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Full Version: Brunell on ESPN. Anybody watch? Heard he said Jaguars appear headed to LA or London.
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Quote:What part of Brunell's comments were taken out of context?
His words were "it would not surprise him" a very long way from he having any purported insider knowledge to a pending move...people just look for reasons to worry.  
Quote:You're really becoming quite an embarrassment.  I thought you were smarter, but apparently I overestimated your mental acuity. 

I figured you would have no defense of Caldwell sitting on this roster rather than trading some of the vets for picks to help with the rebuild. 
Quote:His words were "it would not surprise him" a very long way from he having any purported insider knowledge to a pending move...people just look for reasons to worry.  

To the average listener who doesn't call themselves a Jag fan, "it would not surprise me" is irrelevant.  He said it's possible this team, his former team, and the team that's recognizing him as a member of their all time greats this season, may relocate to London or Los Angeles.  Nobody is taking it out of context.  They're just recognizing that at a pivotal moment when Brunell could have said "This team isn't going anywhere.  They've got a loyal fan base and a growing market that Khan has committed to helping", he did the aw shucks thing and said it wouldn't surprise him if the team moved.  How stupid does one person have to be to make a comment like that?  Especially someone who was notorious for giving only the most politically correct answers to any question.  Mr. Milquetoast.  Suddenly he's decided to turn into just another lazy media hack?  Really?
Quote:I figured you would have no defense of Caldwell sitting on this roster rather than trading some of the vets for picks to help with the rebuild. 

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that there's nothing to defend unless you have the facts, right?


Do you know if they were on the phone talking to other teams? 


Do you have anything to back up the fact that they didn't try to move players? 


Have you seen this roster?  There isn't a whole lot worth trading away, but I know this is your schtick. 


The funny thing here is you're perfectly positioned to play either side. 


If the team had traded one of their players, and got late round picks for them, you'd impale yourself on the board howling how they got hoodwinked. 


When they don't move any players at the trade deadline, you howl because they were sitting on their hands.  Either way you're covered so you can soil yourself gleefully. 


In reality, you have no clue what you're talking about, or what transpired in the front office. 

Quote:It's called English.  If it's confusing to you, buy a dictionary.

You bought a dictionary back in the eighties not the internet age, kind of like your hot tub time machine motorcycle.

Quote:At least I'm getting paid then.  You're doing it for nothing.  What's your excuse?
I'm on tilt.


Quote:In addition to the grammar lesson you gave I think they will find this basic math lesson helpful also. Listen up peeps, for those who do not comprehend this means the Jags are becoming even more profitable then they already are. Part of Khan's crazy , hair brained scheme to make money.


Remember Meet the Parents and Ben Stiller's luggage rant? Yes, it's a black Samsonite. <b>...</b> in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE ? <b>....</b> 
Well if you tried a weee bit harder we just might mistake you for FBT's left that you seem to portray quite vividly.
Brunell is trying to establish himself in the national NFL pundit community, and simply tripped up over his desire to ingratiate himself. I expect the spin and back peddling on the Jaguars radio show Thursday night to be quite impressive.

Quote:It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that there's nothing to defend unless you have the facts, right?


Do you know if they were on the phone talking to other teams? 


Do you have anything to back up the fact that they didn't try to move players? 


Have you seen this roster?  There isn't a whole lot worth trading away, but I know this is your schtick. 


The funny thing here is you're perfectly positioned to play either side. 


If the team had traded one of their players, and got late round picks for them, you'd impale yourself on the board howling how they got hoodwinked. 


When they don't move any players at the trade deadline, you howl because they were sitting on their hands.  Either way you're covered so you can soil yourself gleefully. 


In reality, you have no clue what you're talking about, or what transpired in the front office. 

I think it's past time that we treat TMD with the same sensitivity we do with a couple of other regulars here, and not pick him apart too much. It's becoming painfully obvious he doesn't possess the mental capability to rationally accept facts.
Screw Brunell. I didn't agree with him being in the pride anyway. I'm booing him on that day. yeah, that'll teach him!
He's on my fecal roster now.

I'll be at the game dec 15 and I'll boo the knucklehead. :yes:

Quote:You bought a dictionary back in the eighties not the internet age, kind of like your hot tub time machine motorcycle.

I'm on tilt.


Well if you tried a weee bit harder we just might mistake you for FBT's left that you seem to portray quite vividly.
I gotta ask. How old are you?
Quote:Brunell is out there trying to make a paycheck. He's doing what he thinks he needs to do to continue making paychecks. That high school coaching job doesn't pay much.Regards...............the Chiefjag

^^This^^... It's really not that hard to understand.
Quote:Mark had a real chance to squash some of the talk and defend the fan base that stands behind this team. He had a chance to recognize there are other franchises struggling with tickets and revenue worse then we are. He blew it in my opinion and I have lost a lot of respect for him. Now he's just another member of the national media that's told what to say it seems.

When the OWNER comes out and says the teams not moving and no one listens to him...to you think anyone is gonna listen to a retired quarterback?
As long as the Jaguars are in Jacksonville, I will support them.  All the other gossip isn't worth my time anymore.  That is my fan philosophy, and I stand by it.  That's all I have to say about that.

I think some of you fans weren't around when Brunell was playing.  Brunell has always been a stand up guy and a good role model.  He made some stupid business decisions but you can't question the mans Integrity.  I liked him as a player and a person when he was here.


The question was asked and he gave his honest view.  He may not be educated on all the facts or knows something we don't.


Lets do the math here:


Goodell want's a team in London and Khan seems very excited about London. 


I do understand that Khan made a commitment to Jacksonville and invested millions on upgrades.




If ticket sales do take a deep slide over a period of time it is a real possibility. 


Its kinda of a catch 22 because you really can't blame the fans for spending money on the really poor product.  On the other hand, struggling ticket sales gives khan a reason to consider it.


Khan commented how he loved the enthusiasm of the london crowd. Seeing 60,000 fans buying Jaguar Jerseys and eager to go to the game are enticing.


The ultimate goal is to make money.  Sometimes you take a loss to eventually get a gain. 


Winning will solve all this talk and gain the team some much needed popularity. 

Quote:One little problem with your little conspiracy theory there, skippy.  The Jaguars haven't lost money.  In fact, since Khan bought the team, they've expanded their revenue stream.  Anyone who walks into the stadium, or deals with the local media can see a much more significant presence of corporate sponsorship locally.  They're not giving that stuff away for free. 


I'm not sure what a "blind lemon" is. Sounds like a band name.   


I don't see anyone who has even a remote understanding of the dynamic here in Jacksonville walking around saying there are no problems.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Most people recognize the challenges this franchise faces here in Jacksonville, but they also realize that the new owner is actually trying to do as much as he possibly can to squeeze every possible bit of revenue out of this franchise. 


As a lifelong resident, and 4th generation resident of Jacksonville, I do have a connection to this community, and in turn to this team.  If it was to leave Jacksonville, it would leave without my support.  That being said, we're not even remotely close to seeing the team relocate.  Could it happen?  Sure.  But, the same could be said for at least half a dozen other franchises in the league who would benefit equally from moving to larger markets.  They're not all lining up to move to London. 


The owner agreed to play 4 games in London.  It helps him to increase the profitability of the franchise, once again kind of negating your primary point that they're trying to show a 3 year loss.  Many of the long-time season ticket holders are not happy to lose a home game a year, especially when it's guaranteed to be the best match-up on the schedule that we lose.  But, we recognize the need to increase revenue.  We also see plans to make significant upgrades to the stadium.  We see the owner trying to put roots down locally in an effort to negate the talk about relocation.  Time will tell if he's sincere. 


To have a former player who many consider to be an icon from the golden age of the Jaguars (as brief as it was) expressing an opinion that the team is potentially leaving for London or LA at the same time when the team is doing everything it can to put that rumor to rest is just boneheaded on the part of Brunell.  If I was Shad Khan, I'd be on the phone with Mark reminding him that he's going to be recognized as a new member of the Pride of the Jaguars, and that honor could evaporate just as quickly as his bank account did.  The team was being awfully generous installing him as a member of that exclusive group already.  What is given can be taken away. 

While I agree with almost everything you say, I have to think that Khan contacting Brunell re The Pride would be counter-productive. It would make Khan look petty and vindictive, like he's trying to buy Brunell's opinion.


You either deserve to be in The Pride or you don't (I happen to think he does). It should not come with an expectation as to what he thinks.
Quote:Details like this don't bode well for the "they're trying to create a situation where the team loses money for 3 consecutive years" crowd:

In <a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/SBJSBD'>@SBJSBD</a> Jags Prez Lamping says team has already seen 7-figure revenue jump from London game due to more&more expensive tickets
This doesn't help your argument.

A statement like this doesn't make me feel good about the team staying put in Jacksonville. If they can make million(s) from one game, from a financial standpoint why wouldn't Khan want to make million(s) from 10 games? I'm pretty sure that number is double and maybe triple that of what he would make stateside considering our average attendance and the monetary value of the pound vs the dollar.
Quote:I said at the Del Rio firing this fan base needed a shot in the arm. They needed a proven coach and proven GM. What does Khan do? He gets Gene's buddy Mike Mularkey who took a 5-11 team to 2-14. Then what does the Stache do? He gets a GM, head coach, offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator who are all learning on the job! For crying out loud.


So the new regime has taken us to depths we thought was impossible after last year's team.


Regards................the Chiefjag

Yeah! He should have hired one of those fired GMs! You know, one of those guys that would have generated hundreds of posts (from you, probably) talking about retreads and losers, etc.


How do good GMs get to be good GMs if they are never promoted from a lower level?


So we need to only always hire some one who is no longer wanted?

Even if he believed that, you dont say it.  when your wife asks if she looks fat, you say no.  even if she does.  Brunell has his name on the dang stadium.  You stick up for your team no matter what.  

Quote:The ultimate goal is to make money. 

I believe this is Khan's ultimate goal.


Regards.............the Chiefjag
Quote:Proof they sat on their hands and didn't try, please.



And no, I don't have proof that they didn't sit on their hands. 

Silly woman. When has he needed proof? He can infer! He can read minds!
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