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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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Blackmon's reaction after that TD was telling.

This team needs a QB desperately.
Quote:Lets Go O...make them pay for a mistake!!!!!!

Yeah take that....we'll 3 point them to death.
I can't believe I just went Tebow, Gabbert is that freaking bad man how did it get to this!?

Rams just need 3 points and my prediction will be spot on Big Grin

We didn't look sharp in the redzone, to be fair...  We haven't really had much experience in that part of the football field

Gabbert thinks that his WRs need to be making acrobatic catches as if they're Cirque De Soleil

Gabbert is straight up garbage!
Can I play QB???? This is pathetic. We have zero plays that can get us a TD from the 5 yard line? Not a shuffle pass?
Quote:lol 3 passes in a row

This is the reason I question Fisch. But we'll see I guess.........
I wanted to see the Escape Man commercial.
Blackmon wondering what Blaine is doing...

wait whats happening
May as well go for it

Quote:haha still couldnt score

this offense sucks 
No Gabbert is awful. He has no confidence and plays like a scrub. Big, strong and can make throws but doesn't.
wait what the heck is going on? didn't we kick the FG?

For over 10 years we have needed a quarterback this year

we need two so far this game with the Rams is proving it

 Our offense makes me sick to my stomach. We make a mistake BOOOOOM we are made to pay.....have we done that..except with a feld goal all year???? Last week turnover field goal..now this week..PLEASE no more chicken little at QB!!!

This was a horrible year to get rid of NFL Sunday Ticket.

Wht the Wht?
