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Full Version: Gus has to start Bortles now (MERGED)
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Quote:Is the slow plays coming in a fact or fabricated?
Apparently someone on here is able to listen in to the communication system so they can verify they were called in slow (sarcasm font). :-)
Quote:Despite how it may seem, I like Henne, he's doing what is asked of him.  He's not a starting QB at the NFL level and it's showed year after year.  He's a good enough backup and guy to have in the meeting room, he's a good professional off the field and good to have around but you don't want him as your full time guy.   He's one tough [BLEEP], he's taken some shots and gets back up.

It's fine if you like Henne. I agree he's pretty tough and takes a beating sometimes and gets back up.


I'm just trying to find out what his strengths are so the Jags can play to them, but I just can't think of any, other than toughness.


If he had any, wouldn't the coaches find a way to play to them, to help him succeed out there on the field?


We've seen he's capable of having a pretty good stretch at times during games, but he just never sustains it, and when he does go ice cold, it seems the coaches don't know what to do to bring him back to a good level of play.


I ask again, what are CH's strengths?
Quote:Yep. And he missed 2 FGs. Let a 4th and 1 go for a long TD run instead of calling a timeout because they weren't ready. Those rookie WRs were spot on every play. Marcedes was getting separation all day long. And the OLine...i mean, he had all day to throw. Then that running game. It should have opened up the passing. Then Prosinkis stellar play. Awesome. Friggin Henne.

But I get it . Stroking the Boners for Bortles instant winners crew is what will win games.

Henne couldn't capitalize on anything. We were lucky with short fields in the first quarter. As soon as extended drives were needed, the offense couldn't do anything. Henne was hit 4 times the whole game so don't give me the oline crap. Opportunities were there, he just doesn't have the talent to take them. I'm not saying Bortles would have won that game, I'm saying that Bortles brings out a dimension of this offense that Henne just doesn't have. We won't be consistent or have the chance to be consistent until Bortles is starting.

Quote:Apparently someone on here is able to listen in to the communication system so they can verify they were called in slow (sarcasm font). :-)

Based on my theory, FBT is John Oesher, so maybe he does have the channel to listen in on.
Quote:I personally don't understand how anyone thought the Jags would beat Philly. Philly's offense is amazing. I never thought the Jags had a chance. 

Philly's offense didn't look so amazing pretty much the entire game...  We shut them down for the most part....  And we made them look like a total joke the ENTIRE first half.  They got some plays in the 2nd half, but all in all, they looked weak.  And that has to do with the Jaguars D.  


Quote:You are harping on 2 drops to try to prove a point that I don't think you even truly want to believe.


The guy just doesn't have "it". He blew all the timeouts in the 2nd half, continues to have balls batted down, can't throw an accurate pass to a 6'6" guy 10 feet in front of him..... he is what he is.

Henne played like Henne played.  Yes the 2nd half was a complete let down, but I think alot of it had to do with how the OC decided to handle the lead and how he subequently tried to reignite the team after he put in the prevent offense...


Quote:So the fact that the plays were coming in slowly from the sideline had nothing to do with the clock management issues. It's all on Henne.


Quote:Is the slow plays coming in a fact or fabricated?

I don't know how slow the plays were coming in, but I do know that whenever Henne tried to make an adjustment, it looked like the O-Line, specifically the Center didn't understand English.


There's alot of blame to go around, and alot of it lies on Henne.  But you can't sit there and just say that Henne was at fault for each of the wasted TOs.  
Quote:So, when Henne was hitting his receivers and they were dropping those passes, would they magically have caught the same passes because they came from the hand of Bortles?

Can you honestly say with a straight face that Chad Henne gives us a better chance to win?

Yes or no. If yes, check your vision. If no, you just proved that the Jags staff is basically throwing in the towel on the whole season. Is that a way to sell a product to fans? A way to say we are "all in"?

I don't think anyone should be fired. I don't think fans should stop supporting the team. In the end all you can is watch. But to act like it's all good to have a losing culture and decision making process is disingenuous. We've all put up with the worst QB play imaginable these past few years. It kind of sucks to be forced to imagine what if when our future is holding a clipboard for no good reason.
Quote:It's fine if you like Henne. I agree he's pretty tough and takes a beating sometimes and gets back up.


I'm just trying to find out what his strengths are so the Jags can play to them, but I just can't think of any, other than toughness.


If he had any, wouldn't the coaches find a way to play to them, to help him succeed out there on the field?


We've seen he's capable of having a pretty good stretch at times during games, but he just never sustains it, and when he does go ice cold, it seems the coaches don't know what to do to bring him back to a good level of play.


I ask again, what are CH's strengths?

His strengths as a starter are few and far between.  I'm agreeing with you.
henne is a dumpster fire.  anytime he takes the field for the jaguars, is an affront to the fans.  its one thing if he was the best quarterback you have.  you support your team.  its another thing to sit your best players for no tangible reason.

Quote:That isn't Chad's fault. What's he supposed to do, bench himself?

I agree and I've been fully on the start Bortles bandwagon and today further confirmed it for me. He needs to play, now.

I dont dislike him character-wise... Im just not satisfied with him playing. His role is to teach. He knows he's not a starter in this league, they know it too. I dont think it's fair to him either. He has NO support from anyone besides the coaches. He isnt gonna pull himself, but the coaches shouldnt let it get to that point
Quote:It's yet another excuse.

Chad knows the system so well...run a damn play.
Exactly. From the preseason: Blake didnt know what the play was, checked to a different one, completes a deep pass
Quote:From the preseason: Blake didnt know what the play was, checked to a different one, completes a deep pass

Good point and yet another reason why Blake needs to be out there learning and taking his lumps now rather than later.  He needs to be out there developing with Hurns, Lee, Robinson etc.  He's not going to do that by sitting on the sidelines holding the clipboard.
Ok that was fun we didn't play the rookie week one fun times over get bortles in the game. I'm not down for another year of them saying next year, play to win damn it!
the coaches are gonna make every excuse to leave henne in. for the life of me, i just don't know why they are so committed to henne. it's not like bortles isn't their boy, they picked him, now play him. i watched henne throw into double and triple coverage today. i watched him not throw to wide open receivers, and miss on throws. those are rookie mistakes that we should be letting out rookie get past. instead we got him sitting on the bench, while the worst qb in the league throws the game. 

If this game has shown the coaching staff anything... I hope, its that Henne just is not clutch. You can not count on him. The defense showed up in the first half--looked all-pro. We all expected shady mccoy and kelly's golden boy to get their numbers at some point. But, had Henne and co. scored a TD in response to that first long TD on 4th down, it would have been a different ball game even with the missed field goals.
I saw a stat today (sexton's twitter IIRC) that said the team that has a +3 turnover margin wins 98% of the time. Granted Henne coughed it up when the game was already out of reach to make it a +2 game for us, but that is just sad.. Henne has the uncanny ability to make the average seem almost impossible. Every time he dropped back, I expected a check down or incompletion, and he delivered. I don't see how Gus can stand there after the game and declare Henne the starter next week and say he played well....
Andrew Luck has more INTs this year than Henne. Gotta keep Henne in now.
Quote:Ok that was fun we didn't play the rookie week one fun times over get bortles in the game. I'm not down for another year of them saying next year, play to win damn it!
This. For the ones digging at the bottom of the barrel looking for excuses supporting starting Henne, Straight up who gives the jags the best chance to win? Blake Bortles or Chad Henne?
Quote:This. For the ones digging at the bottom of the barrel looking for excuses supporting starting Henne, Straight up who gives the jags the best chance to win? Blake Bortles or Chad Henne?

If they start Bortles next week, great.  If they start him the following week, great.   But I think I'm changing my mind regarding sitting BB5.  I think we should put him in after he watches a couple more games and gets a feel for how to prepare for regular season games.  


Gus has been handling everything the right way, but after a loss, things always get ratcheting up in terms of drama and intensity.  If we win next week, the pressure will subside...  But if we lose at Washington and it's based on the perception of Henne holding the team back...  


Well-- then it's gonna get real in terms of the cries for BB5
If Henne has another couple of awful halves like he did today, I suspect that the coaches will really have to make a decision on moving BB's starting games up to sooner rather than later.

Luck threw a pick. Needs to sit and learn more.
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