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Full Version: Brunell on ESPN. Anybody watch? Heard he said Jaguars appear headed to LA or London.
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Quote:Let them go to London...............


Nobody was more excited than me when, in the mid-1990's, much to everyone's surprise, we were awarded an NFL franchise. I've been a proud season ticket holder every year since 1995. I currently own six seats. The first 5 years were magical. I, along with 40,000 other Jags fans, sat in the stadium at 2:00 a.m. to welcome them back after they beat the Broncos in 96, so don't call me a "fair-weather fan".


I was employed by Barnett Bank from 1974 thru 1998, when NationsBank (now Bank of America) bought us. Prior to that, our C.E.O., Charlie Rice, told us time after time not to worry.........."We weren't for sale". Then, I awoke one morning, turned on the television, and discovered that we had been sold to NationsBank. Charlie Rice reportedly received over $50 million in the deal. I learned from that that EVERYTHING is for sale.


The fans in this town are not to blame if the Jags leave, although that's the way it will be portrayed in the national media. We have supported this team thru good and bad, and we've had more than our share of bad for over a decade.


We are now the league's laughingstock. Our team is comprised of low-talent players. Yet, despite this, we're expected to fill the stadium and scream for the home team, which we do.


If the team relocates, I'm done with the NFL. I'll find other things to do. They won't miss me. They won't miss you if you decide to do the same thing. I've already quit major league baseball and the NBA.


Let them leave...........
Just to say that commentators here in England think you are only 2 players away from being a decent team. Franchise QB is the obvious change, sorry I can't remember the other position.

Bit too early to give up all hope.

Also remember that because the nfl is made up of franchise teams they move around anyway. When I started watching games on tv we watched LA Raiders and LA rams. Neither are in LA now. Before my time the Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore to become the Ravens, and I'm sure others will have moved cities.

I honestly don't believe there is the long term support here in England for one team. Even with 3 games next year the vast majority of fans coming to the games will be neutral, fans of the other 31 teams. Plus we would need academies to bring young players through, and while the sport is growing it is still a novelty in most schools. Kids here want to play Soccer, Rugby or Cricket. We have at least a generation to go before we start to scratch the surface in nfl.

But moving to LA? That's a possibility as LA is too big a city not to have it's own team. Even so, I hope the Jags remain in Jacksonville.
Quote:Just to say that commentators here in England think you are only 2 players away from being a decent team. Franchise QB is the obvious change, sorry I can't remember the other position.


Pass rushing DE most likely.  
Quote:Pass rushing DE most likely.  
yep, sounds right.
Quote:Pass rushing DE most likely.  
True NYC but with 11 sacks through 8 games we need an entire line.


Season sack totals - Robert Mathis  - 11.5    vs   Jax Jags - 11


One of the saddest stats among many sad Jag stats.
Quote:True NYC but with 11 sacks through 8 games we need an entire line.


Season sack totals - Robert Mathis  - 11.5    vs   Jax Jags - 11


One of the saddest stats among many sad Jag stats.
Indeed, JQ.  I suspect we'll see some new blood along the D-line.  They really need a run stuffing nose tackle as well as pass rushers. 


Marks may be the only guy there with any real job security. 
The Jaguars would have more support for staying than the Sacramento Kings did, and Tony Boselli is far, far, far more charismatic than Kevin Johnson is.

Quote:Let them go to London...............


Nobody was more excited than me when, in the mid-1990's, much to everyone's surprise, we were awarded an NFL franchise. I've been a proud season ticket holder every year since 1995. I currently own six seats. The first 5 years were magical. I, along with 40,000 other Jags fans, sat in the stadium at 2:00 a.m. to welcome them back after they beat the Broncos in 96, so don't call me a "fair-weather fan".


I was employed by Barnett Bank from 1974 thru 1998, when NationsBank (now Bank of America) bought us. Prior to that, our C.E.O., Charlie Rice, told us time after time not to worry.........."We weren't for sale". Then, I awoke one morning, turned on the television, and discovered that we had been sold to NationsBank. Charlie Rice reportedly received over $50 million in the deal. I learned from that that EVERYTHING is for sale.


The fans in this town are not to blame if the Jags leave, although that's the way it will be portrayed in the national media. We have supported this team thru good and bad, and we've had more than our share of bad for over a decade.


We are now the league's laughingstock. Our team is comprised of low-talent players. Yet, despite this, we're expected to fill the stadium and scream for the home team, which we do.


If the team relocates, I'm done with the NFL. I'll find other things to do. They won't miss me. They won't miss you if you decide to do the same thing. I've already quit major league baseball and the NBA.


Let them leave...........

I too was in the stadium when the team flew over on the return trip from Denver.


I was in line 20 years ago next month with all the other idiots waiting for our tee shirts at JC Penney the day the franchise was announced.


I've only missed a few regular season home games in the history of this franchise, and have owned season tickets in one fashion or another since 1995 as well. 


I think the comparison to Barnett is a fair one.  That was a company that was not for sale until the day it sold.  But, Barnett may be gone in name, but their footprint still exists 16 years later despite being taken over by larger, more successful banks twice now.  You can look at the sale of the Jags in very much the same way.  A larger, more successful entity took them over.  The logo changed, but the footprint remains the same, and in many ways has been broadened by the deal.


None of us knows where the franchise will be a decade from now, and ultimately, the only control we have is through the tickets we purchase.  Beyond that, it's totally out of our hands. 


The fans are not to blame if the franchise leaves, but you'll be hard pressed to convince anyone of that outside of Jacksonville.  I think the new owner recognizes the fan support, and I believe that has inspired him to be more than just a guy who flies in for games and to occasionally check on his property.  I think he recognizes the potential for this region, and he's doing what he can in his circles to help bring Jacksonville along.  You can knock Khan for a lot of things, but the guy has a vision that's probably a few steps ahead of anyone else.  It made him a billionaire. 


As time has progressed, I've seen what I think is the beginning of a very unique partnership between a city and a business man who happens to own a professional sports franchise.  I think his vision for this city goes beyond anything any of us are thinking.  He's the quintessential underdog done good story, so perhaps he sees Jacksonville in that light, and he's made it his purpose not only to build a successful franchise, but also to take a small market and grow it into something more significant.  In doing so, he benefits the franchise and the city. 


We'll see where he takes this thing, but I do like where he was heading with the London trip aside from the fact that he screwed me out of 1 home game a year.  I like the prospect of growing the business relationship with one of the largest cities in the world.  The potential boon for our local economy is significant, and as it grows, so do the prospects that we won't need to discuss relocation any longer.  That's what I'm hoping for as a Jacksonville native, and a fan of this team from the original Touchdown Jacksonville days.
Just undeleted the game and the suggestions for QB were Bridgewater and Mirioti(sp).

Turns out they didn't suggest the second position. They also mentioned Colts going 2-14 then getting Andrew Luck, and we all know what that's done for them.

Didnt he file for bamkruptcy! Lol. He lost my respect.
And if we lose the team. Its because we suck. Thats not the fans fault. If they moved us because we suck. Then i blame khan and the team he hired
The gm should have took what we had and made it better. This strip the team deal backfired. The KC way proved it. Whats worse. It happened thw same time. They went one way. We went another. We could have followed their lead. So its not our fault we suck.
So suck on that
Not sure if it has been linked - but Brunell did put out the apology most expected.  FWIW :



Quote:"Obviously all of us, we want the Jaguars to stay in Jacksonville and I do not want this team to leave. I love this team. I love the franchise. I love the direction it’s heading in. I love this community. I think I got caught up a little bit. My quote, my comment, was all indications are that the team is heading in that direction towards London, but, really those were comments based on what’s being said and what the perspective is outside this community. Inside this community, of course we all know what’s going to be going on the next few years with the stadium renovations and all that, so [I made a] poor choice of words."

We are the dumb fans that know nothing! Remember. They are smarter than us. Lol. If fans stop going to games. Can u blame them. We have the worse team in history. Thats hard to do!
Everyone has the say name here apology form they read when they need damage control. Hes BFF talks all the time. Tony has told him better. Yet he said it. So i dont care about the apology. He said it. Own it!
Quote:Have you noticed you respond with insults and not substance?


You got rocked on this thread because your game is weak so you resort to acting like a child. 


You accuse me of being a lemming because I support FBT? He is providing logic in his arguments while you are spewing ignorant , ESPN fed, unsubstantiated rhetoric.


And finally, as you insult people instead of providing intelligent responses I will point out you capitulated and admitted defeat by announcing you are on tilt.



You got rocked dude! Pick up your mouth piece and retreat to your corner.
Maybe you should look up the word lemming and it will substantiate my claim. Nobody got rocked, FBT's just toting the company line as he alluded to earlier in the thread when I said I was on tilt. Calling someone a lemming is hardly an insult, simply an accurate observation only after digesting a few responses from the damage control crew.
I don't think I can remember reading a more depressing thread than this. Right now it's all rumour and speculation. the important thing is to keep getting behind the team, which I'm sure you'll do. As others have said, the team moving is out of your hands.

And another thing, if you didn't lose, you wouldn't enjoy winning Smile

Quote:. The KC way proved it. Whats worse. It happened thw same time. They went one way. We went another.
KC had a lot more talent when Reid took over.  They sent 6 guys to the pro bowl in 2012.*   You are comparing apples and grapes. 



*(Those six Chiefs are Jamaal Charles, Eric Berry, Derrick Johnson, Tamba Hali and Dustin Colquitt. Justin Houston was voted in as an alternate.)
So i am suppose to believe. He really knows the facts. But he had to say what the national media thinks? Weak
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