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This situation does look bad on film.  Who knows what the final story will be.  If the guy didn't have a gun, they should be in trouble.


If I were a cop in this country I would quit today and find a new line of work.  It's a no win situation.   They don't get paid enough to deal with the worst society has to offer, see gruesome things, and if something does go wrong they have to think twice about using their weapon now.
I agree the police's job has been made nearly impossible.  Arrests in Baltimore and Ferguson are down significantly because every time an arrest is attempted in certain areas, the entire neighborhood turns out as an unruly mob.

Another day, another man brutally murdered by a badge. Go on, bacon brothers, explain how a man who was complying with an order needed to be shot repeatedly at point blank range.

[BLEEP] pigs. They're not officers of the peace. They're not cops. They're pigs, all filthy, disgusting subhuman pigs, and you'll be hard pressed to find me referring to them as anything more flattering than that until the ones committing murder start finding themselves taking a needle in each arm.

The number one argument against gun control is the reality that it would leave pigs with all the guns.
Quote:Another day, another man brutally murdered by a badge. Go on, bacon brothers, explain how a man who was complying with an order needed to be shot repeatedly at point blank range.

[BAD WORD REMOVED] pigs. They're not officers of the peace. They're not cops. They're pigs, all filthy, disgusting subhuman pigs, and you'll be hard pressed to find me referring to them as anything more flattering than that until the ones committing murder start finding themselves taking a needle in each arm.

The number one argument against gun control is the reality that it would leave pigs with all the guns.

The difference in "keeping the peace" and "law enforcement" exemplified every time a citizen gets killed by a police officer, and why we need fewer laws not more.
We should just jump to conclusion that all police are pigs based on a video that doesn't start until after the shooting took place.


God knows we don't want to try to get all of the facts before deciding it was a "pig" just abusing his power.


Based on what we have seen, and on the claims of the girlfriend, the cop just opened fire while the guy was reaching for his wallet.  Perhaps that's the case.  We'll see. 

Quote:We should just jump to conclusion that all police are pigs based on a video that doesn't start until after the shooting took place.
If it were just one video, you'd have a point. There's an institutionalized problem in which pigs believe that they are above the law: a problem repeatedly confirmed for them. The only thing that frightens me more than a man wearing a bomb is a pig waving a gun. The man with a bomb will at least have to consider that he's going to die. The pig with a gun need only consider that he'll face a little bad press and some paid leave while the FOP lines up behind him like the good little oinkers they are.
Quote:If it were just one video, you'd have a point. There's an institutionalized problem in which pigs believe that they are above the law: a problem repeatedly confirmed for them. The only thing that frightens me more than a man wearing a bomb is a pig waving a gun. The man with a bomb will at least have to consider that he's going to die. The pig with a gun need only consider that he'll face a little bad press and some paid leave while the FOP lines up behind him like the good little oinkers they are.
Maybe people will take your argument more seriously if you stopped referring to them as pigs.
every video I have seen doesn't do a good job of showing the Right arm thats hidden by the car bumper throughout the ground portion of the shooting.  Gun was in the Right Pocket,  Its pretty obvious the cops didn't have control of that portion of his body.  If he was reaching for the gun ya it was justified.  If not then it is suicide by cop.

You don't want to get shot by police.  Don't be a felon with an illegal firearm.  Don't take that illegal firearm to a store and threaten people.  Don't resist arrest with an illegal firearm.  Don't be a felon. 

Quote:How can you tell from the available footage, what happened? How do you know he didn't go for his gun. The latest footage clearly shows the cops weren't "happy" with how it went down. To hear you talk, they were high-fiving after.


The Cops responded to a call of a big dude matching his description for brandishing a weapon. He was a convicted felon and sex offender, he shouldn't have had the gun in the first place. 


#1 if you are a convicted felon with a gun on you, give up. Don't fight the cops.


Personally, I'm glad those cops went home that night. How many run in's with the cops did it take for them to take him out.

9/09/96 aggravated battery 
10/31/97 2nd degree battery 
1/06/98 simple battery 
5/04/00 public intimidation 

9/20/00 carnal knowledge of a juvenile 

9/04/01 domestic violence 

5/24/05 burglary of an inhabited dwelling place 

7/11/05 receiving stolen things 

9/12/05 burglary of inhabited dwelling place 

3/17/06 simple criminal damage to property, simple robbery, simple theft, drug possession, misrepresentation during booking, simple battery, aggravated battery 

4/12/06 aggravated battery, simple criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace, unauthorized entry 

4/04/08 domestic abuse battery 

6/03/09 resisting an officer, drug possession, receiving stolen things, possession of stolen firearm, illegal carrying of a weapon with CDs, sound reproduct without consent 

10/12/09 illegal carrying of weapon, marijuana possession 

8/13/15 failure to register as a sex offender 

4/08/16 failure to register as a sex offender 

6/14/16 ecstacy and marijuana possession


He's just a misunderstood gentle giant right?

Call me crazy but the world is probably better off without this guy in it.
Quote:every video I have seen doesn't do a good job of showing the Right arm thats hidden by the car bumper throughout the ground portion of the shooting. Gun was in the Right Pocket, Its pretty obvious the cops didn't have control of that portion of his body. If he was reaching for the gun ya it was justified. If not then it is suicide by cop.

You don't want to get shot by police. Don't be a felon with an illegal firearm. Don't take that illegal firearm to a store and threaten people. Don't resist arrest with an illegal firearm. Don't be a felon.

Piss poor excuse. There are laws and punishments for the above crimes. Last time I checked death by execution wasn't one of them.
At least he won't have Hillary as a President.
Come join us on the dark side (political forum) Deacon!

Quote:Maybe people will take your argument more seriously if you stopped referring to them as pigs.
This. Name calling is not something that is necessary. I understand the anger but the delivery of the message leaves something to be desired. When one speaks as an educated adult that is how one is treated and received. When one speaks like a shrieking banshee, well.... Anger is never a good time to speak because we lose perspective. There's a difference between speaking while angry and speaking levelheaded of a situation that is upsetting.
Quote:every video I have seen doesn't do a good job of showing the Right arm thats hidden by the car bumper throughout the ground portion of the shooting.  Gun was in the Right Pocket,  Its pretty obvious the cops didn't have control of that portion of his body.  If he was reaching for the gun ya it was justified.  If not then it is suicide by cop.

You don't want to get shot by police.  Don't be a felon with an illegal firearm.  Don't take that illegal firearm to a store and threaten people.  Don't resist arrest with an illegal firearm.  Don't be a felon. 
There was a clearer video of the shooting that was probably within 10 feet of the Sterling shooting.  It gives at least a better depiction of what happened, and clearly, he was doing something with his right arm.  It's still obscured because he's up against the car, but you can see his shoulder moving frantically as if he's reaching for something at his side. If he was indeed reaching into his pocket, that makes the reaction more understandable.  


Keep in mind, Sterling was a convicted felon on probation.  He shouldn't have had a gun to begin with.  The police were responding to a report of a man matching his description threatening someone with a gun outside of the store. 
Quote:every video I have seen doesn't do a good job of showing the Right arm thats hidden by the car bumper throughout the ground portion of the shooting.  Gun was in the Right Pocket,  Its pretty obvious the cops didn't have control of that portion of his body.  If he was reaching for the gun ya it was justified.  If not then it is suicide by cop.

You don't want to get shot by police.  Don't be a felon with an illegal firearm.  Don't take that illegal firearm to a store and threaten people.  Don't resist arrest with an illegal firearm.  Don't be a felon. 

Are you saying 2 trained cops who were on top of this man had no other recourse when he made a motion towards his pocket than to shoot him?
Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED ]poor excuse. There are laws and punishments for the above crimes. Last time I checked death by execution wasn't one of them.

Not really an excuse.  It's a fact.  Had he been a convicted felon with a gun who didn't allegedly threaten someone with a gun (he shouldn't have had to begin with), and not resisted arrest when approached by police, he'd still be alive today in all likelihood.  He wasn't just shot for having a gun. 
Quote:Are you saying 2 trained cops who were on top of this man had no other recourse when he made a motion towards his pocket than to shoot him?

If they didn't have control over the arm that was under the car and appeared to be the one reaching for a weapon, and he got a hand in the pocket and was able to open fire, would that have made it more acceptable for you? 


Seriously, had he gotten a hand on the gun, he could have very easily gotten a shot off at one of the officers trying to contain him.


This is going to be investigated by the Justice Department, and rightly so.  There will be a conclusion to this.  If they rule with the officers, will that end this debate?

Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED] poor excuse. There are laws and punishments for the above crimes. Last time I checked death by execution wasn't one of them.

Alton was behaving above the laws with no respect towards them and if he didn't resist arrest he would be tried accordingly but he didn't cooperate and he had a firearm that could be easily used to as you put "execute people."  When someone has a weapon that is capable of killing you have to treat that with respect.  Go watch the video and tell me when exactly the cops have control of the right arm thats mostly hidden by the car.  Its good we have the videos but we don't have a video showing what that arm is doing.  

now put yourself in the cops shoes for a second.  You just tazed this guy to lil effect, then you tackled him but now you can't control him, now there are a bunch of people around you filming, calling you a pig, and getting closer throughout.  Then an officer yells GUN GUN GUN.  

its an unfortunate situation but Alton had many times he could have went down peacefully and he would probably still be alive.
According to FBI director Comey, these officers unintentionally used deadly force...no reason to file charges... Case dismissed!!


Quote:Maybe people will take your argument more seriously if you stopped referring to them as pigs.

Honestly, though he used inflammatory language, there are some who are going to refuse to accept that this was murder. 5 shots close range? There's at least two videos out that show the perp subdued. It didn't take 5 shots. This has been an ongoing problem before it was so easy to record and it fell on deaf ears. Now in am instance where we have a recording, the result is still the same. Yes, he was running a criminal enterprise, albeit non violent. The gun in his possession was probably for the violent criminals who might try and take advantage of the fact he is running an illegal business, not for cops. The same as a legal store owner might have a gun. There are plenty of other instances where non violent offenders are apprehended without death occurring, but this particular storyline keeps being rehashed and swept under the rug. There's less evidence of any wrong doing in the Robinson car in the pond situation with more skepticism being rendered on all accounts, but in this case we need more facts.

My mom worked for JSO for 30 years. I haven't known a bad cop. I've had negative interactions, certainly been profiled, but not enough to condemn them. They are there though, and the tough job good cops have are further complicated by the blind eye turned to bad cops. At this point, the frustration you are seeing from TJ comes from the fact that it's not a matter of how many videos before everyone gets it, but that no matter how explicit it will always be the fault of the perp.
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