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Full Version: Gus has to start Bortles now (MERGED)
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Quote:You saw, again today, why Henne has a career losing record and why he will retire with a career losing record.

Your eyes don't deceive you.

I'm having a hard time finding Henne's strengths. Maybe toughness, I have seen him take some big hits and get right back up.

Can anybody else tell me what Henne's strengths might be??
He knows the system lol
Quote:You saw, again today, why Henne has a career losing record and why he will retire with a career losing record.


Your eyes don't deceive you.


I'm having a hard time finding Henne's strengths. Maybe toughness, I have seen him take some big hits and get right back up.


Can anybody else tell me what Henne's strengths might be??
He's very accurate throwing selecting the correct alleys so defenders can tip/bat his passes.

He's good at calling timeouts before the play clock expires avoiding the delay of game penalty.
Quote:What about his personel decisions?  Why not use Denard more?


As for the play calling why did he get so conservative so early in the game?  Why didn't he continue to pressure the D and dictate to them?


These are all questions that concern me.


Also, and I've said this before...  A superior QB can mask the ineptitude of a lack luster OC.  This very well could occur when Bortles takes over.  But it still doesn't change some blaring questions that have been around since last year in regards to Fische and how he game plans, calls plays, and makes adjustments during games....

Good points all around. I'm curious as well as to why Denard was taken out. I thought he was very effective when he was in.
Quote:Good points all around. I'm curious as well as to why Denard was taken out. I thought he was very effective when he was in.

He was the only running back all day that actually hit a hole, and Gus once again takes him out to put in Todman, who couldn't gain three yards if you put a stack of cash at the end of it. 
Obviously it wasn't all Henne's fault. But when you don't play your best offensive player questions should be asked when you don't move the ball

OK, so we have pump faking and going the other way, looking off the secondary, and knowing the system as strengths so far.


Any more Henne strengths out there??

Quote:He's very accurate throwing selecting the correct alleys so defenders can tip/bat his passes.

He's good at calling timeouts before the play clock expires avoiding the delay of game penalty.

Oh boy, smh while looking down.
It wasn't something I read on the internet,i was at that dolphin game that year in Jacksonville live. I rembered how good Henne was against us. I was pretty mad about that game.

I am surprised that the "Henne Huggers" haven't blamed Bortles for getting reps with the 1st team during practice on Henne's dismal performance and clear miscommunication with his offensive line.


He demands the respect of his peers like Officer Hooks demanded respect when she first joined the police academy.

Quote:I an convinced FBT is really John Oesher posting on here. There is really no other explanation.

Haven't seen FBT post for a couple hours. This backs my theory that he is really John Oesher and is in commute to Jacksonville at 30,000 feet.
Can I just copy and paste one of my rants from last year?  It's just gonna be the same stuff.


Quote:It wasn't something I read on the internet,i was at that dolphin game that year in Jacksonville live. I rembered how good Henne was against us. I was pretty mad about that game.
In 2009, the then Dolphins coach had the audacity to compare Henne to Dan Marino.
Quote:Can I just copy and paste one of my rants from last year?  It's just gonna be the same stuff.

Yes, please do.
Quote:He was the only running back all day that actually hit a hole, and Gus once again takes him out to put in Todman, who couldn't gain three yards if you put a stack of cash at the end of it. 

Yeah, I agree.  I was baffled when Todman came in and did all but nothing.  But is that on Gus, or the OC?  I'm assuming it's the OC that decides the personnel packages...


Also, from watching Todman and Gerhart, it seems like Todman is the poor man's Toby Gerhart.  And it's not like Gerhart was lighting it up this week.  Should have used Shoelace more.  This is another reason why I'm having serious doubts about Fisch
Quote:Nah, stay the course. Philly was supposed to be a tough win.

I personally don't understand how anyone thought the Jags would beat Philly. Philly's offense is amazing. I never thought the Jags had a chance. 
Quote:OK, so we have pump faking and going the other way, looking off the secondary, and knowing the system as strengths so far.


Any more Henne strengths out there??

Looking off the secondary is his strength? That's news to me.  The only one of those I would consider his "strength" is knowing the system.
Quote:I personally don't understand how anyone thought the Jags would beat Philly. Philly's offense is amazing. I never thought the Jags had a chance. 

Yeah... that can be the excuse every time we lose this year.
Quote:I personally don't understand how anyone thought the Jags would beat Philly. Philly's offense is amazing. I never thought the Jags had a chance.

Neither did anyone else. Then the Jags shut them down for a half and suddenly expectations were changed. Then we lost, and the usual suspects arrived to soil themselves on the board.
Quote:I personally don't understand how anyone thought the Jags would beat Philly. Philly's offense is amazing. I never thought the Jags had a chance.

That doesnt excuse blowing a 17 pt halftime lead. Jesus, when did losing in pathetic fashion become acceptable? These are pros. Idc what expectations were before the game. When you're in the position to win, you gotta execute. Huge failure on the part of the offense.
Quote:Neither did anyone else. Then the Jags shut them down for a half and suddenly expectations were changed. Then we lost, and the usual suspects arrived to soil themselves on the board.

Yeah, expectations change when you have a 17-0 point lead and are completely dominating the opponent.
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