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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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Quote:Nice try Blaine.
Nice try?  It was a terrible throw...Shorts was wide open on the sideline SMH
He should have completed that pass..
Still no push from the line on running plays

Well we almost made the play... there is a half-decent pocket to throw from today.

Quote:LJ is abusing a premier pass rusher for those who haven't noticed.
I noticed, seems like where he likes to be.
Sometimes American car commercials are amusing.

Quote:LJ is abusing a premier pass rusher for those who haven't noticed.
Yes he is. He truly is our lt
Quote:run run pass
we have the lead we are eating up the clock :teehee:
This is the most excited and optimistic I've been since that blocked punt in week 1, we know that the Jags are good for 1 qtr. Lets hope we can pull out 3 more quarters

Imagine how Rams fans feel right now


Sen'Derricks again

That blonde cheerleader was H O T

Marks is the real deal.

Nice play Marks...

We have enough pieces in place to where we could truly win 11 games next year with Teddy. Not sure why any of you actually want to win this game. 

LJ is back in his element at left tackle... Not having to do things backward anymore... and it shows.

damn def looks awesome when we have a lead lol

Marks was a great signing by Caldwell. He's played well since he's been here.
Quote:Gabbert should of stayed in the pocket... He left too early

That's really why I've given up on Gabbert. You can fix throwing accuracy, timing, or decision making. Not all the time, but its at least possible with coaching.


Once that internal clock gets shot, there's no fixing it. And Gabbert's internal clock has been busted from years of getting hit every 2 seconds. That's why that first TD to JB was so scary for me. I don't want Gabbert to show enough that they don't take a QB or something thinking that Gabbert's overcome his shortcomings.