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Quote:Really. Do you truly not know?

Apparently you don't either, since you couldn't answer the question.

Quote:Apparently you don't either, since you couldn't answer the question.

The difference between a gay person and a straight person.. hmm.. lemme think.. is the answer demons? It's just so hard to understand.
Quote:So you want to reserve the right to discriminate. Because blacks, Mexicans, gays or Jews have tainted money? They are not as clean as white Christians?

The Civil Rights movement which happened long before you owned that property enacted law which says if you want to make a real estate investment, you cannot choose who to rent to so long as they meet the financial qualifications.

But it's nice to see you're true colors. Not everyone is brave enough to out themselves as such. Now I understand your issue with expanding an HRO. It would just mean an increased chance of you having to rent to a demographic you feel you are better than.

Screw freedom and equality... if they ain't like me.

I know this is really hard for you so I'll spend a few minutes on this. Your bigoted, narrow-minded liberal worldview severely handicaps your ability to reason outside of the predefined answers to all problems in life, so maybe, just maybe, you'll take the time to actually learn something here.


I prioritize private property rights as the penultimate right of all the free world. Every other right that we have stems from the right to ownership. Ownership of our freedoms, our minds, our tongues, our relationships, our property and our actions. The core principle of Marxism is the abolition of private property, as such our defense of it must always supersede all other concerns. In the case of business relationships, the right to free association is the outgrowth of my right to my time, relationships, activities, privacy, and property. For another person to express a claim, no matter how small, to those things is an act of tyranny which must vigorously be refuted. The small encroachments of socialism and communism upon the right to private property over the last hundred years is the slow expression of the war against freedom. In the particular case of renting a private dwelling, I am adamantly opposed to anyone's belief that they have the right to tell the owner how he must use his property. In your example that means the owner can discriminate for any reason he so chooses. I don't have to like what he chooses to do with his property to support his right to do it But the opposite is also true, I would adamantly oppose any law that told him he could NOT rent his property to whomever he sees fit, even if I thought he really shouldn't. The government has no place at that table nor do I possess the arrogance to believe that I do, that we permit that interference represents the greatest threat to freedom we face.


Now, I know that your knee jerk liberal name calling is the only way you can express your disagreement with me, but I hope that you can at least broaden your mind to consider that there isn't a single bigoted or racist reason why I believe what I do. What I believe in is the freedom of a man or woman to express his or her property rights as he or she intends. Not as I intend, not as you intend, for, quite frankly, it's none of my or your damn business. I hope that you can accept that just because I disagree with your position my reasons are not what you assume them to be. If you can do that then you might just be able to end your prejudicial behavior in these discussions.
Quote:I know this is really hard for you so I'll spend a few minutes on this. Your bigoted, narrow-minded liberal worldview severely handicaps your ability to reason outside of the predefined answers to all problems in life, so maybe, just maybe, you'll take the time to actually learn something here.

I prioritize private property rights as the penultimate right of all the free world. Every other right that we have stems from the right to ownership. Ownership of our freedoms, our minds, our tongues, our relationships, our property and our actions. The core principle of Marxism is the abolition of private property, as such our defense of it must always supersede all other concerns. In the case of business relationships, the right to free association is the outgrowth of my right to my time, relationships, activities, privacy, and property. For another person to express a claim, no matter how small, to those things is an act of tyranny which must vigorously be refuted. The small encroachments of socialism and communism upon the right to private property over the last hundred years is the slow expression of the war against freedom. In the particular case of renting a private dwelling, I am adamantly opposed to anyone's belief that they have the right to tell the owner how he must use his property. In your example that means the owner can discriminate for any reason he so chooses. I don't have to like what he chooses to do with his property to support his right to do it But the opposite is also true, I would adamantly oppose any law that told him he could NOT rent his property to whomever he sees fit, even if I thought he really shouldn't. The government has no place at that table nor do I possess the arrogance to believe that I do, that we permit that interference represents the greatest threat to freedom we face.

Now, I know that your knee jerk liberal name calling is the only way you can express your disagreement with me, but I hope that you can at least broaden your mind to consider that there isn't a single bigoted or racist reason why I believe what I do. What I believe in is the freedom of a man or woman to express his or her property rights as he or she intends. Not as I intend, not as you intend, for, quite frankly, it's none of my or your damn business. I hope that you can accept that just because I disagree with your position my reasons are not what you assume them to be. If you can do that then you might just be able to end your prejudicial behavior in these discussions.
But you have no problem if the federal government tells a family they have to sell their property for market price?
Quote:But you have no problem if the federal government tells a family they have to sell their property for market price to the government m?

For a legitimate reason yes, to give to a private investor no. Eminent Domain is a necessary part of life, we have to use it rarely and judiciously to ensure that it's not abused.
Quote:For a legitimate reason yes, to give to a private investor no. Eminent Domain is a necessary part of life, we have to use it rarely and judiciously to ensure that it's not abused.

A penultimate right you say?
Quote:A penultimate right you say?

Yep, that's exactly what I said. I know your stance on Eminent Domain, and I agree with you except that there are a few legitimate uses of it while you seem to think that there never is.
Quote:You do know that abstaining from condemnations of West Bank settlements is nothing new, right?
I got through the 1st paragraph and I have to throw the flag.  You do realize that Palestine has no interest in brokering real peace right?  Do you really believe that if Israel abandoned the West Bank this instant that there would be peace tomorrow?
Quote:I got through the 1st paragraph and I have to throw the flag.  You do realize that Palestine has no interest in brokering real peace right?  Do you really believe that if Israel abandoned the West Bank this instant that there would be peace tomorrow?

As long as the Israelis jump into the sea we'll have peace.
Obummer is such a blowhard.. So glad that piece of garbage is on it's way out.
Quote:I know this is really hard for you so I'll spend a few minutes on this. Your bigoted, narrow-minded liberal worldview severely handicaps your ability to reason outside of the predefined answers to all problems in life, so maybe, just maybe, you'll take the time to actually learn something here.

I prioritize private property rights as the penultimate right of all the free world. Every other right that we have stems from the right to ownership. Ownership of our freedoms, our minds, our tongues, our relationships, our property and our actions. The core principle of Marxism is the abolition of private property, as such our defense of it must always supersede all other concerns. In the case of business relationships, the right to free association is the outgrowth of my right to my time, relationships, activities, privacy, and property. For another person to express a claim, no matter how small, to those things is an act of tyranny which must vigorously be refuted. The small encroachments of socialism and communism upon the right to private property over the last hundred years is the slow expression of the war against freedom. In the particular case of renting a private dwelling, I am adamantly opposed to anyone's belief that they have the right to tell the owner how he must use his property. In your example that means the owner can discriminate for any reason he so chooses. I don't have to like what he chooses to do with his property to support his right to do it But the opposite is also true, I would adamantly oppose any law that told him he could NOT rent his property to whomever he sees fit, even if I thought he really shouldn't. The government has no place at that table nor do I possess the arrogance to believe that I do, that we permit that interference represents the greatest threat to freedom we face.

Now, I know that your knee jerk liberal name calling is the only way you can express your disagreement with me, but I hope that you can at least broaden your mind to consider that there isn't a single bigoted or racist reason why I believe what I do. What I believe in is the freedom of a man or woman to express his or her property rights as he or she intends. Not as I intend, not as you intend, for, quite frankly, it's none of my or your damn business. I hope that you can accept that just because I disagree with your position my reasons are not what you assume them to be. If you can do that then you might just be able to end your prejudicial behavior in these discussions.
I adore how you can argue you reserve the right to discriminate and call me the bigot. I'm sure that makes perfect sense somehow in your brain.

Nobody is saying we want to abolish private property, but somehow asking you to abide by the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 (and the 1988 Amendments) is not only unpatriotic, it's Marxism.

According to that law, you cannot make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, religion or any other protected class, be it age, handicap, etc. You cannot post a sign or advertisement that says "No blacks allowed" or even indicate a preference of tenant such as "safe Christian community."

There's a whole list of things you can and cannot do as a property owner. Most of it has been law since before you owned that property. You can not like it all you want. You can go on and on about your freedoms and rights, but it rings hollow if you don't accept the rules you agree to in that social contract when you choose to be landlord. If you never read them, that is not anyone's fault but your own.

You are on record as opposing the expansion of the HRO simply because you don't want to risk yet another discriminated against minority having possible recourse against you if you choose to evict them without cause. This hits personally to me as I have said I know a family who has been uprooted multiple times due to illegal eviction based solely on a family member's LGBT status.

So spare me the reverse persecution of a freedom stripping government out to take ownership of your tongue, mind, etc. There is real discrimination in the world. And small minded people (who engage in business ventures without doing their research) perpetuate it.
Quote:I adore how you can argue you reserve the right to discriminate and call me the bigot. I'm sure that makes perfect sense somehow in your brain.

Nobody is saying we want to abolish private property, but somehow asking you to abide by the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 (and the 1988 Amendments) is not only unpatriotic, it's Marxism.

According to that law, you cannot make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, religion or any other protected class, be it age, handicap, etc. You cannot post a sign or advertisement that says "No blacks allowed" or even indicate a preference of tenant such as "safe Christian community."

There's a whole list of things you can and cannot do as a property owner. Most of it has been law since before you owned that property. You can not like it all you want. You can go on and on about your freedoms and rights, but it rings hollow if you don't accept the rules you agree to in that social contract when you choose to be landlord. If you never read them, that is not anyone's fault but your own.

You are on record as opposing the expansion of the HRO simply because you don't want to risk yet another discriminated against minority having possible recourse against you if you choose to evict them without cause. This hits personally to me as I have said I know a family who has been uprooted multiple times due to illegal eviction based solely on a family member's LGBT status.

So spare me the reverse persecution of a freedom stripping government out to take ownership of your tongue, mind, etc. There is real discrimination in the world. And small minded people (who engage in business ventures without doing their research) perpetuate it.

I see my time was wasted.
Quote:I see my time was wasted.

Damn you Karl Marx! Maybe try to not frame anti-discrimination laws that have been in place for decades as an attack on your personal freedoms with respect to property ownership. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game. Next you're gonna complain about that commie propaganda bull [BLEEP] that takes a huge chunk of your paycheck every month. Keep hating anyone remotely different than you and good luck with your real estate endeavors.
Quote:Damn you Karl Marx! Maybe try to not frame anti-discrimination laws that have been in place for decades as an attack on your personal freedoms with respect to property ownership. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game. Next you're gonna complain about that commie propaganda bull [BAD WORD REMOVED] that takes a huge chunk of your paycheck every month. Keep hating anyone remotely different than you and good luck with your real estate endeavors.

Again with the personal attacks. Tsk, tsk. And the left wonders why they are despised by moral people everywhere.
Those who reserve the right to discriminate based on race, religion, or in this case sexual orientation can never claim moral superiority.

I don't make these rules.
Quote:Those who reserve the right to discriminate based on race, religion, or in this case sexual orientation can never claim moral superiority.

I don't make these rules.

That's just, like, your opinion man.
Mine and the legislative branch of the government you and any tenants you may have belong to.
Quote:Mine and the legislative branch of the government you and any tenants you may have belong to.
Quote:Mine and the legislative branch of the government you and any tenants you may have belong to.

Yes, the one infiltrated by whores and traitors, which are you?
Quote:Yes, the one infiltrated by whores and traitors, which are you?
Me? I'm just some schmo who treats people as if all men are created equal and have inalienable rights. A contributing member of society who obeys the law and pays his taxes. And who has the wild notion bragging about one's desire to discriminate against an entire demographic eliminates them from assuming the moral high ground.

You might want to research those laws I mentioned so you can see which one of your heroes rubber stamped them. Or I can also recommend moving to a country more open to your desire to discriminate against the LGBT community. You may wanna look into real estate investment opportunities in Uganda or Russia.
Quote:Me? I'm just some schmo who treats people as if all men are created equal and have inalienable rights. A contributing member of society who obeys the law and pays his taxes. And who has the wild notion bragging about one's desire to discriminate against an entire demographic eliminates them from assuming the moral high ground.

You might want to research those laws I mentioned so you can see which one of your heroes rubber stamped them. Or I can also recommend moving to a country more open to your desire to discriminate against the LGBT community. You may wanna look into real estate investment opportunities in Uganda or Russia.

And you continue your adventures in missing the point. I favor owners being able to decide for any reason whatsoever to do or not do business with anyone else. The only people I personally wouldn't do business with are those with a FICO under 700. That doesn't mean that I think my standards should apply to you and your property. Discriminate against men, Christians, gays, redheads, biology majors, kia drivers, vegans, ex-military...I really dont care because it's not my property. But you kleptocrats think you have the right to decide for others what's best for them. It's paternalistic and arrogant, but it satisfies your feels, and diety knows that's all that matters.
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