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Full Version: The Walking Dead Season Five- merged (caution: spoilers)
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Never mind zombie apocalypse, when I'm watching this show I can't suspend reality enough to overlook nobody's hair growing.

Quote:Nah that wouldn't have the emotional pull the writers like to do right before the holiday break. They're going to kill a main character and Daryl is prime for the killing. His story is arcing a huge focus on his interactions with other characters over the last few episodes is a big hint his time is near.
I don't see them killing Daryl, he's too much of a fan favorite.  I do think they'll kill off Tyreese or Sasha, or maybe Tyreese and Sasha.  Hopefully we'll see Beth get written off soon.  
Sadly, Tyreese is a fraidy cat now. It's like he can't handle what needs to be done anymore. It drives me nuts that his sister has more balls than he does. Though trusting Officer Bob was just plain stupid on her part. 

Quote:Never mind zombie apocalypse, when I'm watching this show I can't suspend reality enough to overlook nobody's hair growing.
Well, Rick's all in....



[Image: wd16.jpg?w=599]<a class="" href='http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140906214823/walkingdead/images/0/01/Season_five_rick_grimes.png'>[Image: 250px-Season_five_rick_grimes.png]</a>
[Image: Walking-Dead-Daryl.jpg][Image: the-walking-dead-1.jpg?w=240&h=320]

Carol was darn near bald in season 1
Based on Reedus comments, I'm guessing Carol dies. 

I just read Bill Simmons' column with his NFL picks. As he often does he includes questions from his readers.


One one such question the reader and Simmons go off on a tangent in speculating of what the smell must be like in the Atlanta area.


Pretty funny stuff.

Quote:I just read Bill Simmons' column with his NFL picks. As he often does he includes questions from his readers.


One one such question the reader and Simmons go off on a tangent in speculating of what the smell must be like in the Atlanta area.


Pretty funny stuff.
My husband and I were talking about how nasty it would be to not shower and brush your teeth on a regular basis. I don't have a sense of smell at all, but I would still be able to feel the nasty on me and that would not be okay. Lol. I am paranoid about body odor and bad breath as it is when it's sweaty hot out or I've eaten a meal I figure would cause bad breath.
Quote:Based on Reedus comments, I'm guessing Carol dies.
That will suck. She's my favorite character after Daryl.
I'm going to throw Tyrese into the mix also.  

Can't believe they killed Beth.. Sucks
Damn... Yeah that was sad...sometimes it seems like the writers hate thier fanbase lol....although I never read the comics so i dont know if killing beth follows that story line
Quote:Can't believe they killed Beth.. Sucks
Right?! When that heinous wench shot her it startled me a little because I was really expecting it to be Carol for some reason.
Quote:Right?! When that heinous wench shot her it startled me a little because I was really expecting it to be Carol for some reason.

I think we should riot in the streets...
Quote:I think we should riot in the streets...
Word. Lol
Quote:Damn... Yeah that was sad...sometimes it seems like the writers hate thier fanbase lol....although I never read the comics so i dont know if killing beth follows that story line

There is no Beth, or Daryl, and they're already in DC so this story line never happened.  


I personally have no problem with them killing Beth, I thought she was the most useless character on the show. I'm kind of disappointed because I was expecting someone important to die, her death just seemed completely contrived, it's like she (the actress) had other arrangements so they just decided to kill her off.  The only thing I will say I'm happy about is they ended this pretty lame storyline...time to bring on Negan, shame it isnt HBO Big Grin  
All Beth had to do was just walk out of the hospital. Not sad she's gone,but I felt sorrow for Maggie.
This was problem the least impactful death on the show. Couldn't careless Beth is gone honestly this whole first half kind of dragged on hopefull it's building to something better in the second half.
Also, Morgan now knows Rick is still alive. I wonder if they reunite before the end of the season?

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