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Full Version: Brunell on ESPN. Anybody watch? Heard he said Jaguars appear headed to LA or London.
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Quote:If anyone thinks it will take 3 years of losses to allow Shad Khan to break the lease permitting him to move the team is ridiculously naive. He's already broken the lease by playing in London, how hard was that? I don't know exactly what the lease fee is but I've heard it's $3 million per year. If there are 17 years left on the lease then he would owe the city $51 million in lease payments.


Now, given he will be here at least for 3 more years since he's committed to only one game in London, his lease payment will be $45 million. If he were to move the team to London, or L.A., the team would immediately be worth $1 billion or more. That would be an increase of $250 million in equity from what he paid.


More than likely, if he were to move the team, the other NFL owners would pick up part of that lease payment for him since the additional revenue he would receive from such a move would trickle into their pockets as well.


The most valuable asset we have to keep the team here is ourselves. If we show up and support the team we'll have the NFL Relocation Committee in our corner. After the Cleveland to Baltimore fiasco the Relocation Committee instituted a clause in their by-laws that prohibits a team from relocating if it is breaking a lease with it's city. If we support the team by selling out the stadium, it will be difficult for the Relocation Committee to bless a move. 


We have a stake in this. Don't pretend there is nothing we can do to prevent a move.


Regards.................the Chiefjag

The city amended the lease to accomodate the London thing. 


I agree that it's up to the fans to keep the team here.  We're doing our part despite a lousy product. 

Quote:I don't tolerate stupidity very well.  Sorry.


Is Khan a big market guy?  Where does he operate his company from?  Is it the epicenter of commerce?


I see a guy who came from nothing, made his fortune on his own with a combination of smarts, hard work, and a little luck.  He's built an empire that made him a billionaire.  He has a business that is a global operation that works with every major auto manufacturer on the planet, and he did this from where?  Urbana, IL.  That's not exactly a metropolis he's running a multi-billion dollar business from. 


It's the one thing I look at that makes me think he's the kind of guy who would love to make this team a success in a small market competing against the big boys.  I don't think he's really considering London or LA because I think he recognizes he doesn't need to be there to be successful over the long haul.  The current agreement with London opens a door for him to increase revenue without having to move the franchise.  It allows him to prove that you don't have to be in a top 10 market to succeed as an NFL franchise.  Somehow he's managed to accomplish that in his business life, and if you look at his personal narrative, making it happen here in Jacksonville is precisely the kind of thing Khan would want. 


I was more of a skeptic early in the process as he assumed ownership.  I'm still not fully committed to the notion that he's dedicated to this market, but I'm significantly further along in the process based upon his actions over the past year as he's invested heavily in the organization, and also in the community.  He's become a major player in the local business market because of this London game.  If you saw who was part of his entourage during the week, it was all city leaders and business leaders in London and Jacksonville who were in attendance.  His global presence can only benefit the local business environment, and he's proving that he's willing to spearhead the efforts to give Jacksonville a more global appeal. 


His investment of tens of millions in the stadium, and tens of millions more in the city are both signs he plans to remain a fixture here.  This is a guy who doesn't strike me as someone who is willing to part ways with pretty significant dollar amounts just to put on a show. 
They must pay you to look like a buffoon. He probably drops tens of mils on his shark tank, and that's the leg you choose to stand on.


I also loved your interpretation of the dog and pony show you so eloquently stated as reasoning on why we should put our concerns to rest... how cute.
Quote:The city amended the lease to accomodate the London thing. 


I agree that it's up to the fans to keep the team here.  We're doing our part despite a lousy product. 
Amended? Is that imperial jargon?
Quote:One little problem with your little conspiracy theory there, skippy.  The Jaguars haven't lost money.  In fact, since Khan bought the team, they've expanded their revenue stream.  Anyone who walks into the stadium, or deals with the local media can see a much more significant presence of corporate sponsorship locally.  They're not giving that stuff away for free. 


I'm not sure what a "blind lemon" is. Sounds like a band name.   


I don't see anyone who has even a remote understanding of the dynamic here in Jacksonville walking around saying there are no problems.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Most people recognize the challenges this franchise faces here in Jacksonville, but they also realize that the new owner is actually trying to do as much as he possibly can to squeeze every possible bit of revenue out of this franchise. 


As a lifelong resident, and 4th generation resident of Jacksonville, I do have a connection to this community, and in turn to this team.  If it was to leave Jacksonville, it would leave without my support.  That being said, we're not even remotely close to seeing the team relocate.  Could it happen?  Sure.  But, the same could be said for at least half a dozen other franchises in the league who would benefit equally from moving to larger markets.  They're not all lining up to move to London. 


The owner agreed to play 4 games in London.  It helps him to increase the profitability of the franchise, once again kind of negating your primary point that they're trying to show a 3 year loss.  Many of the long-time season ticket holders are not happy to lose a home game a year, especially when it's guaranteed to be the best match-up on the schedule that we lose.  But, we recognize the need to increase revenue.  We also see plans to make significant upgrades to the stadium.  We see the owner trying to put roots down locally in an effort to negate the talk about relocation.  Time will tell if he's sincere. 


To have a former player who many consider to be an icon from the golden age of the Jaguars (as brief as it was) expressing an opinion that the team is potentially leaving for London or LA at the same time when the team is doing everything it can to put that rumor to rest is just boneheaded on the part of Brunell.  If I was Shad Khan, I'd be on the phone with Mark reminding him that he's going to be recognized as a new member of the Pride of the Jaguars, and that honor could evaporate just as quickly as his bank account did.  The team was being awfully generous installing him as a member of that exclusive group already.  What is given can be taken away. 
Go get'em FBT! I see you packed your gun while these knuckleheads clearly brought their knives to this board fight.
Quote:Amended? Is that imperial jargon?
 Am I the only one who gets tired of seeing these threads all from innuendo and things taken out of context?  If Kahn really wanted to move other than a law suit there is nothing any of us could do about it.  We get started up on this subject way to easy, This has become the replacement for all the threads that appeared weekly about blackouts back in those bad old days.  





The most valuable asset we have to keep the team here is ourselves. If we show up and support the team we'll have the NFL Relocation Committee in our corner. After the Cleveland to Baltimore fiasco the Relocation Committee instituted a clause in their by-laws that prohibits a team from relocating if it is breaking a lease with it's city. If we support the team by selling out the stadium, it will be difficult for the Relocation Committee to bless a move. 


We have a stake in this. Don't pretend there is nothing we can do to prevent a move.


Regards.................the Chiefjag

I agree with the above....


But what if they make the product so lousy that people start staying away???? You couldn't blame people for doing so, and you really haven't seen much in turning the tide from a lousy product to a good one yet. Even if they would have made some trades for future draft picks, it would have given some more indication that they would be at least trying to aim for future improvement. Nope, they sat on their hands and this roster instead. 
Quote: Am I the only one who gets tired of seeing these threads all from innuendo and things taken out of context?  If Kahn really wanted to move other than a law suit there is nothing any of us could do about it.  We get started up on this subject way to easy, This has become the replacement for all the threads that appeared weekly about blackouts back in those bad old days.  

What part of Brunell's comments were taken out of context?
Quote:I agree with the above....


But what if they make the product so lousy that people start staying away???? You couldn't blame people for doing so, and you really haven't seen much in turning the tide from a lousy product to a good one yet. Even if they would have made some trades for future draft picks, it would have given some more indication that they would be at least trying to aim for future improvement. Nope, they sat on their hands and this roster instead. 

Proof they sat on their hands and didn't try, please.



And no, I don't have proof that they didn't sit on their hands. 

Quote:Proof they sat on their hands and didn't try, please.



And no, I don't have proof that they didn't sit on their hands. 

Well, I don't have direct proof, but indirect proof of the ease of doing -something- anything to net a pick or 2 extra would be the Eagles dealing away an absolutely dreadful player who was also overpaid, in Sopoago to the Pats for a 5th rounder. We have better veterans than that that could have been dealt. I think it stems back to Caldwell stupidly painting himself into a corner by expressing that he wasn't going to deal MoJo and Poz....

Quote:I feel ya but that 0 and 8 team that Caldwell is fielding certainly says otherwise. What's funny is some folk act as if he's made the team better...well that's not the case at all. In fact, you could point to many inconsistencies but that's irrelevant when you're arguing with the LEMMINGS.
Can you point out where anyone has said the first wave of moves has made the team better?  I haven't seen it, but clearly you have, so feel free to show some posts where this is supported. 


Most people who understand the process they've undertaken realize that in order to rebuild, you've got to tear it down first.  It's not difficult to follow that this is what they've done.  They've cleared cap space and gotten rid of veterans that weren't part of the long-term plan for this team, and veterans who weren't terribly productive to begin with based on 7 wins in 2 seasons. 


Good to see you figured out the word lemmings.  I'm not seeing many of them around here. 
Quote:I agree with the above....


But what if they make the product so lousy that people start staying away???? You couldn't blame people for doing so, and you really haven't seen much in turning the tide from a lousy product to a good one yet. Even if they would have made some trades for future draft picks, it would have given some more indication that they would be at least trying to aim for future improvement. Nope, they sat on their hands and this roster instead. 
Attack their incompetence not their intentions TMD. Do not confuse tanking with deliberately sabotaging for the sake of relocation.
Quote:I agree with the above....


But what if they make the product so lousy that people start staying away???? You couldn't blame people for doing so, and you really haven't seen much in turning the tide from a lousy product to a good one yet. Even if they would have made some trades for future draft picks, it would have given some more indication that they would be at least trying to aim for future improvement. Nope, they sat on their hands and this roster instead. 

I said at the Del Rio firing this fan base needed a shot in the arm. They needed a proven coach and proven GM. What does Khan do? He gets Gene's buddy Mike Mularkey who took a 5-11 team to 2-14. Then what does the Stache do? He gets a GM, head coach, offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator who are all learning on the job! For crying out loud.


So the new regime has taken us to depths we thought was impossible after last year's team.


Regards................the Chiefjag
Quote:I agree with the above....


But what if they make the product so lousy that people start staying away???? You couldn't blame people for doing so, and you really haven't seen much in turning the tide from a lousy product to a good one yet. Even if they would have made some trades for future draft picks, it would have given some more indication that they would be at least trying to aim for future improvement. Nope, they sat on their hands and this roster instead. 

You're really becoming quite an embarrassment.  I thought you were smarter, but apparently I overestimated your mental acuity. 
Quote:Amended? Is that imperial jargon?
It's called English.  If it's confusing to you, buy a dictionary.
Quote:They must pay you to look like a buffoon. He probably drops tens of mils on his shark tank, and that's the leg you choose to stand on.


I also loved your interpretation of the dog and pony show you so eloquently stated as reasoning on why we should put our concerns to rest... how cute.

At least I'm getting paid then.  You're doing it for nothing.  What's your excuse?

Quote:It's called English.  If it's confusing to you, buy a dictionary.
FBT leaving carcasses all over the board today!!!!
Quote: Am I the only one who gets tired of seeing these threads all from innuendo and things taken out of context?  If Kahn really wanted to move other than a law suit there is nothing any of us could do about it.  We get started up on this subject way to easy, This has become the replacement for all the threads that appeared weekly about blackouts back in those bad old days.  

Nothing Brunelll said was taken out of context.  The entire interview is there for anyone to hear. 
Details like this don't bode well for the "they're trying to create a situation where the team loses money for 3 consecutive years" crowd:


In <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/SBJSBD'>@<b>SBJSBD</b></a> Jags Prez Lamping says team has already seen 7-figure revenue jump from London game due to more&more expensive tickets

Quote:Details like this don't bode well for the "they're trying to create a situation where the team loses money for 3 consecutive years" crowd:


In @<b>SBJSBD</b> Jags Prez Lamping says team has already seen 7-figure revenue jump from London game due to more&more expensive tickets
In addition to the grammar lesson you gave I think they will find this basic math lesson helpful also. Listen up peeps, for those who do not comprehend this means the Jags are becoming even more profitable then they already are. Part of Khan's crazy , hair brained scheme to make money.


Remember Meet the Parents and Ben Stiller's luggage rant? Yes, it's a black Samsonite. <b>...</b> in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE ? <b>....</b> 

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