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i was lucky enough to only have the one offense and nothing after or before. I was put in a stewart marchmen program and community service I knocked it out.  For about five years after that I got pulled over more often.  I quit making the mistakes to put myself in those positions and my friends that didn't are in jail or on probation or thoroughly tied up in the system now.

I am at an age now where I have friends who are cops.  One works in a sex offender unit and sets up sex offender stings.  The other is a SGT and former detective.  He is of the opinion Alton should have been drawn upon immediately if the call that came in said he had a gun, dumbest thing those officers did was tackle him.  He hates bad cops because in his mind they put him at risk with their bad decisions.

I guess the generational question I have is how many people got arrested for absolutely nothing, exactly how common is that?  I can't imagine all crime is made up by officers.  I can see some being the result of shady cops but I can't imagine a ton of cops are going to want to fabricate things and do more paper work then they have to.

I see the bigger picture, we need to stop the cultural harassing of a community through law enforcement.  At the same time we need to rehabilitate those communities so the mistakes of the past generations can be forgiven.  So we can take people with long rap sheets and find them jobs and a purpose in society so they don't fall into the same traps of poverty and crime.

Quote:Your first paragraph was so ignorant I didn't bother reading the rest of your post. Yet, I feel a need to reply.

To answer your question, if you're arrested you comply. You comply whether your innocent or guilty. You comply whether you're black white or green. One thing you don't do is "test" an officer. Then you'll add more charges or possibly get shot and killed depending on what you do. Try proving you're innocence when you add resisting arrest and whatever else they throw on it.

Here is a story I found humorous about a man "testing" an officer. Don't worry, no one dies.

I know an officer that works for a large railroad headquartered out of Jacksonville. One morning on his way into work he noticed a vehicle driving at a high rate of speed and weaving in and out of traffic. so the railroad police officer pulls him over simply to tell him to slow it down and be careful so he doesn't get himself or anyone else killed. This man proceeds to tell the officer he has no jurisdiction in the area, that he's a rent a cop and not able by law to pull him over. Well, this officer doesn't carry a ticket book since that's not really what RR officers get into. So he radios FHP. FHP arrives and hands the RR officer a ticket book. The FHP officer then proceeds to the man sitting in his car and says "Just so you know, He (meaning the RR officer) has just as much, if not more, authority than I do. Have a nice day!"

The moral of the story is don't test th police. It won't end well

............Have you even been reading?  I love your story though.  BTW, it has nothing to do with the situation at hand but is appreciated nonetheless.  Anymore intellect you want to throw out there, feel free sir, feel free. lol
Quote:i was lucky enough to only have the one offense and nothing after or before. I was put in a stewart marchmen program and community service I knocked it out.  For about five years after that I got pulled over more often.  I quit making the mistakes to put myself in those positions and my friends that didn't are in jail or on probation or thoroughly tied up in the system now.

I am at an age now where I have friends who are cops.  One works in a sex offender unit and sets up sex offender stings.  The other is a SGT and former detective.  He is of the opinion Alton should have been drawn upon immediately if the call that came in said he had a gun, dumbest thing those officers did was tackle him.  He hates bad cops because in his mind they put him at risk with their bad decisions.

I guess the generational question I have is how many people got arrested for absolutely nothing, exactly how common is that?  I can't imagine all crime is made up by officers.  I can see some being the result of shady cops but I can't imagine a ton of cops are going to want to fabricate things and do more paper work then they have to.

I see the bigger picture, we need to stop the cultural harassing of a community through law enforcement.  At the same time we need to rehabilitate those communities so the mistakes of the past generations can be forgiven.  So we can take people with long rap sheets and find them jobs and a purpose in society so they don't fall into the same traps of poverty and crime.
i'll give credit where credit is due.  The bolded shows me that you are headed in the right direction and have more understanding than credited for.  I just wish that everyone would understand AND SAY THIS and stop promoting/telling people these excuses like their race/cultural killings are just another little problem in the country and everyone deals with it, so get over it.  
Not a race/cultural killing.
Quote:i was lucky enough to only have the one offense and nothing after or before. I was put in a stewart marchmen program and community service I knocked it out.  For about five years after that I got pulled over more often.  I quit making the mistakes to put myself in those positions and my friends that didn't are in jail or on probation or thoroughly tied up in the system now.

I am at an age now where I have friends who are cops.  One works in a sex offender unit and sets up sex offender stings.  The other is a SGT and former detective.  He is of the opinion Alton should have been drawn upon immediately if the call that came in said he had a gun, dumbest thing those officers did was tackle him.  He hates bad cops because in his mind they put him at risk with their bad decisions.

I guess the generational question I have is how many people got arrested for absolutely nothing, exactly how common is that?  I can't imagine all crime is made up by officers.  I can see some being the result of shady cops but I can't imagine a ton of cops are going to want to fabricate things and do more paper work then they have to.

I see the bigger picture, we need to stop the cultural harassing of a community through law enforcement.  At the same time we need to rehabilitate those communities so the mistakes of the past generations can be forgiven.  So we can take people with long rap sheets and find them jobs and a purpose in society so they don't fall into the same traps of poverty and crime.

Well, the stop and frisk policy in New York comes to mind as far as certain groups being stopped for no good reason other than the color of thier skin.  There are studies that show that there is racial profiling done by police.  And I'm tellin' ya, if you started pullin' over & searching white kids (18-27) at random, the amount of drup busts in that demographic would also increase.


You're right though, it's a very complex issue.  The idea of rehabilitating communities starts with the youth in those communities.  They need better schools, better opportunities, better outcomes.  They need investment in thier communities as well, in terms of economic investment.  This may be something that takes several generations to correct, hell it took several generations to devolve into what we have here.  

Quote:I wonder if cops started hanging out in white neighborhoods after school and stared pulling over white kids and then searching them, I wonder if they would find any law breaking contraband?

Naw, realtorpat understands that it's those blacks that need to be searched. Whites don't do drugs. Just those blacks. Right realtorpat?
^^In my area of the country, this is very much the case. Although my area is not technically a rural place, it's far from being a metropolitan type of area (meaning bigger cities like Jax, Baton Rouge, Minn, etc.).

The problem here is not stemming from racial issue,, it's an economic issue. Only 5% of the Portsmouth/Ashland/Huntington area population is college educated (5%!). There is not much REAL economic opportunity for the majority of the population. So, the result is a major portion of our population are severely under-educated, poor, and literally ignorant (the vast majority being white).

No opportunity = severe problems with drugs, theft, prostitution,, and we have all of that. Police pull over hundreds of vehicles every single day here, and expect to find contraband, or at least some kind of "criminal" activity going on. And, that's exactly what they find. Our local news is littered EVERY SINGLE DAY of traffic stops resulting in arrests for all sorts of things. Police really ramp up these stops, knowing they will most likely come across something. Personally, I've been stopped a couple times this year for extremely minor/silly things. I've been let go with "warnings" when the cops didn't have any profiling reason to believe they'd find anything (I didn't look/act like some "white trash, ignorant, criminal hillbilly"). But trust me, that type of profiling goes on here; and honestly there's a legitimate reason for it, as sickening as it is.

These issues are very complicated. I believe that one of the biggest problems we have is economic. There is just not enough opportunity for education/satisfying employment for everyone, especially in the poorest areas of the country. That leads to higher crime rates in those areas, which leads to profiling of most of the people in those areas, no matter who they are.

It's saddening, maddening, and sickening.
Quote:Well, the stop and frisk policy in New York comes to mind as far as certain groups being stopped for no good reason other than the color of thier skin. There are studies that show that there is racial profiling done by police. And I'm tellin' ya, if you started pullin' over & searching white kids (18-27) at random, the amount of drup busts in that demographic would also increase.

You're right though, it's a very complex issue. The idea of rehabilitating communities starts with the youth in those communities. They need better schools, better opportunities, better outcomes. They need investment in thier communities as well, in terms of economic investment. This may be something that takes several generations to correct, hell it took several generations to devolve into what we have here.

^^very good post Anchor. Agree completely.
Quote:^^In my area of the country, this is very much the case. Although my area is not technically a rural place, it's far from being a metropolitan type of area (meaning bigger cities like Jax, Baton Rouge, Minn, etc.).

The problem here is not stemming from racial issue,, it's an economic issue. Only 5% of the Portsmouth/Ashland/Huntington area population is college educated (5%!). There is not much REAL economic opportunity for the majority of the population. So, the result is a major portion of our population are severely under-educated, poor, and literally ignorant (the vast majority being white).

No opportunity = severe problems with drugs, theft, prostitution,, and we have all of that. Police pull over hundreds of vehicles every single day here, and expect to find contraband, or at least some kind of "criminal" activity going on. And, that's exactly what they find. Our local news is littered EVERY SINGLE DAY of traffic stops resulting in arrests for all sorts of things. Police really ramp up these stops, knowing they will most likely come across something. Personally, I've been stopped a couple times this year for extremely minor/silly things. I've been let go with "warnings" when the cops didn't have any profiling reason to believe they'd find anything (I didn't look/act like some "white trash, ignorant, criminal hillbilly"). But trust me, that type of profiling goes on here; and honestly there's a legitimate reason for it, as sickening as it is.

These issues are very complicated. I believe that one of the biggest problems we have is economic. There is just not enough opportunity for education/satisfying employment for everyone, especially in the poorest areas of the country. That leads to higher crime rates in those areas, which leads to profiling of most of the people in those areas, no matter who they are.

It's saddening, maddening, and sickening.

Dude, I'm totally with you on all of this. I get it, if I was a black dude I'd be screaming from the rooftops that black lives matter (too).

But as you point out, the de-evolution of our peace officers into an occupying military force within communities goes beyond race. It's a matter class as well.

I couldn't describe the issue better than you just did in your post
Quote:Your first paragraph was so ignorant I didn't bother reading the rest of your post. Yet, I feel a need to reply.

To answer your question, if you're arrested you comply. You comply whether your innocent or guilty. You comply whether you're black white or green. One thing you don't do is "test" an officer. Then you'll add more charges or possibly get shot and killed depending on what you do. Try proving you're innocence when you add resisting arrest and whatever else they throw on it.

Here is a story I found humorous about a man "testing" an officer. Don't worry, no one dies.

I know an officer that works for a large railroad headquartered out of Jacksonville. One morning on his way into work he noticed a vehicle driving at a high rate of speed and weaving in and out of traffic. so the railroad police officer pulls him over simply to tell him to slow it down and be careful so he doesn't get himself or anyone else killed. This man proceeds to tell the officer he has no jurisdiction in the area, that he's a rent a cop and not able by law to pull him over. Well, this officer doesn't carry a ticket book since that's not really what RR officers get into. So he radios FHP. FHP arrives and hands the RR officer a ticket book. The FHP officer then proceeds to the man sitting in his car and says "Just so you know, He (meaning the RR officer) has just as much, if not more, authority than I do. Have a nice day!"

The moral of the story is don't test th police. It won't end well

You really need to read about Thabo Sefolosha.


Quote:Well, the stop and frisk policy in New York comes to mind as far as certain groups being stopped for no good reason other than the color of thier skin.  There are studies that show that there is racial profiling done by police.  And I'm tellin' ya, if you started pullin' over & searching white kids (18-27) at random, the amount of drup busts in that demographic would also increase.


You're right though, it's a very complex issue.  The idea of rehabilitating communities starts with the youth in those communities.  They need better schools, better opportunities, better outcomes.  They need investment in thier communities as well, in terms of economic investment.  This may be something that takes several generations to correct, hell it took several generations to devolve into what we have here.  


Agree as well, however, we have reached a stage where we demonize anyone who wants to spend any money on this country's infrastructure.  
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