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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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Lets go a series without running or some more play-actions and we would really catch them off guard
Quote:That blonde cheerleader was H O T

Quote:Sometimes American car commercials are amusing.
Is this a gumball machine? NO!
we gain a blackmon and lose a blackmon



We need all Blackmons to have a shot!! NOOOO!!

W. Blackmon hurt.  CRAAAAAP.

Quote:Bradford and Freeman have nearly identical stats ans winloss records. Just saying.
Yet, one was already cut from his team, while the other one almost had an extension. /head explodes
Bring in one is the Harris'.
That hit in the back after play was over was dirty, what do you expect from fishers team

I refuse to be fooled by this sorcery. I think I'll wait to see what occurs just in case that's the only score
Hope Blackmon is OK. He is currently our best cover guy
Give Blaine props so far so good with pocket presence
Anchorman 2 is going to be great. Will Ferrell's the man.
hmmm didn't see what happened to willy.

C'Mon Blackmon, we need you man...

Quote:That blonde cheerleader was H O T
I agree, but I demand more exposed midriff.
Keep it together team..keep it together....

Quote:Give Blaine prop so far so good with pocket presence

Quote:We have enough pieces in place to where we could truly win 11 games next year with Teddy. Not sure why any of you actually want to win this game. 

We'd prefer not be 0-16 and 1-15 will still likely be bad enough for the 1st pick. Chill out and just enjoy the damn game.