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Quote:You paint the picture that the cops had to shoot him (mind you multiple times at point blank range) while simultaneously admitting the footage is inconclusive regarding him actually going for the weapon. Then you cite law about a fleeing felon when the perp was not fleeing. You are not a lawyer. Either the video is clear or it is not. You also have no proof they knew he was a felon.

That section of law was on the use of force.  The perp was resisting .  I am not a lawyer.  Either the video is clear or it is not?  the video has gray areas we do not know.  From the angles given we do not see a gun, we only hear about one.  Then after the fact we see it.  

I don't have any proof they knew he was felon.  However the first call they got was a large man with a gun was threatening a person.  When thats how you are described a situation thats how you deal with it.  You are dealing with a large person with a gun threatening people.

I see more suicide by cop than I see murder.  The man had numerous opportunities to go down quietly for the arrest.
The burden generally is that a reasonable person would perceive a threat of death or severe physical injury. In this case reaching for a gun is a reasonable threat.
Quote:That section of law was on the use of force.  The perp was resisting .  I am not a lawyer.  Either the video is clear or it is not?  the video has gray areas we do not know.  From the angles given we do not see a gun, we only hear about one.  Then after the fact we see it.  

I don't have any proof they knew he was felon.  However the first call they got was a large man with a gun was threatening a person.  When thats how you are described a situation thats how you deal with it.  You are dealing with a large person with a gun threatening people.

I see more suicide by cop than I see murder.  The man had numerous opportunities to go down quietly for the arrest.


Quote:The burden generally is that a reasonable person would perceive a threat of death or severe physical injury. In this case reaching for a gun is a reasonable threat.

So if I'm reading this right, smh, I'm suppose to let a police officer arrest me, book me, and then pay, i mean, fight for my rights for doing no wrong just because someone in the area said a black man was threatening people.  In that case then police should just stay in mostly black areas and just wait for a reason to start harassing African Americans, OH WAIT.


I'm just speechless with human beings right now.  Again it shows the problem is deeper than Old School racism, because the new school just says do what the police say no matter what.  Even though, its the minorities and the city's last thought about neighborhoods that take much of the fall.  Just shows that if it isn't an immediate threat to them or anyone they give a d--- about then OH WELL.  Just listen to what they say and it'll be ok, lmbo, like the Justice System isn't/hasn't been screwing us over for years whether we get a chance to fight in court or not; but i guess as long as the violence slows down then back to normal life's business as usual. 


Either way, as African Americans were screwed.  It's always been in the Justice System and now they just kill us for whatever at random and even during times where white people have done far more life threatening things with weapons included and gotten vip treatment before arrest.  What? they stop getting caught or recorded and then its back to waiting to see how the courts will try and ... Point is, the Justice system hasn't been taking a massive turn for the better for African Americans and now even in Death its a HUGE lack of concern to make an immediate change just excuses.  Its crazy because even though its a Proven Fact that we get more time for the same exact crimes, people have been saying for decades that we should just not get arrested and we wont have to worry about it instead of trying to make a change.  Why think it's going to be any different even if we are being slaughtered on camera because we dont just lay down.  Mind you we aren't fighting and attacking police before they shoot in these videos but we "Sort of" deserved it when a white man can pull out a loaded weapon and not even get touched.  Just let black police start killing unarmed whites on camera and see how many excuses are made for that.  That'll really be the day. SMH, its no longer verbal racism, its just people being disgusting and showing the true worth of their own being and smiling in your face like oh well, same thing if you die too and didn't listen.  I"m on the verge of why shouldn't they just shoot first if the end result will be he didn't listen so i shot him 5 times to kill him then got the gun for him.

its not like the cops just decided to show up and start harassing a black man.  A person called in because they were threatened by a man with a gun then described the man.  Cops show up to the spot and see a man matching the description.  Did the man not cooperate? if so is that because he had a gun on him?  The man was a felon and shouldn't have had a gun in the first place.  Were the cops supposed to just ignore the call?  What was the lead up to them tazing and tackling him?  Did they just immediately taze and tackle without anything said before hand?

Its not like the cop just went to some corner store and start messing with a random guy they got a call about a man threatening people with a firearm.  Are cops not allowed to investigate that?

How do you fix the altercation from the polices perspective, what could they have done differently from start to finish?

how do you fix the altercation from the victims perspective, what could they have done differently from start to finish?

I want accountability from both sides.  If a person threatens me with a gun I see that as a threat to my life.  Should I just ignore that?  Should I just not bother calling the police for fear that they might get in a situation where they have to shoot the person who threatened me?

There are consequences to actions.  Not too long ago we had a kid in Jacksonville decide to shoot at a freaking school bus The mom said "It's unfortunate. He is 16 years old. He doesn't understand the consequences the way everybody else does," attorney Robert Davis said. "When you're an adult, you've been around the block or seen the world. He hasn't. He doesn't. He's a young child."

This too is unfortunate but surely a full grown man has seen enough to understand the consequences of their actions, especially one with a long rap sheet, and with multiple kids to take care of.  Why is this person threatening people with a gun?

And I have seen the videos of the black officers shooting a white guy or kid.  Or a white officer shooting a white kid or tazing them into a coma and I get pissed off just the same.  Officers need to be accountable for their actions, however sometimes those actions actually are justified.

I'm sure it sucks to be black and to live in a neighborhood that cops patrol more often.  I'm sure it sucks to deal with that on an everyday basis.  I'm sure it sucks to have a criminal history and to be judged for that every time you interact with an officer.  Maybe if you cooperate and show you aren't a threat.  Maybe if you make positive changes in your own life and in your community it won't be patrolled as much.  Maybe if you get enough kids in your community to grow up and be cops and make change from the inside we won't have to deal with these problems in the future.  Maybe I wrote too much already and am just a Bigot or Racist and you didn't even get this far into this statement.  I try very hard to be as logical as possible.  I want accountability from all sides.

Quote:its not like the cops just decided to show up and start harassing a black man.  A person called in because they were threatened by a man with a gun then described the man.  Cops show up to the spot and see a man matching the description.  Did the man not cooperate? if so is that because he had a gun on him?  The man was a felon and shouldn't have had a gun in the first place.  Were the cops supposed to just ignore the call?  What was the lead up to them tazing and tackling him?  Did they just immediately taze and tackle without anything said before hand?

Its not like the cop just went to some corner store and start messing with a random guy they got a call about a man threatening people with a firearm.  Are cops not allowed to investigate that?

How do you fix the altercation from the polices perspective, what could they have done differently from start to finish?

how do you fix the altercation from the victims perspective, what could they have done differently from start to finish?

I want accountability from both sides.  If a person threatens me with a gun I see that as a threat to my life.  Should I just ignore that?  Should I just not bother calling the police for fear that they might get in a situation where they have to shoot the person who threatened me?

There are consequences to actions.  Not too long ago we had a kid in Jacksonville decide to shoot at a freaking school bus The mom said "It's unfortunate. He is 16 years old. He doesn't understand the consequences the way everybody else does," attorney Robert Davis said. "When you're an adult, you've been around the block or seen the world. He hasn't. He doesn't. He's a young child."

This too is unfortunate but surely a full grown man has seen enough to understand the consequences of their actions, especially one with a long rap sheet, and with multiple kids to take care of.  Why is this person threatening people with a gun?

And I have seen the videos of the black officers shooting a white guy or kid.  Or a white officer shooting a white kid or tazing them into a coma and I get [BAD WORD REMOVED] off just the same.  Officers need to be accountable for their actions, however sometimes those actions actually are justified.

I'm sure it sucks to be black and to live in a neighborhood that cops patrol more often.  I'm sure it sucks to deal with that on an everyday basis.  I'm sure it sucks to have a criminal history and to be judged for that every time you interact with an officer.  Maybe if you cooperate and show you aren't a threat.  Maybe if you make positive changes in your own life and in your community it won't be patrolled as much.  Maybe if you get enough kids in your community to grow up and be cops and make change from the inside we won't have to deal with these problems in the future.  Maybe I wrote too much already and am just a Bigot or Racist and you didn't even get this far into this statement.  I try very hard to be as logical as possible.  I want accountability from all sides.

I would repost the YouTube video of various police brutality clips, but I would get a warning of posting violent media.


Quote:The burden of proof is always on the accuser (state). The cop here would have the benefit of reasonable doubt were he to face trial for this.

If this was done intentionally, wouldn't the two cops be aware of that?


Quote:It's called the Law of the Jungle. That's the only thing left when conventional law is ignored.

^^^^wow, to be fair what should I have expected?


Quote:I'm sure it sucks to be black and to live in a neighborhood that cops patrol more often. I'm sure it sucks to deal with that on an everyday basis. I'm sure it sucks to have a criminal history and to be judged for that every time you interact with an officer. Maybe if you cooperate and show you aren't a threat. Maybe if you make positive changes in your own life and in your community it won't be patrolled as much. Maybe if you get enough kids in your community to grow up and be cops and make change from the inside we won't have to deal with these problems in the future. Maybe I wrote too much already and am just a Bigot or Racist and you didn't even get this far into this statement. I try very hard to be as logical as possible. I want accountability from all sides.

To me this is the crux of the argument. Blacks need to change this and blacks need to change that. Our tax dollars are no different than yours. We both fund this public service. If a cop has to shoot someone it should be patently obvious. If #alllivesmatter, that includes criminal sorry, hence the word "all." The valuation of our lives is different and has been. The cries of unjust police behavior are nothing new, dating back to before I was born. So we're going at least 35 years back. Back then ppl wanted to see it to believe it, but even when they do a jury even less sympathetic let's them off the hook. Yet you want me to take my chances in court. Now the rally is for us to make internal changes when in fact police behavior should so far exceed the standard. But reality is you don't value our lives the way you value your own and therefore are excepting of bad police behavior and not demanding a change there where we collectively pay for their service.
I'm not about to quote all that real teal or pat.  Lol, Do you honestly want to know how many black males match that description at almost every corner store i frequent on just the northside of Jacksonville?  Probably not by your response.  Also, him having a gun on him was not known or a concern until after THEY ATTACKED HIM.  I might as well say murdered but you think otherwise.  


The police could've easily just drawn their weapons if they were scared and said come forward, turn around and back up slowly, etc instead of just shooting him because after tackling him to the ground, like cops are known to do to almost every race, they felt a gun and shot him because he was moving while pinned down for not listening to his authority figures.  


I just pray for my own sake that i don't sell anything i own at a store and the police are called for a black man waving a gun.  If i don't listen or act like i have time for their bs, its my own fault for getting shot and killed because i should've known the police were called and they were about to come interrogate/tackle me cause I match the description.  



Side Note:  Do you care to know how many times i've been pulled over just for driving while black and matching the description of a Black man with no suspected transportation at all.  Just so the cop could run my license, search my car and we all(disobedient minorities) know refusal just prolongs the process, and then let me go with a sly remark like stay outta trouble now.  But based off of your apparent logic and reasoning, what were the police suppose to do in their life or death type daily lives; and i should just listen take it as often as it happens and just raise my kids to be police officers to try and harrass/make a difference in the community by cleaning up the neighborhood with more arrests.  Not Doctors, Actors, Teachers, Politicians, Scientists, etc but Police to police the already harassed neighborhoods this is happening in, because that will fix it.  


I guess while you raise your kids to go to school and just stay away from drugs and be all they can be, I'll still be teaching mine why he shouldn't stand around the store because police could pull up at any minute and say crime is reported and he has a chance of being killed if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter.  Basically TRAINING MY CHILD to handle a situation better than the Government Enforcer who is trained and given a badge and passing grade/mental evaluation for his expertise in handling these said situations on a daily basis because thats the profession he chose.  Are people insane, because racist apparently only means N word or slave terms since its too many other minorities in the country for African American racism complaints to matter that much in 2016.   

I don't understand why they didn't draw down on him in the first place.  The tackling to the ground seemed risky and stupid to me and put everyone in a worse position.  I want police to have better training and to do tests to make sure we aren't getting racist bigoted power hungry people into the blue forces.  I have had cops stop me as a white male and ask to search my car and I do say no.  If they want to take more time they can take all the time they like.  I will prolong the process, "fine go get the dogs"  I have nothing on me or in my car thats going to get in trouble so I'm not worried.  I have a dash cam in my car too and it can rotate to record everything that might happen when I do get pulled over.  I take steps to stay out of a cops attention.  My registration is up to date my tail lights all work I follow traffic laws.

I can't help you with the "matches description problem" that is a problem and it gives cops an opportunity to mess with just about anyone and that isn't right.  I honestly don't know how you fix that, if you live around crime and look like the criminal you have to find a way to differentiate yourself somehow, I don't have the answer to that other than to cooperate and show the officer you are not who they are looking for.  I have had various run ins with officers and when told to shut up, I shut up.  When I got told to put my hands up I did just that.  I've exercised my right to not say a thing.  But most of all I have remained calm even when the officer did not.  But it is something I will never truly understand because I am not black.  When I was a kid my parents kept me busy so I wouldn't be just hanging around at some convenience store.  I was in rec leagues or at after school programs.  Boy scouts for a while.  Churches have programs.  Having a legitimate job to be at keeps you off the corner selling cds.  Cops aren't going into college campuses and shooting up black people studying.  

Granted no one should be messed with just because they aren't doing anything or because they are hanging out somewhere but unfortunately we are quickly becoming a police state.  Violent protests with Molotov cocktails, shooting of officers, and burning down Baltimore does not help the situation.

Make it harder to be a cop, make the training longer.  Incentivize the career so better people want to be cops.

Quote:I'm not about to quote all that real teal or pat.  Lol, Do you honestly want to know how many black males match that description at almost every corner store i frequent on just the northside of Jacksonville?  Probably not by your response.  Also, him having a gun on him was not known or a concern until after THEY ATTACKED HIM.  I might as well say murdered but you think otherwise.  


The police could've easily just drawn their weapons if they were scared and said come forward, turn around and back up slowly, etc instead of just shooting him because after tackling him to the ground, like cops are known to do to almost every race, they felt a gun and shot him because he was moving while pinned down for not listening to his authority figures.  


I just pray for my own sake that i don't sell anything i own at a store and the police are called for a black man waving a gun.  If i don't listen or act like i have time for their [BAD WORD REMOVED], its my own fault for getting shot and killed because i should've known the police were called and they were about to come interrogate/tackle me cause I match the description.  



Side Note:  Do you care to know how many times i've been pulled over just for driving while black and matching the description of a Black man with no suspected transportation at all.  Just so the cop could run my license, search my car and we all(disobedient minorities) know refusal just prolongs the process, and then let me go with a sly remark like stay outta trouble now.  But based off of your apparent logic and reasoning, what were the police suppose to do in their life or death type daily lives; and i should just listen take it as often as it happens and just raise my kids to be police officers to try and harrass/make a difference in the community by cleaning up the neighborhood with more arrests.  Not Doctors, Actors, Teachers, Politicians, Scientists, etc but Police to police the already harassed neighborhoods this is happening in, because that will fix it.  


I guess while you raise your kids to go to school and just stay away from drugs and be all they can be, I'll still be teaching mine why he shouldn't stand around the store because police could pull up at any minute and say crime is reported and he has a chance of being killed if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter.  Basically TRAINING MY CHILD to handle a situation better than the Government Enforcer who is trained and given a badge and passing grade/mental evaluation for his expertise in handling these said situations on a daily basis because thats the profession he chose.  Are people insane, because racist apparently only means N word or slave terms since its too many other minorities in the country for African American racism complaints to matter that much in 2016.

As much as I appreciate this message, there is a segment in society (and on this board) that will always twist their nose, or shun African Americans and be dismissive of our issues. They will hide behind the tounge and cheek responses of "let's wait until all the evidence comes out", or "I will always give law enforcement more of the benefit than doubt".

You message will and is falling on deaf ears to some on purpose because they already are dug into their stance and have a preconceived notion of Blacks. This is evident by a poster who has notorious history of posting racist or race bating material related to African Americans.

All hope is not lost though.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://kfor.com/2016/07/11/protesters-counter-protesters-clash-in-dallas-in-heartwarming-way/'>http://kfor.com/2016/07/11/protesters-counter-protesters-clash-in-dallas-in-heartwarming-way/</a>
Quote:As much as I appreciate this message, there is a segment in society (and on this board) that will always twist their nose, or shun African Americans and be dismissive of our issues. They will hide behind the tounge and cheek responses of "let's wait until all the evidence comes out", or "I will always give law enforcement more of the benefit than doubt".

You message will and is falling on deaf ears to some on purpose because they already are dug into their stance and have a preconceived notion of Blacks. This is evident by a poster who has notorious history of posting racist or race bating material related to African Americans.

All hope is not lost though.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://kfor.com/2016/07/11/protesters-counter-protesters-clash-in-dallas-in-heartwarming-way/'>http://kfor.com/2016/07/11/protesters-counter-protesters-clash-in-dallas-in-heartwarming-way/</a>
I subscribe to the wait until all the evidence comes out, but not the benefit of doubt one if they are wrong the are clearly wrong.  Some of them require more evidence to see if they are truly wrong.

I saw your link earlier today and it was very nice to see, we could all use more of that.
Quote:I'm not about to quote all that real teal or pat. Lol, Do you honestly want to know how many black males match that description at almost every corner store i frequent on just the northside of Jacksonville? Probably not by your response. Also, him having a gun on him was not known or a concern until after THEY ATTACKED HIM. I might as well say murdered but you think otherwise.

The police could've easily just drawn their weapons if they were scared and said come forward, turn around and back up slowly, etc instead of just shooting him because after tackling him to the ground, like cops are known to do to almost every race, they felt a gun and shot him because he was moving while pinned down for not listening to his authority figures.

I just pray for my own sake that i don't sell anything i own at a store and the police are called for a black man waving a gun. If i don't listen or act like i have time for their [BAD WORD REMOVED], its my own fault for getting shot and killed because i should've known the police were called and they were about to come interrogate/tackle me cause I match the description.

Side Note: Do you care to know how many times i've been pulled over just for driving while black and matching the description of a Black man with no suspected transportation at all. Just so the cop could run my license, search my car and we all(disobedient minorities) know refusal just prolongs the process, and then let me go with a sly remark like stay outta trouble now. But based off of your apparent logic and reasoning, what were the police suppose to do in their life or death type daily lives; and i should just listen take it as often as it happens and just raise my kids to be police officers to try and harrass/make a difference in the community by cleaning up the neighborhood with more arrests. Not Doctors, Actors, Teachers, Politicians, Scientists, etc but Police to police the already harassed neighborhoods this is happening in, because that will fix it.

I guess while you raise your kids to go to school and just stay away from drugs and be all they can be, I'll still be teaching mine why he shouldn't stand around the store because police could pull up at any minute and say crime is reported and he has a chance of being killed if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter. Basically TRAINING MY CHILD to handle a situation better than the Government Enforcer who is trained and given a badge and passing grade/mental evaluation for his expertise in handling these said situations on a daily basis because thats the profession he chose. Are people insane, because racist apparently only means N word or slave terms since its too many other minorities in the country for African American racism complaints to matter that much in 2016.

Well said my friend! People keep saying " well if he hadnt resisted he would still be alive." Since when is the punishment for resisting death? How many shots do u think it takes for someone to stop resisting? Couldnt he have been tazed or mased? Four shots to the chest of a man is excessive and is Murder. Wait until the third angle is released from the store camera, the one comphiscated by cops illegally im sure it will tell the real story.
Quote:I'm not about to quote all that real teal or pat. Lol, Do you honestly want to know how many black males match that description at almost every corner store i frequent on just the northside of Jacksonville? Probably not by your response. Also, him having a gun on him was not known or a concern until after THEY ATTACKED HIM. I might as well say murdered but you think otherwise.

The police could've easily just drawn their weapons if they were scared and said come forward, turn around and back up slowly, etc instead of just shooting him because after tackling him to the ground, like cops are known to do to almost every race, they felt a gun and shot him because he was moving while pinned down for not listening to his authority figures.

I just pray for my own sake that i don't sell anything i own at a store and the police are called for a black man waving a gun. If i don't listen or act like i have time for their [BAD WORD REMOVED], its my own fault for getting shot and killed because i should've known the police were called and they were about to come interrogate/tackle me cause I match the description.

Side Note: Do you care to know how many times i've been pulled over just for driving while black and matching the description of a Black man with no suspected transportation at all. Just so the cop could run my license, search my car and we all(disobedient minorities) know refusal just prolongs the process, and then let me go with a sly remark like stay outta trouble now. But based off of your apparent logic and reasoning, what were the police suppose to do in their life or death type daily lives; and i should just listen take it as often as it happens and just raise my kids to be police officers to try and harrass/make a difference in the community by cleaning up the neighborhood with more arrests. Not Doctors, Actors, Teachers, Politicians, Scientists, etc but Police to police the already harassed neighborhoods this is happening in, because that will fix it.

I guess while you raise your kids to go to school and just stay away from drugs and be all they can be, I'll still be teaching mine why he shouldn't stand around the store because police could pull up at any minute and say crime is reported and he has a chance of being killed if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter. Basically TRAINING MY CHILD to handle a situation better than the Government Enforcer who is trained and given a badge and passing grade/mental evaluation for his expertise in handling these said situations on a daily basis because thats the profession he chose. Are people insane, because racist apparently only means N word or slave terms since its too many other minorities in the country for African American racism complaints to matter that much in 2016.

Well said my friend! People keep saying " well if he hadnt resisted he would still be alive." Since when is the punishment for resisting death? How many shots do u think it takes for someone to stop resisting? Couldnt he have been tazed or mased? Four shots to the chest of a man is excessive and is Murder. Wait until the third angle is released from the store camera, the one comphiscated by cops illegally im sure it will show the real story.
I can respect your response RealTeal no sarcasm.  The problem is just bigger than it has ever been, like most problems nowadays, with technology broadcasting it all over the internet.  Racism has been a problem for decades but i can't sit here an act like it's the ONLY problem.  I just feel that with these recent killings shedding light to the already known problem with the Justice System and African Americans, People giving the police/LEOs more of a chance than the Blacks and minorities this has statistically affected more over these many decades since segregation ended, are just adding hella fuel to the fire.  It was already bad when we(African Americans) felt that no one cared about our unjust treatment with Police, Courts, etc but when they put a MURDER on LIVE with no deadly aggression or visible weapon from the "perp" and people give excuses.  Racist or whatever the term/reasoning for lack of concern for human life is, its disgusting and shows exactly why change in government or life period is a struggle to make happen.  If it isn't me, my family, or my close friends/loved ones, then we'll get to that when we get to that and that is the problem more so now than ever because we are discussing Murder and Death and people show this attitude.  White, Black, Blue, or whatever doesn't matter if a government official killing a civilian is excused by other civilians. When it hits home, it'll be too late. 


Jamies/ I appreciate the response and all i can do is pray for change because with the attitude of people over this, the solution we're faced with will destroy this country; unless accepted human beings fight for minorities like they would fight for their own, or child's life which is a hope and a prayer.  WE wont accept it and hopefully other races don't either because either we'll be wiped out fighting for equality by the government and every other race in fear of those in power or we will see change and even more/hopefully unquestionable equal treatment but i fear it'll be the former and not the latter.  I mean looking at history it doesn't seem promising.  How many Royal Families have ever changed their entire kingdom policies based off of the concerns of minorities or those abused by power?  I'm woosaaaahh'd out but have too many friends and love for people of different races to show hate to everyone even though the majority of people are bending over in front of me giving me their .... to kiss like death isn't more of a concern than what they need changed.

Quote:Well said my friend! People keep saying " well if he hadnt resisted he would still be alive." Since when is the punishment for resisting death? How many shots do u think it takes for someone to stop resisting? Couldnt he have been tazed or mased? Four shots to the chest of a man is excessive and is Murder. Wait until the third angle is released from the store camera, the one comphiscated by cops illegally im sure it will tell the real story.
I hadn't even heard about a third angle yet.  I had to stop watching because once a tear fell from my eye, and i don't cry like that....mannnn.  It's just, you know about it being black and you just say forget the police, or the law is always out to get us etc and see statistics.  It's nothing like watching the same statistic of wrong doing happen in front of your eyes and then remember the joke on world's funniest/shocking with the white guy with a gun fighting police and thinking, well damn.  It broke my heart and i'm mending it still for my sanity and freedom.
I wonder if cops started hanging out in white neighborhoods after school and stared pulling over white kids and then searching them, I wonder if they would find any law breaking contraband?

Naw, realtorpat understands that it's those blacks that need to be searched. Whites don't do drugs. Just those blacks. Right realtorpat?
Quote:I wonder if cops started hanging out in white neighborhoods after school and stared pulling over white kids and then searching them, I wonder if they would find any law breaking contraband?

Naw, realtorpat understands that it's those blacks that need to be searched. Whites don't do drugs. Just those blacks. Right realtorpat?

Whites do a lot of drugs.  I did drugs when I was a kid, I got searched when I was a kid.  I got arrested for doing crap like that when I was a kid.  My girlfriends a juvenile probation officer and half her white kids are on probation for doing drugs and getting searched and arrested.  Can we at least agree both white people and black people can do criminal things and no one deserves to be singled out regardless?  When people do illegal things cops get called.  Its what happens. 

Quote:Whites do a lot of drugs. I did drugs when I was a kid, I got searched when I was a kid. I got arrested for doing crap like that when I was a kid. My girlfriends a juvenile probation officer and half her white kids are on probation for doing drugs and getting searched and arrested. Can we at least agree both white people and black people can do criminal things and no one deserves to be singled out regardless? When people do illegal things cops get called. Its what happens.

First of all, my comment was kind of abrasive, sorry. Your comments are honest, which I appreciate, but at the same time, they are a bit frustrating.

It appears that you understand the situation, but are missing the big picture implication...

We can agree that unlawful search and seizure should not be done to any cohort of the population that singles out that group or implicated guilt before innocence.

But the point is this--- it is happening and had been happening for decades if not longer.

You point out that as a younger man you got popped for possession. Did you get any prison time? Did your parents lose custody of you to the state? Were you given a bail amount that you couldn't afford, therefore you had to stay in jail for months waiting for your court date, this losing your housing and job?

Now imagine this happening to all your friends, family, and neighbors over and over again for generations. Think about how your community would look if it was occupied not by peace officers who were on your side, but cops that are constantly pulling everyone over and trying very hard to find a reason to haul you in.

This is what's going on in the inner cities. Where as, if cops used the same occupy tactics they use in the suburbs, given that as you mention, whites use illegal drugs at the same rate, if not higher, than blacks those suburban communities would also become decimated.

That's deal. That's why black and brown folks are protesting.
Quote:So if I'm reading this right, smh, I'm suppose to let a police officer arrest me, book me, and then pay, i mean, fight for my rights for doing no wrong just because someone in the area said a black man was threatening people.  In that case then police should just stay in mostly black areas and just wait for a reason to start harassing African Americans, OH WAIT.


I'm just speechless with human beings right now.  Again it shows the problem is deeper than Old School racism, because the new school just says do what the police say no matter what.  Even though, its the minorities and the city's last thought about neighborhoods that take much of the fall.  Just shows that if it isn't an immediate threat to them or anyone they give a d--- about then OH WELL.  Just listen to what they say and it'll be ok, lmbo, like the Justice System isn't/hasn't been screwing us over for years whether we get a chance to fight in court or not; but i guess as long as the violence slows down then back to normal life's business as usual. 


Either way, as African Americans were screwed.  It's always been in the Justice System and now they just kill us for whatever at random and even during times where white people have done far more life threatening things with weapons included and gotten vip treatment before arrest.  What? they stop getting caught or recorded and then its back to waiting to see how the courts will try and ... Point is, the Justice system hasn't been taking a massive turn for the better for African Americans and now even in Death its a HUGE lack of concern to make an immediate change just excuses.  Its crazy because even though its a Proven Fact that we get more time for the same exact crimes, people have been saying for decades that we should just not get arrested and we wont have to worry about it instead of trying to make a change.  Why think it's going to be any different even if we are being slaughtered on camera because we dont just lay down.  Mind you we aren't fighting and attacking police before they shoot in these videos but we "Sort of" deserved it when a white man can pull out a loaded weapon and not even get touched.  Just let black police start killing unarmed whites on camera and see how many excuses are made for that.  That'll really be the day. SMH, its no longer verbal racism, its just people being disgusting and showing the true worth of their own being and smiling in your face like oh well, same thing if you die too and didn't listen.  I"m on the verge of why shouldn't they just shoot first if the end result will be he didn't listen so i shot him 5 times to kill him then got the gun for him.
Your first paragraph was so ignorant I didn't bother reading the rest of your post. Yet, I feel a need to reply.

To answer your question, if you're arrested you comply. You comply whether your innocent or guilty. You comply whether you're black white or green. One thing you don't do is "test" an officer. Then you'll add more charges or possibly get shot and killed depending on what you do. Try proving you're innocence when you add resisting arrest and whatever else they throw on it.

Here is a story I found humorous about a man "testing" an officer. Don't worry, no one dies.

I know an officer that works for a large railroad headquartered out of Jacksonville. One morning on his way into work he noticed a vehicle driving at a high rate of speed and weaving in and out of traffic. so the railroad police officer pulls him over simply to tell him to slow it down and be careful so he doesn't get himself or anyone else killed. This man proceeds to tell the officer he has no jurisdiction in the area, that he's a rent a cop and not able by law to pull him over. Well, this officer doesn't carry a ticket book since that's not really what RR officers get into. So he radios FHP. FHP arrives and hands the RR officer a ticket book. The FHP officer then proceeds to the man sitting in his car and says "Just so you know, He (meaning the RR officer) has just as much, if not more, authority than I do. Have a nice day!"

The moral of the story is don't test th police. It won't end well
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