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Quote:Agreed. However, like a cop who wants to pull over a driver for a secondary violation, he'll find an excuse to pull that guy over. In other words, he may not use that as an excuse, but as we all know, there are ways around it.

IF, there was a scenario wereas they could move to London, I'm sure Goodell will help, bend, twist, ignore or revamp the rules.

No way it happens soon, but to ignore it would ne naive.

Goodell can only impose his will so far. There are no grounds to break the lease with the city that would allow him to force a move.

In order to break the lease to move, the team would have to prove in court that they either lost money for 3 consecutive years, or that the city didn't fulfill their obligation to maintain the facilities.

Neither can be proven in court.

What makes it even less likely is the fact that the team would have to open all their books to an audit. No team would do that as it likely would open the door to additional issues with the NFLPA.

Breaking the lease isn't just a matter of stroking a check.
Quote:I'm on board with this as well. But one eye will still be open as I sleep.

I don't think it will happen within a couple years, but to think it'll never happen, doesn't know the NFL, it's owners and their commissioner puppet.

As we've all sai a million times...put out a winning product, and they will come. Remain with the status quo, and within a few years, we could conceivably see " Mayflower Freighters" docked at Tallyrand.

It would kill me to see this happen, and if it did, no way will I support the team. It wouldn't be ours anymore. Sickens me just thinking about it"...... I'm off to the Sideline

Like I said before, the possibility always exists. All we can do as fans is continue to support the team and hope for the best. We'll know soon enough if Khan is a man of his word or not
Quote:Goodell can only impose his will so far. There are no grounds to break the lease with the city that would allow him to force a move.

In order to break the lease to move, the team would have to prove in court that they either lost money for 3 consecutive years, or that the city didn't fulfill their obligation to maintain the facilities.

Neither can be proven in court.

What makes it even less likely is the fact that the team would have to open all their books to an audit. No team would do that as it likely would open the door to additional issues with the NFLPA.

Breaking the lease isn't just a matter of stroking a check.

I understand. But what happens if they do? Get sued? But I agree, they like a clean image, and opening the books is not want they want. But back room deals aren't out of the question.

But be that as it may, I feel the NFL is all about being a money machine. The right thing/ morals are on the back burner.

I personally can't see it happening, because this city and the fans will stick it out. But I just have a hard time trusting this organization.

I think " just stroking a check " works many times for these individuals and the business.

I think it requires monitoring, not that we can do anything about it.

If we were in the hunt for a playoff spot, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.
Quote:If we were in the hunt for a playoff spot, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.

I think this is something we can all agree on.
Quote:I understand. But what happens if they do? Get sued? But I agree, they like a clean image, and opening the books is not want they want. But back room deals aren't out of the question.

But be that as it may, I feel the NFL is all about being a money machine. The right thing/ morals are on the back burner.

I personally can't see it happening, because this city and the fans will stick it out. But I just have a hard time trusting this organization.

I think " just stroking a check " works many times for these individuals and the business.

I think it requires monitoring, not that we can do anything about it.

If we were in the hunt for a playoff spot, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.

You're last point is 100% correct.  If this was a perennial winner, the Jaguars wouldn't be in the rumor mill as a potential relocation candidate.  


I feel my initial suspicion about the purpose of these London games had some merit.  It was awfully convenient that the commitment to this experiment coincided with the agreement Khan made with Wayne Weaver to keep the team in Jacksonville for 5 years.  This was always the thing that stuck in my craw because the timing was awfully convenient.  But, I also looked at the 5 year agreement with Weaver as a test of our commitment as fans to the franchise.  If at the end of the 5 years the team was losing money, or the fan draw was ridiculously low, then I could see the team moving. 


What we've seen so far is that the fans have stepped up and continued to do their part despite the team being downright lousy, and there's every expectation that as the team improves, the fan support will continue to remain solid, and hopefully grow. 


I may not agree with every decision Khan has made since buying the team, but I do see now that he's making every effort to assure this team remains in Jacksonville beyond that first 5 years.  If we survive that window, I don't think there will nearly as much concern about the franchise pulling up stakes and moving.  I believe this is especially true if the product on the field improves.


One thing I feel Khan has learned since buying the team is that the fan passion in Jacksonville can't be measured by ticket sales.  There's a lot of passion for this team in the area despite the team being awful.  Fans want to see it succeed here.  Khan has to have recognized this passion (despite the best efforts in the media to portray us as an apathetic fan base) over the past 2 years, and he's clearly trying to tap into that to bolster ticket sales and increase the footprint of the franchise. 


When I watched everything going on around the London trip, it's clear he recognizes the need to build the business base in Jacksonville.  More significant corporate presence leads to more sponsorships, higher incomes locally, and hopefully more revenue for the franchise.  The Jaguars and the city of Jacksonville had a very prominent presence during the last week in London, and the hope is that will net results locally with companies looking to do more business here, or to expand their presence.  All of that is a good thing for the city, and what's good for the city is good for the team as well. 


Seeing that effort, spearheaded by Shad Khan, it gave me a better sense of confidence that he's not just in this to move the team to a bigger market.  He's trying to grow the market he's in so that won't be necessary.  He's not just focused on the team.  That's a good thing.
[Image: 1295896107_Mark-Sanchez-wipes-a-booger-o...unell_.gif]           

This is what happens to meatheads.

Quote:You're last point is 100% correct.  If this was a perennial winner, the Jaguars wouldn't be in the rumor mill as a potential relocation candidate.  


I feel my initial suspicion about the purpose of these London games had some merit.  It was awfully convenient that the commitment to this experiment coincided with the agreement Khan made with Wayne Weaver to keep the team in Jacksonville for 5 years.  This was always the thing that stuck in my craw because the timing was awfully convenient.  But, I also looked at the 5 year agreement with Weaver as a test of our commitment as fans to the franchise.  If at the end of the 5 years the team was losing money, or the fan draw was ridiculously low, then I could see the team moving. 


What we've seen so far is that the fans have stepped up and continued to do their part despite the team being downright lousy, and there's every expectation that as the team improves, the fan support will continue to remain solid, and hopefully grow. 


I may not agree with every decision Khan has made since buying the team, but I do see now that he's making every effort to assure this team remains in Jacksonville beyond that first 5 years.  If we survive that window, I don't think there will nearly as much concern about the franchise pulling up stakes and moving.  I believe this is especially true if the product on the field improves.


One thing I feel Khan has learned since buying the team is that the fan passion in Jacksonville can't be measured by ticket sales.  There's a lot of passion for this team in the area despite the team being awful.  Fans want to see it succeed here.  Khan has to have recognized this passion (despite the best efforts in the media to portray us as an apathetic fan base) over the past 2 years, and he's clearly trying to tap into that to bolster ticket sales and increase the footprint of the franchise. 


When I watched everything going on around the London trip, it's clear he recognizes the need to build the business base in Jacksonville.  More significant corporate presence leads to more sponsorships, higher incomes locally, and hopefully more revenue for the franchise.  The Jaguars and the city of Jacksonville had a very prominent presence during the last week in London, and the hope is that will net results locally with companies looking to do more business here, or to expand their presence.  All of that is a good thing for the city, and what's good for the city is good for the team as well. 


Seeing that effort, spearheaded by Shad Khan, it gave me a better sense of confidence that he's not just in this to move the team to a bigger market.  He's trying to grow the market he's in so that won't be necessary.  He's not just focused on the team.  That's a good thing.

The true mark of Khan's word comes/will come with an important caveat he's made since the announcement he bought the team.


Khan indicated the fans have to support the team, but it's important that the product on the field earns the fans support.


I support the team.  I go to the games. 


But many won't go with a product as bad as it's been the past two years.


I think if he is a man of his word, he'll make every legitimate effort to put a winning team on the field and see how the support here is.
Quote:I'm the first to admit my initial skepticism. In my defense, I always said actions could convince me to change my mind. I'm not 100% there yet, but I think what has transpired over the past year has eased my concerns considerably.

Yes, you did say that.  I guess that is why I was saying lets wait and see how the London thing goes before we overly criticize it.  Anyways, there are still concerns and I think most understand what those are.  At the same time, there are a lot of positive things other then the teams performance that are happening in our favor.  Not only has Khan said he is committed here, but he has shown it as well.  Some are still extremely skeptical or out right believe Khan is an evil man with an evil plan to take are team from us.  But to think that you have to outright dismiss many, many facts and actions Khan has taken in favor of keeping the team here.
Quote:I'm on board with this as well. But one eye will still be open as I sleep.

I don't think it will happen within a couple years, but to think it'll never happen, doesn't know the NFL, it's owners and their commissioner puppet.

As we've all sai a million times...put out a winning product, and they will come. Remain with the status quo, and within a few years, we could conceivably see " Mayflower Freighters" docked at Tallyrand.

It would kill me to see this happen, and if it did, no way will I support the team. It wouldn't be ours anymore. Sickens me just thinking about it"...... I'm off to the Sideline

But to think it will happen in a few years is again ignoring the facts.  London isn't ready for a team in a few years and neither is LA.  
Quote:I understand. But what happens if they do? Get sued? But I agree, they like a clean image, and opening the books is not want they want. But back room deals aren't out of the question.

But be that as it may, I feel the NFL is all about being a money machine. The right thing/ morals are on the back burner.

I personally can't see it happening, because this city and the fans will stick it out. But I just have a hard time trusting this organization.

I think " just stroking a check " works many times for these individuals and the business.

I think it requires monitoring, not that we can do anything about it.

If we were in the hunt for a playoff spot, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.

I think you are being a little too cynical.  


Quote:The true mark of Khan's word comes/will come with an important caveat he's made since the announcement he bought the team.


Khan indicated the fans have to support the team, but it's important that the product on the field earns the fans support.


I support the team.  I go to the games. 


But many won't go with a product as bad as it's been the past two years.


I think if he is a man of his word, he'll make every legitimate effort to put a winning team on the field and see how the support here is.

Yes, you have to have both.  If in 3 years we are still 2-14, 4-12 then that is on Khan and management.  It isn't on the fans.  If this city had a winner, the passion would explode.  
Haven't read all this thread, but as an English nfl fan I don't want a UK team. I went to both Wembley games this year and with hotel accom included the two games have cost me £1,479.80

I don't know how I will afford three games next year, probably drive down on the day and back after the game, but going to 8 home games, plus any potential play off games, would bankrupt me :down:

Quote:Haven't read all this thread, but as an English nfl fan I don't want a UK team. I went to both Wembley games this year and with hotel accom included the two games have cost me £1,479.80

I don't know how I will afford three games next year, probably drive down on the day and back after the game, but going to 8 home games, plus any potential play off games, would bankrupt me :down:

How was your overall experience?
Quote:I gotta ask. How old are you?


Quote:JaG4LyFe - thank you, thank you, thank you. So much unintended comedy. Unless it's intended. Are you really this dense, or just kidding?


Well, either way - thanks for the laughs.
Adam the apologist


Quote: I feel like this is 4th grade debate material. When the right side of the argument is lost some people resort to these tactics. Step your game up.
Lemming in training.


Quote:"JaG4LyFe" is such an obvious troll. And not even a good one.
10 year apologist without anything critical ever to say...you should be a proud lemming.
At least your figured out it is "lemming" and not "lemon". Baby steps I suppose.

Quote:At least your figured out it is "lemming" and not "lemon". Baby steps I suppose.
It happens. Maybe one day you'll figure it out and not resemble a lemming 365 days of the year.
Quote:Or it's more of an indictment on what's really going on within the franchise but you just want to play naive and look the other way.

So please tell us, what is really going on?
Quote:So please tell us, what is really going on?
Mayflower U boats
Quote:How was your overall experience?
Overall experience was great tbh. Fans rally in Trafalgar Square was good, Tailgate was better, have to say my seat was almost as high as it goes, 4 rows down from the top on a bend, crowd got behind the Jags, although with a lack of points on offer we had to satisfy ourselves with cheering the first downs Laughing

You have to bear in mind we are all sports fans and some of us support soccer teams who also occasionally have bad seasons. Add to that the fact that out of the 8 International games at Wembley so far I have only seen one team I was supporting win. That was the Saints a few years ago, the rest of the games I was cheering on the losing side. I'm a Steeler fan but have decided to have the Jags as my second team...... you have replaced the Packers in that regard.
Let them go to London...............


Nobody was more excited than me when, in the mid-1990's, much to everyone's surprise, we were awarded an NFL franchise. I've been a proud season ticket holder every year since 1995. I currently own six seats. The first 5 years were magical. I, along with 40,000 other Jags fans, sat in the stadium at 2:00 a.m. to welcome them back after they beat the Broncos in 96, so don't call me a "fair-weather fan".


I was employed by Barnett Bank from 1974 thru 1998, when NationsBank (now Bank of America) bought us. Prior to that, our C.E.O., Charlie Rice, told us time after time not to worry.........."We weren't for sale". Then, I awoke one morning, turned on the television, and discovered that we had been sold to NationsBank. Charlie Rice reportedly received over $50 million in the deal. I learned from that that EVERYTHING is for sale.


The fans in this town are not to blame if the Jags leave, although that's the way it will be portrayed in the national media. We have supported this team thru good and bad, and we've had more than our share of bad for over a decade.


We are now the league's laughingstock. Our team is comprised of low-talent players. Yet, despite this, we're expected to fill the stadium and scream for the home team, which we do.


If the team relocates, I'm done with the NFL. I'll find other things to do. They won't miss me. They won't miss you if you decide to do the same thing. I've already quit major league baseball and the NBA.


Let them leave...........



Adam the apologist


Lemming in training.


10 year apologist without anything critical ever to say...you should be a proud lemming.
Have you noticed you respond with insults and not substance?


You got rocked on this thread because your game is weak so you resort to acting like a child. 


You accuse me of being a lemming because I support FBT? He is providing logic in his arguments while you are spewing ignorant , ESPN fed, unsubstantiated rhetoric.


And finally, as you insult people instead of providing intelligent responses I will point out you capitulated and admitted defeat by announcing you are on tilt.



You got rocked dude! Pick up your mouth piece and retreat to your corner.

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