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Quote:No, I think he's the stoner offspring of 60s radicals with a penchant towards communism. I see he had the defense department give him the Public Service medal yesterday. How cute, he can wear it right next to his Nobel Prize that was also farcical. Just a get him funny hat, a sash and some eupolettes and he'll be the cream of 3rd world tyrant chic.

But you do think he is actively undermining western culture? Like he's some kind of saboteur? Is that what you really believe?
Quote:But you do think he is actively undermining western culture? Like he's some kind of saboteur? Is that what you really believe?

Depends on how you define western culture. He has certainly attacked our western allies, UK and Israel. Immigration which was once primarily between western nations is now between either Mexico or the third-world (of whom hold almost no western values). Western economic practice such as production and manufacturing are at their lowest point in decades thanks to over-regulation and taxation. Pride in labor, a staple of western culture, has dwindled with massive increases in welfare. Highly effective primary education, also important in western society, has gotten so bad we can't even compete with certain developing nations anymore. The nuclear family, critical to western civilization, is worse off now than ever before.


If he isn't a saboteur, he is an idiot.
Quote:Depends on how you define western culture. He has certainly attacked our western allies, UK and Israel. Immigration which was once primarily between western nations is now between either Mexico or the third-world (of whom hold almost no western values). Western economic practice such as production and manufacturing are at their lowest point in decades thanks to over-regulation and taxation. Pride in labor, a staple of western culture, has dwindled with massive increases in welfare. Highly effective primary education, also important in western society, has gotten so bad we can't even compete with certain developing nations anymore. The nuclear family, critical to western civilization, is worse off now than ever before.

If he isn't a saboteur, he is an idiot.

So obvious you cant tell if its ignorance or intentional.
Quote:Depends on how you define western culture. He has certainly attacked our western allies, UK and Israel. Immigration which was once primarily between western nations is now between either Mexico or the third-world (of whom hold almost no western values). Western economic practice such as production and manufacturing are at their lowest point in decades thanks to over-regulation and taxation. Pride in labor, a staple of western culture, has dwindled with massive increases in welfare. Highly effective primary education, also important in western society, has gotten so bad we can't even compete with certain developing nations anymore. The nuclear family, critical to western civilization, is worse off now than ever before.

If he isn't a saboteur, he is an idiot.

Ok got it sounds good bud
Obama leaving Trump a poison chalice of sorts?
Quote:Not when its clearly motivated by political manipulation from the outgoing administration. This is Obama's final middle finger to the countries (US, UK, Israel) and culture (western) that he despises so much.

15 more days and Trump can take the reigns. The question is how much more damage can the death convulsions of the Obama Admin cause on their way to the scrap heap.


How do you figure he despises western culture? What is your proof? Are you a birther?

Quote:How do you figure he despises western culture? What is your proof? Are you a birther?

Not a birther.

You don't think the fundamental transformation deal was to make us more free, western, and capitalistic, did you?

Sorry you missed the clear implications if him and his followers, but this culture war is simply an extension of his daddy's anti-colonialism and radical communism.
Quote:Not a birther.

You don't think the fundamental transformation deal was to make us more free, western, and capitalistic, did you?

Sorry you missed the clear implications if him and his followers, but this culture war is simply an extension of his daddy's anti-colonialism and radical communism.

**Rolls eye completely out of skull**
Quote:**Rolls eye completely out of skull**

Quote:How do you figure he despises western culture? What is your proof? Are you a birther?

I'll answer for him, hopefully I'm right.

Obama is a MOOSE-lum.

He isn't an American because he wasn't born here.

I'm missing some other things.
Quote:I'll answer for him, hopefully I'm right.

Obama is a MOOSE-lum.

He isn't an American because he wasn't born here.

I'm missing some other things.

Yes, like reading my response. Its none of those things you prejudicial bigot.
Quote:Yes, like reading my response. Its none of those things you prejudicial bigot.

Still waiting for that tangible evidence of Obama "despising" America?
Can't wait for that piece of [BLEEP] obummer to leave office.. He was great at dividing the country. Bout it..

Stupid liberal
Quote:Can't wait for that piece of [BAD WORD REMOVED] obummer to leave office.. He was great at dividing the country. Bout it..

Stupid liberal

Whereas Trump is the great unifier.. or else!

If you thought the last 8 years were divisive, strap in.
Quote:Can't wait for that piece of [BAD WORD REMOVED] obummer to leave office.. He was great at dividing the country. Bout it..

Stupid liberal

How did he divide it? 
Quote:How did he divide it?

By embracing hate groups such as BLM..
Quote:By embracing hate groups such as BLM..

BLM isn't a hate group.
Quote:BLM isn't a hate group.

Yes it is.
Quote:Yes it is.

Do you want it to be considered a hate group so Minorities don't have a voice?
Quote:Do you want it to be considered a hate group so Minorities don't have a voice?

For the record, BLM is a hate group.


"Minorities" in this country do have a voice.  It's called the vote.


When an ethnic group/organization thinks that they are more important than everyone else, it's not only a "hate group" but is counter-productive to us as a nation.  It's about time people get away from not only the race identification that divides this country, but also the "sexual identity" and other labels that are put on people.


Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, etc. have the same opportunity and are protected by the same laws as everyone else.  No one ethnic background is any more important or deserving than another.  When people actually finally get this, then we will actually be a united nation.
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