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Quote:Public option or singlepayer. Remove the insurance burden from employers. We already pay into Medicare. Why is this [BAD WORD REMOVED] so difficult?

Ask the va
Quote:Of course I advocate healthcare isn't a right so if a for profit hospital says no money no service I'm good with that.

But let's not pretend even in that most extrem scenario there wouldn't be charity driven clinics offering free or low cost healthcare options.

As long as the taxpayer doesn't have to cover their losses.
Quote:As long as the taxpayer doesn't have to cover their losses.

Then it wouldn't be charity driven it would be subsidy driven that's essentially obamacare in a nutshell.
Quote:Of course I advocate healthcare isn't a right so if a for profit hospital says no money no service I'm good with that.

But let's not pretend even in that most extrem scenario there wouldn't be charity driven clinics offering free or low cost healthcare options.

Just curious, are you saying that there are free or low-cost options for all those folks with serious health care issues? That thousands don't die each year because of lack of health care? That folks like Nikki White don't exist? i am a bit confused by your post.
Quote:Yea no thanks I'll take no insurance over a single payer system.
and then find out you have something like diabetes where you have to buy your own medicine and one shot of insulin costs $1000 and you have to take one a day every day plus some pills, and then when the insulin stops working the next thing is even more expensive than insulin
Quote:Public option or singlepayer. Remove the insurance burden from employers. We already pay into Medicare. Why is this [BAD WORD REMOVED] so difficult?

Because these Ryan Republicans just want the poor to go and die already.  
Trump keeps winning!

Trumps the best!

Yahoo Trump!

Snowflakes go away!
Quote:Public option or singlepayer. Remove the insurance burden from employers. We already pay into Medicare. Why is this [BAD WORD REMOVED] so difficult?
and then it comes right back to the point that most people can not afford to pay the entire cost of health care which is why it became embedded on employers to offer health care to their employees
Quote:and then it comes right back to the point that most people can not afford to pay the entire cost of health care which is why it became embedded on employers to offer health care to their employees

Not true. Healthcare as a benefit started in response to government caps on wages.

Moreover your employer doesn't pay for anything. Your total compensation package is just that. The match on ss 401 employer contributions for health premiums etc. Are all part of the budgeted compensation to pay a position. If the employee can't produce enough to justify the expense they are terminated. Employers aren't piggy banks.
Quote:Not true. Healthcare as a benefit started in response to government caps on wages.

Moreover your employer doesn't pay for anything. Your total compensation package is just that. The match on ss 401 employer contributions for health premiums etc. Are all part of the budgeted compensation to pay a position. If the employee can't produce enough to justify the expense they are terminated. Employers aren't piggy banks.
Im in a union our contract reads that union employees shall only pay 11% of the total premium and the employer shall pay the other 89%

I did a quick search the other day on the ACA site and could find nothing affordable that was useful...I dont know why people want to argue that people can afford it on their own when they cant 

Quote:Im in a union our contract reads that union employees shall only pay 11% of the total premium and the employer shall pay the other 89%

I did a quick search the other day on the ACA site and could find nothing affordable that was useful...I dont know why people want to argue that people can afford it on their own when they cant 

We're not, we're arguing that the current system leads to price inflation. The system is the REASON people can't afford it.
As a follow up to a previous post about Big Data:



Quote:We're not, we're arguing that the current system leads to price inflation. The system is the REASON people can't afford it.
I would add corporate greed into the equation as a huge contributor to making it  not affordable  
Quote:I would add corporate greed into the equation as a huge contributor to making it  not affordable  

Why is that exactly?
Quote:Why is that exactly?
with record high profits for last year, my health care company upped my premium 15% because they decided that the CEO needs to make $30mm a year...Im all for making as much as you can, and rewarding good work, but with record high profits, they didn't need to increase the rates..They increased the rates so they could up the CEO's pay and try keep the same profit margin...When you have record profits and increase the price of your services I call that greed...Kinda like when companies say they "lost" $20mm last year because they only profited $45mm instead of $65....They didn't lose anything, they just didn't make as much
Quote:and then find out you have something like diabetes where you have to buy your own medicine and one shot of insulin costs $1000 and you have to take one a day every day plus some pills, and then when the insulin stops working the next thing is even more expensive than insulin

Or God forbid that kid he has in the pic has some serious life threatening disease...guess our attitudes should be...." not our problem."
Liberals crying about "record high profits" and "OH MY GOSH!  THINK OF THE CHILDREN!".  Lol.


People are irresponsible and expect "someone else" (the government) to solve their problems.


Health care is not and should not be a federal government issue.  Employers should not be forced to provide health insurance.  People in general should not be forced to buy health insurance.  Health insurance should not pay for routine medical care.


Tax-free health savings accounts that can be passed on to heirs is the way to go.  The same could be said for retirement accounts, but that's a whole other subject.

Quote:Liberals crying about "record high profits" and "OH MY GOSH! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!". Lol.

People are irresponsible and expect "someone else" (the government) to solve their problems.

Health care is not and should not be a federal government issue. Employers should not be forced to provide health insurance. People in general should not be forced to buy health insurance. Health insurance should not pay for routine medical care.

Tax-free health savings accounts that can be passed on to heirs is the way to go. The same could be said for retirement accounts, but that's a whole other subject.

Lol will you be one of the 24 million to lose coverage?
Quote:with record high profits for last year, my health care company upped my premium 15% because they decided that the CEO needs to make $30mm a year...Im all for making as much as you can, and rewarding good work, but with record high profits, they didn't need to increase the rates..They increased the rates so they could up the CEO's pay and try keep the same profit margin...When you have record profits and increase the price of your services I call that greed...Kinda like when companies say they "lost" $20mm last year because they only profited $45mm instead of $65....They didn't lose anything, they just didn't make as much

Do you have your own individual policy or are you on a group plan? I thought you were a union guy, is that correct?
Quote:Lol will you be one of the 24 million to lose coverage?

Whether he is or isn't doesn't change the fact that it's a matter of personal responsibility being abdicated to the "community."
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