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I'm assuming that the Dallas cops being shot is okay? The media hates the cops so they can spin this has a good thing.
Quote:I'm assuming that the Dallas cops being shot is okay? The media hates the cops so they can spin this has a good thing.
You have any articles from the "media" to back up all this spinning they are doing or are you just spewing garbage out of your mouth like always?
Quote:This is more of an example of twisting words...

That's all he really has.  I've mentioned in several posts that I'm not making a blanket statement.  There are good law enforcement officers, and there are pigs.  All cops are not pigs.  I've said it like 3 times in this thread.  But FBT likes to create straw men and attack them...  It's his schtick.
Quote:You're right. And if he hadn't resisted, and hadn't been carrying a gun illegally, he'd probably be alive right now.

Are you serious? After they subdued him he wasnt resisting .. He had two officers on him..They could have used Mase or taze him more.. They were looking for a reason to kill him... You know it.. You could hear the one cop say if u move im gonna shoot u.
Dallas Shooting is a tragedy. I do not codone violence especially if someone loses there life. This week alone within 48 hours 2 black men have been murdered in cold blood by cops. It was only a matter of time until some radicals decided to take matters into their own hands. Hopefully this is the end or most of all the violence lately. Im a black man and my life is jeopardy every time I come near a cop. My heart is heavy for all of the men and women that have lost their lifes to police brutality. But no one should be going out and shooting white people at will. Its not helping the situation.

Quote:How can you tell from the available footage, what happened? How do you know he didn't go for his gun. The latest footage clearly shows the cops weren't "happy" with how it went down. To hear you talk, they were high-fiving after.


The Cops responded to a call of a big dude matching his description for brandishing a weapon. He was a convicted felon and sex offender, he shouldn't have had the gun in the first place. 


#1 if you are a convicted felon with a gun on you, give up. Don't fight the cops.


Personally, I'm glad those cops went home that night. How many run in's with the cops did it take for them to take him out.

9/09/96 aggravated battery 
10/31/97 2nd degree battery 
1/06/98 simple battery 
5/04/00 public intimidation 

9/20/00 carnal knowledge of a juvenile 

9/04/01 domestic violence 

5/24/05 burglary of an inhabited dwelling place 

7/11/05 receiving stolen things 

9/12/05 burglary of inhabited dwelling place 

3/17/06 simple criminal damage to property, simple robbery, simple theft, drug possession, misrepresentation during booking, simple battery, aggravated battery 

4/12/06 aggravated battery, simple criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace, unauthorized entry 

4/04/08 domestic abuse battery 

6/03/09 resisting an officer, drug possession, receiving stolen things, possession of stolen firearm, illegal carrying of a weapon with CDs, sound reproduct without consent 

10/12/09 illegal carrying of weapon, marijuana possession 

8/13/15 failure to register as a sex offender 

4/08/16 failure to register as a sex offender 

6/14/16 ecstacy and marijuana possession


He's just a misunderstood gentle giant right?

how was he on the street?


Quote:how was he on the street?

I see he wasn't a murderer...
Quote:Are you serious? After they subdued him he wasnt resisting .. He had two officers on him..They could have used Mase or taze him more.. They were looking for a reason to kill him... You know it.. You could hear the one cop say if u move im gonna shoot u.

That's after the gun was identified and the alert level was increased. He told him to stop moving he didn't and he shot him.

Police officers have to make split second life or death decisions. As a black man, all this gaze him more crap is just crap. You don't try to eat getting taxed twice and wrestle with cops when u have a gun.

This wasn't about race, it was about a threat.
Quote:Are you serious? After they subdued him he wasnt resisting .. He had two officers on him..They could have used Mase or taze him more.. They were looking for a reason to kill him... You know it.. You could hear the one cop say if u move im gonna shoot u.

Tazer was ineffective. They were on top of him but his right arm is still free under the car.  The only camera angle we are not getting is what is that right arm doing.  But it can't be under control because its under the bumper of the car its the only body part the cops don't have.  Now if we assume the guy was right handed we could assume that the gun they found on him was on his right side.  If those assumptions are accurate and he made a move for the gun with the only part of his body not under control then the cops had every right to shoot him. 

You can be subdued and still resist.

I will re isten for the cop saying if you move I'm going to shoot you.  If he did say that, why the hell did the guy keep moving.  Stop resisting arrest they have you, you are beat.  All you are doing now is digging the hole deeper and his decisions dug his hole six feet under.
Quote:Are you serious? After they subdued him he wasnt resisting .. He had two officers on him..They could have used Mase or taze him more.. They were looking for a reason to kill him... You know it.. You could hear the one cop say if u move im gonna shoot u.
Did you even watch the video?  He was absolutely resisting, even when he had the two cops on him.  As someone has already pointed out, they tried to taze him twice.  I seriously doubt these cops were looking to kill anyone.  To suggest otherwise is just plain ignorance.  If you actually watched the video you could clearly see his right arm was not contained.  The gun was in his right pocket. 


He could have avoided this all together by simply not illegally carrying a gun, not using that gun to threaten someone in the parking lot, and by complying with the orders of the cops and not resisting.  He made a series of bad decisions, and it cost him his life. 

Quote:That's after the gun was identified and the alert level was increased. He told him to stop moving he didn't and he shot him.

Police officers have to make split second life or death decisions. As a black man, all this gaze him more crap is just crap. You don't try to eat getting taxed twice and wrestle with cops when u have a gun.

This wasn't about race, it was about a threat.

A threat? He had a right to be there! Louisiana is a concealed carry State. Did they ask if he had a license to carry a firearm? The only threat was those cops and they accomplished their goal..
Quote:A threat? He had a right to be there! Louisiana is a concealed carry State. Did they ask if he had a license to carry a firearm? The only threat was those cops and they accomplished their goal..

It's possible that they did ask.  And we know now the answer is no.


It's also possible that Sterling DID threaten somebody earlier with the gun.  People will never prevent these situations in the future unless people are honest about this.
Quote:Did you even watch the video? He was absolutely resisting, even when he had the two cops on him. As someone has already pointed out, they tried to taze him twice. I seriously doubt these cops were looking to kill anyone. To suggest otherwise is just plain ignorance. If you actually watched the video you could clearly see his right arm was not contained. The gun was in his right pocket.

He could have avoided this all together by simply not illegally carrying a gun, not using that gun to threaten someone in the parking lot, and by complying with the orders of the cops and not resisting. He made a series of bad decisions, and it cost him his life.
Yes i watched the video multiple times from both angles.. Now theres a third angle that shows the entire thing from the store camera.. But the police illegally seized that viewpoint.. And once again you have the right to bare arms. And Louisina is a concealed carrying state.. Now im sure he is a felon and wasnt suppose to, but did those cops know that, before they shot him? No!

After being tazed and tackled to the ground that man was murdered! That gun they say he had was in his back pocket which they had his right arm pinned ...

You can never convince me this was a justifiable killing.. He never fired a shot or aim his gun at them..
Quote:Yes i watched the video multiple times from both angles.. Now theres a third angle that shows the entire thing from the store camera.. But the police illegally siezed that viewpoint.. And once again you have the right to bare arms. And Louisina is a concealed carrying state.. Now im sure he is a felon and wasnt suppose to, but did those cops know that, before they shot him? No!

After being tazed and tackled to the ground that man was murdered! That gun they say he had was in his back pocket which they had his right arm pinned ...

You can never convince me this was a justifiable killing.. He never fired a shot or aim his gun at them..

Everything but his right arm was pinned.  His arm was basically under the car.
Quote:Yes i watched the video multiple times from both angles.. Now theres a third angle that shows the entire thing from the store camera.. But the police illegally siezed that viewpoint.. And once again you have the right to bare arms. And Louisina is a concealed carrying state.. Now im sure he is a felon and wasnt suppose to, but did those cops know that, before they shot him? No!

After being tazed and tackled to the ground that man was murdered! That gun they say he had was in his back pocket which they had his right arm pinned ...

You can never convince me this was a justifiable killing.. He never fired a shot or aim his gun at them..

Is that a fact?


It's possible that it was excessive use of force, but Sterling was not cooperating and it's possible he was trying to pull the gun.  You can't tell from the video.  Could the officers have prevented him from doing so?  I think so, but this is NOT "cold blood murder" like many are saying. 

Why didnt he just comply with the officers? Plain and simple.
The person who called the cops was a homeless man that asked Sterling for money, persisted, and then Sterling showed him the gun.

Quote:The person who called the cops was a homeless man that asked Sterling for money, persisted, and then Sterling showed him the gun.

Damn, that homeless guy has a career in politics; that's the same tactic the Left is using on the rest of us!
Quote:Yes i watched the video multiple times from both angles.. Now theres a third angle that shows the entire thing from the store camera.. But the police illegally siezed that viewpoint.. And once again you have the right to bare arms. And Louisina is a concealed carrying state.. Now im sure he is a felon and wasnt suppose to, but did those cops know that, before they shot him? No!

After being tazed and tackled to the ground that man was murdered! That gun they say he had was in his back pocket which they had his right arm pinned ...

You can never convince me this was a justifiable killing.. He never fired a shot or aim his gun at them..
If you think that arm was pinned, you didn't watch the videos.
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