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Full Version: Brunell on ESPN. Anybody watch? Heard he said Jaguars appear headed to LA or London.
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Quote:You are not real. You are make believe.

Lol. I was thinking the same thing.
Quote:Brunell is out there trying to make a paycheck. He's doing what he thinks he needs to do to continue making paychecks. That high school coaching job doesn't pay much.

Regards...............the Chiefjag
^^ this was my other thought.
Don't be so sensitive, people. The only opinion that matters is Shad's and he says the team is staying in Jacksonville.

Quote:Don't be so sensitive, people. The only opinion that matters is Shad's and he says the team is staying in Jacksonville.

One thing I noticed was that whenever there was an interview in London  with Shad  Khan or  Mark Lamping they always referred to "the Jacksonville Jaguars."  Not "the Jaguars."  Always "the Jacksonville Jaguars."   As if they were emphasizing it.  
Hey Mark, good first day.

If I had his money problems and had nothing to show for my years of playing, I think I might read from their script. Sure it would be nice for him to be Rah Rah for the city but he does have a lot of kids to feed. After growing up in New York and living in the Midwest the past 5 years, being able to come back to Florida is a massive improvement. All these people writing from their crappy media towns can say whatever they want.
Thanks for adding fuel to the fire Mark.  Wallbash

Well the writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Add to the fact that your boy Caldwell has took on Gene's role of destroying the roster in an attempt to show that the Jaguars have lost money three years in a row and you have the perfect storm to jettison the team from the river city. Plus you have the blind lemons parading around constantly as if there's no problems at all and you have the current  state of the Jaguars. I've been removed from the Duval area for over a decade and really have no attachment other then growing up there and a fan of the team ever since. With that said it'll never be the same if they move the Jags from the Duval.

Quote:Well the writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Add to the fact that your boy Caldwell has took on Gene's role of destroying the roster in an attempt to show that the Jaguars have lost money three years in a row and you have the perfect storm to jettison the team from the river city. Plus you have the blind lemons parading around constantly as if there's no problems at all and you have the current  state of the Jaguars. I've been removed from the Duval area for over a decade and really have no attachment other then growing up there and a fan of the team ever since. With that said it'll never be the same if they move the Jags from the Duval.

I think growing up here is a pretty big attachment to the city and Jaguars.


What writing has been on the wall exactly?


You are able to make the statement that Caldwell is destroying the roster after one draft as GM? Take a break for a bit.
Quote:Plus you have the blind lemons parading around constantly

Tell me more about these blind lemons.
Quote:One thing I noticed was that whenever there was an interview in London  with Shad  Khan or  Mark Lamping they always referred to "the Jacksonville Jaguars."  Not "the Jaguars."  Always "the Jacksonville Jaguars."   As if they were emphasizing it.  
Great point to which I would like to add Goodell himself praised Jax and Khan discussed cross- pollination between  Jax and London with the Jags playing at Craven Cottage and FFC playing at Everbank .  Cross -pollination was a significant reference in my eyes.
Nevermind. I found your blind lemon


[Image: lemon.jpg]

Goodell is the sellout...  him and his pink flags..



Brunell is out there trying to make a paycheck. He's doing what he thinks he needs to do to continue making paychecks. That high school coaching job doesn't pay much.

Regards...............the Chiefjag

His coaching job is not paying much but the dang free pizza after the games offsets the low pay.  I bet even the Harbaugh brothers don't get free pizza from the players moms after the games.
Quote:His coaching job is not paying much but the dang free pizza after the games offsets the low pay.  I bet even the Harbaugh brothers don't get free pizza from the players moms after the games.

Speaking of that, I am guessing Manning owns about 100 Papa Johns franchises.
Brunell actually just complimented Jaxon on ESPN and called him the best mascot in the biz!. No brainer there. Way to grab your pair and stick up a little for us Mark

Quote:Brunell actually just complimented Jaxon on ESPN and called him the best mascot in the biz!. No brainer there. Way to grab your pair and stick up a little for us Mark

And so it begins:


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan has shut down rumors of the team moving to London, but one of the team's former quarterbacks seems to think the Jags will eventually go across the pond.

Mark Brunell, who is now football coach at Episcopal School of Jacksonville, told ESPN's "Mike and Mike" that if the Jaguars moved across the pond, it wouldn't surprise him.

"We have an owner in Shad Khan that bought the soccer team over there and all indications are that we're headed that way. It's not good for Jacksonville," Brunell said. "You don't hear a lot of that talk in Jacksonville right now, but everywhere else ... someone mentioned the other day that it's the Jacksonville Jaguars of London."



This is the type of behavior that makes you lose $50 million in business investments and multiple franchises. Apparently he has taken to many shots to the head.


Speaking of shots to the head, I am surprised this broke bum wasn't more involved in the concussion lawsuit.

Placing a team in London would be stupid, LA would be better off..

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