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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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Defense is doing their job so far
Dear Wells Fargo, families like that don't exist.


Signed, people living in the real world.

Marks is looking to be the player that AluAlu was drafted to be. ^_^

Marks is ballin!!!

dude, if we win this game, there's a chance the Rams front office is so disgusted they fire fischer...  That's a win/win in my book

Quote:Andre Harvey err Branch just not getting home. Notice they're punting away from Sanders.

Noticed that as well - I can't remember the last time we actually had a returner that was worth kicking away from
That hostages show looks terrible.
Gabbert will be the Rams QB next season, going back home.

rams have no D is why lame has a pocket
Almost pick six
Need more zip on that screen
holy crap that was scary lol

Gabbert will find a way to screw this up.

B14CKMON is gonna have a good game...

Why god?

Should have been a penalty on Sanders. Make up call?

oh no !!

oh no

Oh great. Jesus Christ......
Smh, people here asking for a lost today as if its going to make us a 500 team. Really people?