... Does the fact that we started the season 1-5 and then ended the season 1-5 give you any pause?

He's pretty hard to defend. But that 2013 draft is looking awful too. Give Dave and Gus their last year and reassess after. If our O continues to improve we may be able to attract a big time coach, otherwise we may end up with another Mularkey.
Quote:For those still on the pro-Gus bandwagon...  Does the fact that we started the season 1-5 and then ended the season 1-5 give you any pause? 

Reasonable question and on the surface, just looking at the record as a whole or in chunks in year three I think it would give anyone pause.  I'm not sure who is pro-Gus though.  I think most that you are labeling that way are really pro-wait and see.  Understanding that we haven't invested nearly as much on the defensive side of the ball and that our supposed star pass rusher, a position we really had no depth at, saw only the first few minutes of his first practice before going on IR.  And to add on top of that, our emerging QB is still a very high variance type of guy meaning he plays great a lot of the time and makes some really bad decisions at the worst times which has led to several of our losses.  


Expectations should be that those plays will happen less as he continues to get better, that our defensive unit will receive an infusion of talent in the offseason, that even a coach can and should get better with coaching and clock management and finally that continuity is good for a young team.  When you hire a coordinator with no head coaching experience to be your coach and put him in charge of developing one of the worst rosters assembled in recent memory, you have to give him and the GM time.  I have no problem with people suggesting he be let go, there's plenty of evidence to support that argument.  However, how confident are you that he won't continue to develop his head coaching skill set in year 4 and beyond?  How many close games have we had where clock management could play a part in winning or losing prior to this season?  Despite this being year three, I think Gus has gotten more meaningful coaching experience this year than he did in years one and two because the games have been closer.  I think letting this GM/coach combo work into their final year of their contracts and see how the first half of next season unfolds before beginning to form a meaningful evaluation of what's working and what isn't is a reasonable way to approach things.  


And for all the praise that Caldwell has been getting around here...  the 2013 draft top to bottom looks to be a disaster so far and 2015 is too soon to tell.  If his future here is being questioned by Khan as well, why not let the coach/GM continue to be tied together so you can do a clean sweep next year if need be.

I'm ok with 1 more year. But then I join the whiner bandwagon.
Quote:Yup, Khan will regret his decision to say Bradley was safe...  He should have waited and fired him today or Tommorrow.  Of course, it's still not too late for him to change his mind...  The fact that we all know how next season is gonna turn out based on him being the coach should tell him something.


Why continue fighting the head wind?  Just make the correct decision.  At this point, that's all that matters.  How you get to the decision is of no importance.  What is important is to make the correct decision.  The correct decision is to fire Bradley.

Would love to be a fly on the wall during the evaluation meeting tomorrow


But then again, I'd hate to waste my only opportunity to ever eavesdrop just to hear the words, "Who wants ice cream?????!!!!"
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