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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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That ball came out weird. I think he is having problems gripping the ball.

Well now we'll have flustered and indecisive Gabbert for the rest of the game.

Gonna have to give some credit to Blaine though; good job stepping up.


Even Bradfield made a decent play. I didn't notice Gabbert step up. I'm not used to the team functioning like a high school team. So, I retract my prior statement bashing Blaine and Bradfield entirely. They both made half-decent football plays.

Mojo, great power an balance. lowering the boom

MJD !! nice lil scamper !

New Ball Game...

Bradfield/Pasztor better than Monroe/Joeckel let's get to work
offense...we have offense? really!?

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if TB refuses to come play for us like Eli and Elway did. You couldn't blame him either lol
we're gonna be allright, gang

Blackmon is so tough.

whoa those two lambs were getting Blackmon po'ed

blackmon is such a beaaaaaaaaaaast

bahahah read option

This message board is so bi-polar.

oooooooooooooooooooo I got a warning for telling the truth about gabbert...lol the mod must be a GS fan

Quote:Blackmon is so tough.

I'm developing a crush on the dude
Uggg better pass = TD
Had him