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But your premium went up 15%, either your company gained something in return for that hike or you should consider some different negotiators.
Quote:But your premium went up 15%, either your company gained something in return for that hike or you should consider some different negotiators.
Health care goes up every year...It's actually something like one year with the option to renew every year for 3 years as we negotiate the new contract every 3 years...But yeah it went up 15%...Every contract year it seems we change our health care company..The one we have now is a regional health care group, it pretty well guaranteed we will [BLEEP] can this company next year...  
6 years in the making boys

What a resounding SPLAT that was

Y'all must be so proud
Not sure why people are celebrating a broken insurance system. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Everybody loses.

Quote:Not sure why people are celebrating a broken insurance system. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Everybody loses.

Then put forth a fix. They didn't offer a real fix.
Quote:Not sure why people are celebrating a broken insurance system. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Everybody loses.

They celebrate because their hatred for Trump outweighs fixing health care.
Quote:Then put forth a fix. They didn't offer a real fix.

Maybe there is no fix.
Quote:Maybe there is no fix.

Less intervention is the fix.
Quote:Less intervention is the fix.

For starters, lets add a 100% "health tax" to all tobacco products as well as recreational marijuana and have that go into a pool everybody can benefit from.
Quote:Not sure why people are celebrating a broken insurance system. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Everybody loses.
Quote:They celebrate because their hatred for Trump outweighs fixing health care.

Partisan issue? They can't get it passed through their own party.

Their own party " hatred for Trump outweighs fixing healthcare" ?

So far, they're living up to the party of no moniker ain't they?

Obviously,this shart of the deal imploded.

Welp. Move on. Start on the wall. I heard Mexicos check was in the mail.

Partisan issue? They can't get it passed through their own party.

Their own party " hatred for Trump outweighs fixing healthcare" ?

So far, they're living up to the party of no moniker ain't they?

Obviously,this shart of the deal imploded.

Welp. Move on. Start on the wall. I heard Mexicos check was in the mail.

Actually, tax reform is next. I suppose you don't want that either, right?
DJT just blamed Pelosi and Schumer. Im mistaken, I thought they were the minority.Or that they have so much influence on Republicans.

But why debate here? Call Ted Yoho for one, he voted against it. Donald is questioning loyalty.

If someone could outline the new and improved Trumpcare, then perhaps we can make informed opinions.

IF this new bill isn't any better, then kudos to those voted for against it, and not being intimidated by being labeled not loyal.

The GOP controls. Or do they? Fractured , independent cliques weaken a cause.

Up next? Paul Ryan thrown under the bus.
Quote:Actually, tax reform is next. I suppose you don't want that either, right?

Does it matter what I want? Why waste time wishing for anything that won't pass.

So, what happens to the " immediate repeal and replace of the disasterous ACA? "

Shelved? Move on to the next promise?

Cmon man, we've heard years and years of how Obamacare had to go. They've had all this time. Result. Whiff.
Quote:Actually, tax reform is next. I suppose you don't want that either, right?
The majority (whether you believe it or not) want good things to happen but a lot of people on this board tried to act like Trump was the savior and he would fix all issues. "Trump keeps winning".

He's no different than any other president except he tweets non stop.
The death of Trumpcare or Ryancare is no great loss.  I don't know that the Repub rebellion is over health care or simply over opposing Trump.  Are they ready to pass his tax cut package now?  I doubt it.  He is still facing headwinds from most parts of government, including the entrenched leaders of both political parties.  They will gobble up his $1 Trillion infrastructure plan and the pork will gorge itself for a while.  But don't expect cooperation on anything that makes government smaller or citizens more free.

Quote:The majority (whether you believe it or not) want good things to happen but a lot of people on this board tried to act like Trump was the savior and he would fix all issues. "Trump keeps winning".

He's no different than any other president except he tweets non stop.

This was a failure of both Trump and the Establishment.


Rather than just repeal Obamacare, the Pub Establishment came up with their own crappy version that satisfied the insurance company cronies. They were always ready to pass a repeal bill as long as it couldn't get past a presidential veto. Now that option is gone and so they showed just what they really are, Republicrats.


Trump should never have supported it, but he's not a conservative. No surprise there.

Quote:This was a failure of both Trump and the Establishment.

Rather than just repeal Obamacare, the Pub Establishment came up with their own crappy version that satisfied the insurance company cronies. They were always ready to pass a repeal bill as long as it couldn't get past a presidential veto. Now that option is gone and so they showed just what they really are, Republicrats.

Trump should never have supported it, but he's not a conservative. No surprise there.


They were great at passing bills of repealing. But when it came to winning the repeal process, they were deer in the headlights. When the rubber finally hit the road after years of bills of repeal, they weren't even spinning their wheels, but rather stuck in neutral. Making noise, but getting no where. Paul Ryan Leaf and DJT will not be having brunch together soon. Now Trump states he will just let the ACA explode.

Amazing listening to Ryan and DT blaming the Dems. A bill put together that they couldn't get their own side to agree with. Truly, politics has no shame.

weve heard that no one knew what was in the ACA when it passed. Did we hear what was in the repeal bill?

It's early in the new administration and the GOP majority, they have time to regroup.

The bases were loaded with two out in the bottom of the ninth, and they struck out looking.

But there's another game tomorrow. How will they regroup?
Obama care itself looked dead for a long time. It didn't really get going until the beginning of Obama's second year of his presidency.

Tax reform should have been first. This phase 3 crap was idiotic
Quote:For starters, lets add a 100% "health tax" to all tobacco products as well as recreational marijuana and have that go into a pool everybody can benefit from.

So more intervention then?
I think Trump got railroaded by Ryan and Trump probably did learn a lot in this process.  The lesson Ryan wants to teach is that Trump needs Ryan more than Ryan needs Trump.  Ryan figures he has another 30-40 years in Congress and maybe even a Presidential run or two in his future.  He knows Trump will be done in 4 or 8 years but the Fat Cats in Congress are wedged in there securely for decades.  What has Ryan accomplished since taking over as Speaker?  Nothing, and that is by design.  He was a lackey ordered to roll over for the globalist Obama and now he's a lackey ordered to divert and oppose the nationalist Trump. 


Trump may know "The Art Of The Deal", but that is quite different than "The Art Of 535 Deals".  Trump may be neutered and unable to pass any significant legislation unless it serves the status quo.  That's dangerous because he may retreat to the realms where he has supreme power, like Commander In Chief.  Maybe the elites know this and think they can prod him into achieving their ultimate goals - a world war, a billion lives lost and the elites ready to jump in with the "solution" of full global governance.  Maybe it happens decades sooner with Trump at the helm.

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