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Quote:Do you want it to be considered a hate group so Minorities don't have a voice?

Lol good one.

Minorities won't have a voice? Give me a freakin' break!

Quote:For the record, BLM is a hate group.

"Minorities" in this country do have a voice. It's called the vote.

When an ethnic group/organization thinks that they are more important than everyone else, it's not only a "hate group" but is counter-productive to us as a nation. It's about time people get away from not only the race identification that divides this country, but also the "sexual identity" and other labels that are put on people.

Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, etc. have the same opportunity and are protected by the same laws as everyone else. No one ethnic background is any more important or deserving than another. When people actually finally get this, then we will actually be a united nation.

So everyone should be equal and on a level playing field. Then incarceration rates should not be skewed so drastically to target minorities. Affluenza should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic for rich white people who break the law. Oh.. and since you mention sexual identity, I assume you will be writing the Jax City Council in support of an expanded HRO to protect the 36,000 citizens who can still be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant for being gay in this city. Unless you feel like voicing your support in person on Tuesday evening when it gets reintroduced.
Quote:So everyone should be equal and on a level playing field. Then incarceration rates should not be skewed so drastically to target minorities. Affluenza should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic for rich white people who break the law. Oh.. and since you mention sexual identity, I assume you will be writing the Jax City Council in support of an expanded HRO to protect the 36,000 citizens who can still be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant for being gay in this city. Unless you feel like voicing your support in person on Tuesday evening when it gets reintroduced.

You literally took the words out of my mouth that I was gonna respond to him with.
Quote:So everyone should be equal and on a level playing field. Then incarceration rates should not be skewed so drastically to target minorities. Affluenza should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic for rich white people who break the law. Oh.. and since you mention sexual identity, I assume you will be writing the Jax City Council in support of an expanded HRO to protect the 36,000 citizens who can still be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant for being gay in this city. Unless you feel like voicing your support in person on Tuesday evening when it gets reintroduced.

The incarceration rates reflect the crime rates. Are you suggesting that males are discriminated against because the rate of incarceration is so much higher?


Affluenza absolutely should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic. Most judges reject it. Sure you can find a case or two where the rich kid got off easy, but you can't expect government to be competent.


People don't get fired, evicted, or kicked out for being gay. That's Leftist nonsense. The HRO is there to expand the number of lawsuits. Hmm, wonder what party is in the pocket of the lawyer lobby?

Quote:You literally took the words out of my mouth that I was gonna respond to him with.

Then he "literally" choked on them.

Quote:The incarceration rates reflect the crime rates. Are you suggesting that males are discriminated against because the rate of incarceration is so much higher?


Affluenza absolutely should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic. Most judges reject it. Sure you can find a case or two where the rich kid got off easy, but you can't expect government to be competent.


People don't get fired, evicted, or kicked out for being gay. That's Leftist nonsense. The HRO is there to expand the number of lawsuits. Hmm, wonder what party is in the pocket of the lawyer lobby?
The incarceration rate of black males is over six times that of white males. Roughly half are for drug offenses (thanks Nancy Reagan). Do you believe that blacks are six times more likely to do drugs? Or is it possible, just maybe (not really..  it's [BLEEP] true) cops have been targeting blacks for decades.


If you don't think people get fired, evicted or kicked out of restaurants for being gay, what is the harm in putting in equal protection under the law for anti discrimination like they have for race, religion, sex, etc?


For the record I know a person who has had to move multiple times because a family member is transgender. Illegally evicted and fired. So yes it does [BLEEP] happen. 
Quote:Yes it is.

An MLK was considered a domestic terrorist in the 1950s.
Quote:1. The incarceration rate of black males is over six times that of white males. Roughly half are for drug offenses (thanks Nancy Reagan). Do you believe that blacks are six times more likely to do drugs? Or is it possible, just maybe (not really..  it's [BAD WORD REMOVED] true) cops have been targeting blacks for decades.


2. If you don't think people get fired, evicted or kicked out of restaurants for being gay, what is the harm in putting in equal protection under the law for anti discrimination like they have for race, religion, sex, etc?


3. For the record I know a person who has had to move multiple times because a family member is transgender. Illegally evicted and fired. So yes it does [BAD WORD REMOVED] happen. 

1. Three times, not six. Maybe that's the case for violent drug offenses. Like I said, the women make up only 7% of the incarcerated criminals, but more than 50% of the population. Does that mean that men are being heavily discriminated against?


2. Because it wastes time and resources in spiteful lawsuits. Not to mention that an innocent person who is sued can still be out tens of thousands of dollars even if he wins.


3. I'll have to trust you on that one. Are you sure it has nothing to do with some other reason (like the person being an annoying jerk)? How does one even know that a person is transgender unless they publicize the fact?

Quote:The incarceration rate of black males is over six times that of white males. Roughly half are for drug offenses (thanks Nancy Reagan). Do you believe that blacks are six times more likely to do drugs? Or is it possible, just maybe (not really.. it's [BAD WORD REMOVED] true) cops have been targeting blacks for decades.

If you don't think people get fired, evicted or kicked out of restaurants for being gay, what is the harm in putting in equal protection under the law for anti discrimination like they have for race, religion, sex, etc?

For the record I know a person who has had to move multiple times because a family member is transgender. Illegally evicted and fired. So yes it does [BAD WORD REMOVED] happen.
Hey man what I tell you about telling the truth. You're bein divisive.
Quote:So everyone should be equal and on a level playing field. Exactly! Then incarceration rates should not be skewed so drastically to target minorities. When you look beyond race you will see that income is about equal between all races.  SO maybe has more to do with opportunity?  
Affluenza  Stop right there.  Conservative protested as loudly about that and as equally as liberals.  
should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic for rich white people who break the law. Oh.. and since you mention sexual identity, I assume you will be writing the Jax City Council in support of an expanded HRO to protect the 36,000 citizens who can still be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant for being gay in this city. Unless you feel like voicing your support in person on Tuesday evening when it gets reintroduced.  Just my opinion but my take on the this whole HRO thing is that it is demeaning.  IMHO gay people are equal to us "breeders".  Therefore no special protections are warranted since we are equals under the same laws.
Quote:So everyone should be equal and on a level playing field. Then incarceration rates should not be skewed so drastically to target minorities. Affluenza should be rejected as an acceptable defense tactic for rich white people who break the law. Oh.. and since you mention sexual identity, I assume you will be writing the Jax City Council in support of an expanded HRO to protect the 36,000 citizens who can still be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant for being gay in this city. Unless you feel like voicing your support in person on Tuesday evening when it gets reintroduced.

Everyone, including white peopl, think that Affluenza is stupid. Aside from that one case, I've never heard it used successful. No idea why you're using it now to justify your opinion.


Quote:The incarceration rate of black males is over six times that of white males. Roughly half are for drug offenses (thanks Nancy Reagan). Do you believe that blacks are six times more likely to do drugs? Or is it possible, just maybe (not really..  it's [BAD WORD REMOVED] true) cops have been targeting blacks for decades. 

That's where you prove how little you actually know.


Incarceration rates are compared to the percentage to their population. What it doesn't include is frequency and the number of crimes committed by each race. Black males commit far more violent crimes than any other race. It also doesn't include that most crime is committed in black neighborhoods where police are required to have a heavier presence. More police = more arrests. Despite what, seemingly foolish, opinion you hold, police don't actually care what race you are.


Are their racist police? Sure. Every profession that has ever existed will have some, too. 


I will concede is that black males are convicted at higher rates. That is largely due to frequency caught committing the same offense and the likelihood that they can't afford a better attorney.
Quote:1. Three times, not six. Maybe that's the case for violent drug offenses. Like I said, the women make up only 7% of the incarcerated criminals, but more than 50% of the population. Does that mean that men are being heavily discriminated against?


2. Because it wastes time and resources in spiteful lawsuits. Not to mention that an innocent person who is sued can still be out tens of thousands of dollars even if he wins.


3. I'll have to trust you on that one. Are you sure it has nothing to do with some other reason (like the person being an annoying jerk)? How does one even know that a person is transgender unless they publicize the fact?





re: #3..  don't be a Richard. I can't even begin to tell you how much crap they have gone through as a family.  I know there are some transgender people who are not easily identified as such.  The fact you are asking that question proves all of these bathroom bill laws being proposed are moronic. You have a better chance of being accosted by the Loch Ness Monster in a bathroom than you do a transgender person. 

I truly hope the mentally unstable on the left lose sleep every night for the next four years.


Hopefully eight.


Get control of your lives already.


Just my opinion but my take on the this whole HRO thing is that it is demeaning.  IMHO gay people are equal to us "breeders".  Therefore no special protections are warranted since we are equals under the same laws.


Not special protections.  The same protections you have for waking up every morning as a "breeder."  And no..  they don't have them in Jax.  You can look these things up you know.

Whitey's fault.  Privileged whitey.


Keep believing that bull [BLEEP] and you'll never fix the real problems.


Don't you even understand that's precisely how you're being played and the ideas you've been trained and expected to kneel to?

Quote:Not special protections.  The same protections you have for waking up every morning as a "breeder."  And no..  they don't have them in Jax.  You can look these things up you know.
So your answer is a new law to supersede a law that is currently being ignored? How about enforcing the current laws on the books?  Why does that not work for you?




re: #3..  don't be a Richard. I can't even begin to tell you how much crap they have gone through as a family.  I know there are some transgender people who are not easily identified as such.  The fact you are asking that question proves all of these bathroom bill laws being proposed are moronic. You have a better chance of being accosted by the Loch Ness Monster in a bathroom than you do a transgender person. 

1. That article separates out Hispanics, who are mostly considered white, from the general population. See the effect on murder in #2.


2. I'm opposed to the war on drugs, and think that legalizing drugs will greatly reduce the overall crime rate. But trying to blame black incarceration rates on drugs is disingenuous. Black's are 4x more likely to commit murder than whites (6x if Hispanics are separated out). That's not a bunch of people being locked up for marijuana possession. While there are occasional mistakes in murder convictions, they are insignificant in this stat.






3. You didn't answer my question, and deflected to a different topic entirely. I never doubted your friends have gone through a lot. The question is why. I doubt that anyone cares (or even knows) if a person is transgender, so it's likely for a different reason.

Of course this particular discussion is off-topic. The original point stands. Obama is acting like a petulant child in his last-minute destruction of US foreign relations.

Quote:So your answer is a new law to supersede a law that is currently being ignored? How about enforcing the current laws on the books?  Why does that not work for you?

The law is not on the books here.  The HRO is an expansion of the existing protections to include the 36,000 LGBT citizens who have no protections.


My friend who has been evicted and fired lives in a state that does have those protections and is going broke fighting it legally.  So even with the protections, they may have insult to injury for standing up for themselves if they lose. Here, there is no possible recourse if a person gets fired or evicted for being LGBT. And I know people who have been fired here as well who were top 3% performers simply for being gay.


You wanna hear the argument against, come to City Hall Tuesday night. The crazies will be there. It's ludicrous the arguments that are made. Locally, the "morality police" has not one, but two people fighting against an expansion who molested kids (Roy Bay & Ken Adkins). We are the largest city in America that does not have these basic protections for LGBT citizens.  The locals fighting this think adding this is going to turn Jax into San Francisco.  It's beyond dumb.


Khan has spoken on how it hurts the city (along with 650 business leaders a couple hundred faith leaders and the Chamber of Commerce). HB2 in NC cost them the NBA All Star Game as well as several concerts and the ACC Championship.  We have the best stadium in America and couldn't even put our name in the hat to get that game as we lack the same protections that caused the NCAA to move that game. 


3. You didn't answer my question, and deflected to a different topic entirely. I never doubted your friends have gone through a lot. The question is why. I doubt that anyone cares (or even knows) if a person is transgender, so it's likely for a different reason.

I didn't get into too much detail, not as a deflection. The reason is the most base and simple reason you can think of.  Bigotry.  They are homebodies who pay their bills on time. They live in a very rural part of the most liberal state you could think of. They have a family member who is transgender. In one case, the landlord realized a family member was transgender, didn't like it and gave them 2 weeks to find a new place. In another, neighbors realized there was a trans person living there several months after they moved in and pressured the landlord to remove them because they didn't like them. I don't want to post more details than I need to, especially about the firing, as there is a pending legal case, but work performance, attendance, etc. was not an issue.  


You'll have to take my word on this. They were unjustly discriminated against because of one person's sexual identity. Why people care? Great question. Lack of education, understanding or empathy? I assure you they did not choose this life for themselves and have gone through Hell loving their family as they are. 

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