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What was Israel prior to 1948?

Quote:What was Israel prior to 1948?

Property of the UK, IIRC.
It was property only through conquest. Did


Quote:Property of the UK, IIRC.

And how did they acquire Palestine?

Quote:It was property only through conquest. Did

And how did they acquire Palestine?



Good Gawd Ya'll!

What is it good for?

Land Aquisi-i-tion!
Quote:It was property only through conquest. Did



And how did they acquire Palestine?

Palestine is an imaginary place, not a state.


Good Gawd Ya'll!

What is it good for?

Land Aquisi-i-tion!

Quote:Palestine is an imaginary place, not a state.
Close. It is part of Israel and Israeli owned land.


It was an olive branch extended to muslims as an olive branch to try to garner peace in the region.


Good intentions, but poor result.


It's funny how many people hate Israel. It's a small country that wants one thing only. To live in peace and be left alone.


Muslims can't seem to do that. Just like they cowardly attack this country from time to time. They won't declare war like men, but rather hide in the dark and carry out their deeds like insects.
Quote:It was property only through conquest. Did

And how did they acquire Palestine?

Annexation from winning a war. Whats your point? You win a war, you claim the land, its yours until a greater power removes it from you. Jordan relinquished its claim decades ago. Israel was the stronger power.
Quote:Annexation from winning a war. Whats your point? You win a war, you claim the land, its yours until a greater power removes it from you. Jordan relinquished its claim decades ago. Israel was the stronger power.

So.. no problem with the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula then?
Quote:Palestine is an imaginary place, not a state.

Not according to 136 other countries.
Quote:So.. no problem with the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula then?

To be honest, it doesn't really. Crimeans populace voted in favor of it. The global community outside Ukraine didn't seem to care enough to intervene either. Putin sees weakness in the west. We are downsizing our military. We made false threats.

But tell me. Do you believe Crimea is worth WW3?
Quote:It was property only through conquest.

As is almost everything that has ever existed.

How silly. Drama queen much?
Quote:As is almost everything that has ever existed.

So you admit it was stolen? Who lived there prior to 1948?

Quote:So you admit it was stolen? Who lived there prior to 1948?

Jews, continually, as far back as recorded history.

Its always nice to see that the anti-Semitism of the Left isn't that far below the surface.
Quote:So you admit it was stolen? Who lived there prior to 1948?

According to this logic, any land annexation resulting from war is theft.
Quote:Jews, continually, as far back as recorded history.

Its always nice to see that the anti-Semitism of the Left isn't that far below the surface.

I'm not anti-Semitic. I'm just saying people lived there. There was no Israel prior to 1948. Jews were scattered everywhere. It took the end of a War to lead to the creation of the Jewish state. 


I just try to see both sides. 
Quote:According to this logic, any land annexation resulting from war is theft.

Quote:According to this logic, any land annexation resulting from war is theft.

Let me ask you this. If you were a Palestinian, that lived on that land for the entirety life, raised your children, grew your food etc etc how would you feel?
Quote:Let me ask you this. If you were a Palestinian, that lived on that land for the entirety life, raised your children, grew your food etc etc how would you feel?

Probably like, "damn grandpa, why you try to genocide the Jews? We backed the wrong horse."
Quote:Let me ask you this. If you were a Palestinian, that lived on that land for the entirety life, raised your children, grew your food etc etc how would you feel?

Irrelevant. From a geopolitical stand point, the land is rightfully Israeli. Your argument is similar to the one made by those who believe the land annexed in the Mexican-American war was stolen and belongs to Mexico.


While we're using your logic though, while were at it, should we force the UK to return Gibraltar to Spain, Turkey cede Istanbul to Greece, Poland to return Danzig to Germany, France to return Alsace-Lorraine to Germany, China to free Tibet, and the UK to return Northern Ireland to Ireland?
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