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Dear Dan Marino,


We sincerely apologize for ending your career the way it had ended. However, the Jacksonville Jaguars organization has understandably learned their lesson - especially with the ineptitude displayed at the helm currently. We ask for forgiveness and would appreciate if you would be able to reverse the curse you have placed upon our organization.


With the greatest appreciation,

The Jacksonville Jaguars organization

Quote:How did Gabbert get this far in his career? I would have figured he would've been weeded out around HS or College

This is the real tragedy IMO. Del Rio throwing him to the wolves year one when he was far from ready broke him. A year playing some limited snaps in games and learning in practice could have done wonders.


I honestly believe Gabbert could have been a good NFL QB (and believe he should get the rest of this year to see what happens still-worst case we lose enough to get his replacement) but that chance was blown that first season.
Nice stop D...

Give it to the defense there, keeping us in the game but it's pointless with Gabbert playing right now.

Quote:If you consider touching a QB who trips over his own feet progress.

Its closer to the QB than he normally gets.

If the D had an offense that did not constantly put them in a hole..they could be a strong unit!

Quote:This is the real tragedy IMO. Del Rio throwing him to the wolves year one when he was far from ready broke him. A year playing some limited snaps in games and learning in practice could have done wonders.


I honestly believe Gabbert could have been a good NFL QB (and believe he should get the rest of this year to see what happens still-worst case we lose enough to get his replacement) but that chance was blown that first season.

He would be terrible in any circumstance.  
Here we go again, there's nothing stupid left for Blaine to do other than Butt Fumble


He got PULLED! Henne time

Henne time!

It's Hennerhoid time

Quote:Does anybody actually feel sorry for Gabbert? Granted he has millions more than me, I feel sorry for the dude.

I do because he was thrust into the fire way too soon.  Had he a season, or two, to learn the ropes I think he would have been a serviceable QB.  Jacksonville ruined his future.  Plain and simple.
Quote:Does anybody actually feel sorry for Gabbert? Granted he has millions more than me, I feel sorry for the dude.

Not in the slightest..
Never so happy to see Chad.
Blaine broke himself again. Am I wrong to be happy?

Quote:Dear Dan Marino,


We sincerely apologize for ending your career the way it had ended. However, the Jacksonville Jaguars organization has understandably learned their lesson - especially with the ineptitude displayed at the helm currently. We ask for forgiveness and would appreciate if you would be able to reverse the curse you have placed upon our organization.


With the greatest appreciation,

The Jacksonville Jaguars organization

^^ this it's never been the same after that game
Gabbert out, Henne in...


We need to lose all our games!!!!