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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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if we could get a running game going, it would be lights out for the 70's mustache

Bridgewater, pfft.... 12-4 Baby!!
If we can reach the average points that the Rams give up we'll be OK... Then again we give up a bunch as well...

ah this is the offense we know and love 

I'd like to see 2:1 pass:run not 2:1 run:pass

Actually. That's gotta be it.
Nice try Blaine.
The offensive line creates no holes for the RB's

Quote:Anyone else feel a pick 6?

I feel it, brother.  I feel IT!
Ok.. The real Gabbert's back in...

lol did gabby have an open field?

run run pass
21 yard pass.


60+ yard passing TD.


Better run the ball up the middle every play next drive.

LJ is abusing a premier pass rusher for those who haven't noticed.

Gabbert should of stayed in the pocket... He left too early
Gabbert could have ran there
He had a clean pocket

ah I knew it, they just spliced some old game tape in.

Good try by Gabs!