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Full Version: Official: Jaguars Vs Rams Gameday Thread
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Quote:This is the reason I question Fisch. But we'll see I guess.........

Well it should have been a TD to Blackmon so I don't blame him
Replay 4th down, ok maybe we should try something other then gabbert here?

lame, offesetting penalties???  These ref's are worthless!

Bad refs.
go for it!! tell mjd this is your chance. be legendary lol

Ugh these refs

Blackmon was like what the hell are you blind?

Gabbert sucks
Blackmon was wide open the Ram defenders hit eachother and Gabbert still manages to chuck it over his head for an almost interception when Blackmon is just standing at the goal line wide open.

If we scored a td I would say maybe we'd compete this half but that just summed things up for me
Gabbert you fool!!!

damned refs are stickin it to us

I thought Gabbert didn't throw picks?

LOL what a BUST
WTH Jed!?!? 5 times you give it to Gabbert!?!?!?
who didn't see that coming?

Oh dear

And we get nothing.