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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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He's so innacurate.
Love Blackmon
gabbert can spin it

Good, its an ankle and not a knee.

lol run the ball 

Quote:Uggg better pass = TD

I think Jenkins would have made the tackle, but definitely was a bad pass.
I'm a fan, I can't help being bipolar.  I'm up or down on each play.  Ugh, come on throw it more.  And throw it to Blackmon. 

Bradfield sucks.

Quote:Good, its an ankle and not a knee.

Broken ankle not good.
run on 3rd down and 6, thats dumb

We need a TD/score...

Joeckel now the developing story on nfl network. Just our luck
10 points in one quarter...I'll take it.

3 and 6.  Lets check to the run.

If we had a real QB..........

Quote:Good, its an ankle and not a knee.

Yeah looked like the trainer was holding his ankle when they were driving off.  Not sure if it is good though. 
Quote:Good, its an ankle and not a knee.
So will he return?
for anyone who had anydoubts, justin blackmon is the best player on this roster

Scobee = most reliable Jaguar player ever. He should be instant ring of honor