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Quote:20 states and 225 cities/counties disagree with your sentiment.

And might makes right?

Wait, it's race, not tax dollars? Pretty sure all those different zip codes still fall under Duval County and I don't see funding broke down by zip code, school, or race.





Quote:Which zip code discriminates in spending based on race?

Go to a school in 32259 and one in 32209 and tell me if you see a difference.
Quote:And might makes right?

You're making the same argument that was made against integration of schools.
Quote:Go to a school in 32259 and one in 32209 and tell me if you see a difference.

Is there a disparity in funding, or how the schools allocates it? I honestly don't know.
Quote:Go to a school in 32259 and one in 32209 and tell me if you see a difference

OK. I google mapped schools in both. I only had a top view, but they looked pretty much the same size and construction. The one in 32259 (presumably the "white" neighborhood) had a lot of trailers. I don't think that's a plus.

Quote:You're making the same argument that was made against integration of schools.

Then you didn't read what I wrote. There's a huge difference between how the blacks were discriminated against vs. LGBTLSMFT. You're entire response was that people in power disagree with me. So you're defending might makes right.

Quote:Is there a disparity in funding, or how the schools allocates it? I honestly don't know.

The quality of teachers and turnover ratios in predominantly white areas are always better than predominantly black neighborhoods, especially when economic disparity is an issue. There's no incentive for good teachers to stay in perennially bad schools.

You can look at East St. Louis and inner city D.C. as examples where getting even a basic education is not guaranteed.
Quote:The quality of teachers and turnover ratios in predominantly white areas are always better than predominantly black neighborhoods, especially when economic disparity
is an issue. There's no incentive for good teachers to stay in perennially bad schools.

You can look at East St. Louis and inner city D.C. as examples where getting even a basic education is not guaranteed.
This is the real issue and not race.  I am glad you finally recognized the difference.
Quote:The quality of teachers and turnover ratios in predominantly white areas are always better than predominantly black neighborhoods, especially when economic disparity is an issue. There's no incentive for good teachers to stay in perennially bad schools.

You can look at East St. Louis and inner city D.C. as examples where getting even a basic education is not guaranteed.

What makes them perennially bad schools? The lack of discipline in the students borne of high unwed birth rates and the absolute dearth of fathers in homes, that's what. The mothers send their children to school demanding they be educated AND taught the basic discipline they should be learning at home. Popular black culture has bred a practice of self-destruction that is deemed immune from criticism by their democrat overseers. And why not? That's where they derive their power. I've had one public school teacher tell me herself that tending to a classroom of poor black kids is absolutely draining because their attitudes and behaviors are dismissive, then confrontational, when any attempts are made at discipline. She also says many more teachers feel the same way but won't speak up because they're afraid of having the race card pulled. Poor black schools are the DIRECT result of leftist policy. Billy Joe Jimbob can be instantly labeled worthless white trash by the left for displaying disruptive behavior and that's okay. Suggest black culture is sabotaging their own future and you become a KKK member.
Quote:What makes them perennially bad schools? The lack of discipline in the students borne of high unwed birth rates and the absolute dearth of fathers in homes, that's what. The mothers send their children to school demanding they be educated AND taught the basic discipline they should be learning at home. Popular black culture has bred a practice of self-destruction that is deemed immune from criticism by their democrat overseers. And why not? That's where they derive their power. I've had one public school teacher tell me herself that tending to a classroom of poor black kids is absolutely draining because their attitudes and behaviors are dismissive, then confrontational, when any attempts are made at discipline. She also says many more teachers feel the same way but won't speak up because they're afraid of having the race card pulled. Poor black schools are the DIRECT result of leftist policy. Billy Joe Jimbob can be instantly labeled worthless white trash by the left for displaying disruptive behavior and that's okay. Suggest black culture is sabotaging their own future and you become a KKK member.

Actually poverty is a bigger indicator of problems in school than parent marital status.  Single parents that aren't in poverty do as well as other parents.  
Quote:Actually poverty is a bigger indicator of problems in school than parent marital status. Single parents that aren't in poverty do as well as other parents.

I agree, and a culture which encourages girls to have sex at an early and for the fathers to not be involved in raising the child generates a lot of poverty.
Quote:What makes them perennially bad schools? The lack of discipline in the students borne of high unwed birth rates and the absolute dearth of fathers in homes, that's what. The mothers send their children to school demanding they be educated AND taught the basic discipline they should be learning at home. Popular black culture has bred a practice of self-destruction that is deemed immune from criticism by their democrat overseers. And why not? That's where they derive their power. I've had one public school teacher tell me herself that tending to a classroom of poor black kids is absolutely draining because their attitudes and behaviors are dismissive, then confrontational, when any attempts are made at discipline. She also says many more teachers feel the same way but won't speak up because they're afraid of having the race card pulled. Poor black schools are the DIRECT result of leftist policy. Billy Joe Jimbob can be instantly labeled worthless white trash by the left for displaying disruptive behavior and that's okay. Suggest black culture is sabotaging their own future and you become a KKK member.

I won't disagree with much of what you say or call you a racist. I don't think the dems have been terribly helpful, but I find the GOP to be less so. DeVos is a slap in the face to all educators and students. My mother taught for over 40 years and we talked at length about some of the issues political parties have fumbled for decades. I think there are solutions for improving predominantly black, poor schools. One of the biggest issues is that the burnout rate for teachers, even in good schools, is a few years. Much harder to get good educators to stay and turn around schools when they are making barely enough to get by.
Quote:Now we're just talking in circles. If you want to be a landlord, you cannot discriminate. That's the law. You don't like it, write your Congressmen or good luck finding another country which will offer you our same freedoms while maintaining the right to not rent property based on someone's religion, race, handicap or sexual orientation. These laws were put in place (and amended) because people who were renting property were violating the rights tenants have.

You may not like it, but you had better learn to love it. Woooooooooo!

Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. -- Daniel Webster
Quote:What makes them perennially bad schools? The lack of discipline in the students borne of high unwed birth rates and the absolute dearth of fathers in homes, that's what. The mothers send their children to school demanding they be educated AND taught the basic discipline they should be learning at home. Popular black culture has bred a practice of self-destruction that is deemed immune from criticism by their democrat overseers. And why not? That's where they derive their power. I've had one public school teacher tell me herself that tending to a classroom of poor black kids is absolutely draining because their attitudes and behaviors are dismissive, then confrontational, when any attempts are made at discipline. She also says many more teachers feel the same way but won't speak up because they're afraid of having the race card pulled. Poor black schools are the DIRECT result of leftist policy. Billy Joe Jimbob can be instantly labeled worthless white trash by the left for displaying disruptive behavior and that's okay. Suggest black culture is sabotaging their own future and you become a KKK member.

Truth spoken. No one single person will fix it either. A sweeping cultural change is the only hope.
Quote:Truth spoken. No one single person will fix it either. A sweeping cultural change is the only hope.

And that's the crux, Western Culture is their enemy, never knowing why and never learning its glories.
Quote:I know this is really hard for you so I'll spend a few minutes on this. Your bigoted, narrow-minded liberal worldview severely handicaps your ability to reason outside of the predefined answers to all problems in life, so maybe, just maybe, you'll take the time to actually learn something here.

I prioritize private property rights as the penultimate right of all the free world. Every other right that we have stems from the right to ownership. Ownership of our freedoms, our minds, our tongues, our relationships, our property and our actions. The core principle of Marxism is the abolition of private property, as such our defense of it must always supersede all other concerns. In the case of business relationships, the right to free association is the outgrowth of my right to my time, relationships, activities, privacy, and property. For another person to express a claim, no matter how small, to those things is an act of tyranny which must vigorously be refuted. The small encroachments of socialism and communism upon the right to private property over the last hundred years is the slow expression of the war against freedom. In the particular case of renting a private dwelling, I am adamantly opposed to anyone's belief that they have the right to tell the owner how he must use his property. In your example that means the owner can discriminate for any reason he so chooses. I don't have to like what he chooses to do with his property to support his right to do it But the opposite is also true, I would adamantly oppose any law that told him he could NOT rent his property to whomever he sees fit, even if I thought he really shouldn't. The government has no place at that table nor do I possess the arrogance to believe that I do, that we permit that interference represents the greatest threat to freedom we face.

Now, I know that your knee jerk liberal name calling is the only way you can express your disagreement with me, but I hope that you can at least broaden your mind to consider that there isn't a single bigoted or racist reason why I believe what I do. What I believe in is the freedom of a man or woman to express his or her property rights as he or she intends. Not as I intend, not as you intend, for, quite frankly, it's none of my or your damn business. I hope that you can accept that just because I disagree with your position my reasons are not what you assume them to be. If you can do that then you might just be able to end your prejudicial behavior in these discussions.
Starts with calling someone a narrow minded bigot (while attempting to explain why you should be able to discriminate against certain groups of people) and ends with accusing others of name calling. That's some next level lack of self awareness right there. Bravo.
Quote:Starts with calling someone a narrow minded bigot (while attempting to explain why you should be able to discriminate against certain groups of people) and ends with accusing others of name calling. That's some next level lack of self awareness right there. Bravo.

I know exactly what this is. 
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