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Full Version: The Walking Dead Season Five- merged (caution: spoilers)
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I'm totally hooked on this show.
Now THAT was a good episode. I suspect it's because Carol and Daryl are my fave characters and I'm glad they have the friendship and connection they have. I hope it never goes romantic because that would screw it up. 


And shouldn't that van have landed on its roof? 

Crazy we all accept the entire premise of zombies no problem, a van falls funny and it bothers us? It really bothered me it didn't land upside down.

Quote:Crazy we all accept the entire premise of zombies no problem, a van falls funny and it bothers us? It really bothered me it didn't land upside down.

Well at this point the zombies aren't out of place, but the van completely broke continuity, I'm looking at it again and the van clearly flips looking through the windshield but when they show it again it's falling straight down.  That was just bad editing on their part though I'm sure the reason they had it fall upright was so you could get the shot of the zombies falling on the windshield. 


I had a couple "lol what?" moments with that episode, but the fan just broke all immersion with the episode, I remember saying "wait what the [BAD WORD REMOVED]" when it happened and stopped and rewound it a few times to laugh at it. 

Quote:Crazy we all accept the entire premise of zombies no problem, a van falls funny and it bothers us? It really bothered me it didn't land upside down.
Haha! Yes, so true. Of course, had the van landed upside down (like it really should have since the angle, etc) they would have been crushed and died. The fact that they survived the fall as it was, was kind of an 'ehhhh, ok moment'.

Quote:I'm guessing it's the black guy that escaped from the hospital, maybe he mentions Beth and where to find her. 
Great guess, that's going to be exactly who it is when they go get the crew to blow up the hospital.
Just a thought what if Daryl emerges from the woods with Morgan, how awesome would that be?

I'm guessing Morgan will show up at the church, since it seems like Carl will still be there. 

Quote:I'm guessing Morgan will show up at the church, since it seems like Carl will still be there. 
I am pretty sure that was what the show was setting up 3 episodes back at the end.
I can't wait for Morgan to find the group. It will probably be the midseason finale which will suck.
Quote:I can't wait for Morgan to find the group. It will probably be the midseason finale which will suck.
Gotta whet those appetites for the second half! Feb 8th 2015!
Quote:I can't wait for Morgan to find the group. It will probably be the midseason finale which will suck.
it makes for 2 big build up peaks in the season but man, the mid season split thing sucks... i feel like the season just started but there are only 2 episodes left till mid finale.
Quote:Gotta whet those appetites for the second half! Feb 8th 2015!

Feb 8!?  I didn't think it was going to be that long.  I was talking to a buddy at work and theorized that they did the mid-season break so they won't have to compete with the playoffs/SB?

Quote:it makes for 2 big build up peaks in the season but man, the mid season split thing sucks... i feel like the season just started but there are only 2 episodes left till mid finale.
It does suck. I didn't realize the second half doesn't begin until February. That double sucks.
Quote:Now THAT was a good episode. I suspect it's because Carol and Daryl are my fave characters and I'm glad they have the friendship and connection they have. I hope it never goes romantic because that would screw it up. 


And shouldn't that van have landed on its roof? 

Landed on it's wheels... airbags popped... (perhaps they went when the van was originally wrecked into the guardrail, but I didn't notice them before)


I was upset about the van scene, the cheese factor got me thinking "Thelma & Louise"...


But when it started raining zombies, that cured all the flaws.  Order was restored.  LOL
They should have done the previous three episodes like last nights episode, where they show all three groups.  Then again it should have only been two groups to begin with. 
Damn it bring on Morgan already.

Oh and I think Daryl is gonna die.
If Daryl dies there might be riots in the streets. He's a fan favorite. I think Beth and Noah get taken out.

Quote:If Daryl dies there might be riots in the streets. He's a fan favorite. I think Beth and Noah get taken out.

Nah that wouldn't have the emotional pull the writers like to do right before the holiday break. They're going to kill a main character and Daryl is prime for the killing. His story is arcing a huge focus on his interactions with other characters over the last few episodes is a big hint his time is near.

I'm surprised Daryl has lasted this long. In the comics Rick had a number 2 in charge, right now he has 3 of them (Daryl, Tyreeese, Abraham). Surprised they haven't killed Daryl off to let one of the other two take on that role.
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