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Bottom line, Obama is not being very Presidential at all. He is supposed to be making the transition as smooth as possible for his successor but that is not the case. He's acting like a petulant child who knows he's about to be irrelevant and is throwing hail mary tantrums. What a legacy. 


Someone asked in another thread why companies weren't interested in keeping business here or bringing it back from overseas. The reason is Obama didn't inspire any confidence in the business world that would make companies want to be here. The same as he has done with almost everything else he has touched. No confidence. And the stunts he's pulling now are showing why our country is in the state it is on a geopolitical level.  

Quote:Probably like, "damn grandpa, why you try to genocide the Jews? We backed the wrong horse."

It's amazing how nutzo some of you people allow yourselves to become. Truely. BTW Israel wouldn't exist if we didn't spend our tax dollars buying their bombs for them.
Quote:It's amazing how nutzo some of you people allow yourselves to become. Truely. BTW Israel wouldn't exist if we didn't spend our tax dollars buying their bombs for them.

Someday you might read a book or two and understand these various topics we discuss here.
Quote:Jews, continually, as far back as recorded history.

Its always nice to see that the anti-Semitism of the Left isn't that far below the surface.

Can Britain have the land back in the US? You guys have made a bit of a mess of it.
Quote:To be honest, it doesn't really. Crimeans populace voted in favor of it. The global community outside Ukraine didn't seem to care enough to intervene either. Putin sees weakness in the west. We are downsizing our military. We made false threats.

But tell me. Do you believe Crimea is worth WW3?

Bully nation ceases a small area by force. Nobody wants to start WW3 over it. The lesson is what? What else can they get away with that nobody will confront them on? Who else is at risk of a hostile takeover?

p.s. - I am most shocked at how apologetic American sentiment has gotten for Russia. It's the antithesis of my entire upbringing from Nikolai Volkoff to Red Dawn to Rocky IV. And it's not as if Russia has changed its spots. They have gotten worse. It's baffling.
Quote:Can Britain have the land back in the US? You guys have made a bit of a mess of it.

Whatever, we've made it the greatest country on Earth and kept the free world free for you slackers.
Quote:Bully nation ceases a small area by force. Nobody wants to start WW3 over it. The lesson is what? What else can they get away with that nobody will confront them on? Who else is at risk of a hostile takeover?

p.s. - I am most shocked at how apologetic American sentiment has gotten for Russia. It's the antithesis of my entire upbringing from Nikolai Volkoff to Red Dawn to Rocky IV. And it's not as if Russia has changed its spots. They have gotten worse. It's baffling.

Im not proRussia, nor am I proRussian Scapegoat.
Quote:Bully nation ceases a small area by force. Nobody wants to start WW3 over it. The lesson is what? What else can they get away with that nobody will confront them on? Who else is at risk of a hostile takeover?

p.s. - I am most shocked at how apologetic American sentiment has gotten for Russia. It's the antithesis of my entire upbringing from Nikolai Volkoff to Red Dawn to Rocky IV. And it's not as if Russia has changed its spots. They have gotten worse. It's baffling.
With that said, why now?  Obama has had 8 years to confront Russia and only now with less than a month in office does he stand up to Putin.  As I see it now that he has someone else to fight his battle does he stand up the bully on the block.  Pathetic.
Quote:Im not proRussia, nor am I proRussian Scapegoat.

So.. no issue that Trump finds Assange to be a more reliable source for info than our top two intelligence agencies?

...despite the fact he called WikiLeaks a disgrace a few years ago.
Quote:So.. no issue that Trump finds Assange to be a more reliable source for info than our top two intelligence agencies?

...despite the fact he called WikiLeaks a disgrace a few years ago.

It's very obvious what's going on here, you just dont like it because everyone can see through it. Obama: not even good at being bad.
Quote:It's very obvious what's going on here, you just dont like it because everyone can see through it.

Not sure what this means.. not concerned at all about a president elect who rejects our own intelligence though? That's pretty [BLEEP] alarming.
Quote:Not sure what this means.. not concerned at all about a president elect who rejects our own intelligence though? That's pretty [BAD WORD REMOVED] alarming.

Not when its clearly motivated by political manipulation from the outgoing administration. This is Obama's final middle finger to the countries (US, UK, Israel) and culture (western) that he despises so much.

15 more days and Trump can take the reigns. The question is how much more damage can the death convulsions of the Obama Admin cause on their way to the scrap heap.
Quote:Not when its clearly motivated by political manipulation from the outgoing administration. This is Obama's final middle finger to the countries (US, UK, Israel) and culture (western) that he despises so much.

15 more days and Trump can take the reigns. The question is how much more damage can the death convulsions of the Obama Admin cause on their way to the scrap heap.
So you believe the CIA and the FBI are putting out false information at Obama's behest? Did that whole Comey thing right before the election come from him too? If our president isn't taking the intelligence from our top two intelligence agencies seriously, where the [BLEEP] is he getting his information from? A blog? TV? Russia? Forget the hacks. He doesn't listen to them on anything. He's a narcissist who thinks he knows everything. If this doesn't alarm you in the slightest, I don't know what to tell you. You would be posting daily on this if it were a Dem president elect doing the same thing.
Quote:Not when its clearly motivated by political manipulation from the outgoing administration. This is Obama's final middle finger to the countries (US, UK, Israel) and culture (western) that he despises so much.

15 more days and Trump can take the reigns. The question is how much more damage can the death convulsions of the Obama Admin cause on their way to the scrap heap.

Obama despises western culture? So you really think he is a Muslim terrorist who hates America?

Some of you are the most pathetic, backwards, embarrassing, idiotic people I've ever had the displeasure of considering.
Quote:Obama despises western culture? So you really think he is a Muslim terrorist who hates America?

Some of you are the most pathetic, backwards, embarrassing, idiotic people I've ever had the displeasure of considering.

No, I think he's the stoner offspring of 60s radicals with a penchant towards communism. I see he had the defense department give him the Public Service medal yesterday. How cute, he can wear it right next to his Nobel Prize that was also farcical. Just a get him funny hat, a sash and some eupolettes and he'll be the cream of 3rd world tyrant chic.
Quote:Obama despises western culture? So you really think he is a Muslim terrorist who hates America?

Some of you are the most pathetic, backwards, embarrassing, idiotic people I've ever had the displeasure of considering.

And I think very highly of you as well.
Quote:Obama despises western culture? So you really think he is a Muslim terrorist who hates America?

Some of you are the most pathetic, backwards, embarrassing, idiotic people I've ever had the displeasure of considering.

Triggered beyond belief.


[Image: r0fXL4q.gif]
Quote:So you believe the CIA and the FBI are putting out false information at Obama's behest? Did that whole Comey thing right before the election come from him too? If our president isn't taking the intelligence from our top two intelligence agencies seriously, where the [BAD WORD REMOVED] is he getting his information from? A blog? TV? Russia? Forget the hacks. He doesn't listen to them on anything. He's a narcissist who thinks he knows everything. If this doesn't alarm you in the slightest, I don't know what to tell you. You would be posting daily on this if it were a Dem president elect doing the same thing.

What's been released about hacking has been nonsense about malware script. Yes, the Comey thing was clearly him trying to protect Hilldog to save his job. She should've been indicted at the minimum, in jail for her drimes if she was one of us. The idea you have that government agencies are apolitical is naive.
Quote:Can Britain have the land back in the US? You guys have made a bit of a mess of it.

You do realize the US was never a British territory, don't you?
Quote:What's been released about hacking has been nonsense about malware script. Yes, the Comey thing was clearly him trying to protect Hilldog to save his job. She should've been indicted at the minimum, in jail for her drimes if she was one of us. The idea you have that government agencies are apolitical is naive.

Comey made statements days before the election to make it seem like he was contradicting himself on what he said previously to save his job? He only helped Trump (who doesn't back him any way) and hurt his chances for future employment.
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