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Quote:It's clear that the right to bear arms means one thing if you're white and another thing of you're black.
Black, white, yellow or any other color, the right to bear arms isn't the issue here.  Based on the fact that Sterling was a convicted felon on probation, he had no "right to bear arms" regardless of skin color. 


Had he been a white convicted felon on probation and he was allegedly threatening someone with an illegally possessed firearm, and the police arrived to investigate, and they find a guy matching that description, try to search him, and he resists in similar manner ending up getting shot, I would venture to guess you wouldn't give a crap about the story because the media wouldn't be out there trying to spin it into something bigger than what it is. 
Quote:Those cops are pigs. Sorry if that triggers you.

Point out where anyone here has said all cops are pigs.

The only person here that likes to use blanket statements are people of your ilk.

These cops aren't pigs.  They were simply doing their jobs.  We'll see if there was any ill intent here, or if the shootings warrant charges against the officers.  God knows your beloved Justice Department desperately wants to find a racial angle to this, just like you.
I'm going back and forth on this.  It's possible he was reaching for the gun, it's also possible he wasn't.  I dont think cops should be above the law, and I really applaud cops who truly consider deadly force a last resort.  Take for example the officer who had a large knife drawn on him (there is gopro video of the incident), he avoided shooting this guy and waited for help to arrive and they neutralized the situation.

Quote:I'm going back and forth on this.  It's possible he was reaching for the gun, it's also possible he wasn't.  I dont think cops should be above the law, and I really applaud cops who truly consider deadly force a last resort.  Take for example the officer who had a large knife drawn on him (there is gopro video of the incident), he avoided shooting this guy and waited for help to arrive and they neutralized the situation.
Considering they'd attempted to taser him twice, there was really only one option left if he reached for the weapon before they could subdue him. 


It is possible he was reaching for the gun.  The bottom line is that by resisting, he put himself in jeopardy unnecessarily. 


Dealing with someone brandishing a knife isn't the same things as trying to contain a perp who is carrying a firearm.
Quote:Considering they'd attempted to taser him twice, there was really only one option left if he reached for the weapon before they could subdue him. 


It is possible he was reaching for the gun.  The bottom line is that by resisting, he put himself in jeopardy unnecessarily. 


Dealing with someone brandishing a knife isn't the same things as trying to contain a perp who is carrying a firearm.

Yes, this guy was asking to be killed basically.  I still don't believe the multiple gun shots to chest was only action to take.  However justified the officers will be by rule of law, it's not completely justified in my opinion.


Yes, knife guy is different situation, but you're going to see police officers come forward and say they could have handled this situation better which would have resulted in no casualties.
Quote:I think he's referring to the more recent death. Reports said he had a concealed permit.

mainly, you are correct. Mr. Castillo did everything right. But I think in general, the respect given to a gun owner greatly depends on the color of your skin.

The notion that being a gun owner is some sort of protection from government tyranny via pigs or ant other corrupt government entity is a fallacy. But nra sheeple are under the allusion that a gun creates your freedom.

I think the last two days and few years, for that matter, would tell you differently. In my humble estimation.
Quote:mainly, you are correct. Mr. Castillo did everything right. But I think in general, the respect given to a gun owner greatly depends on the color of your skin.

The notion that being a gun owner is some sort of protection from government tyranny via pigs or ant other corrupt government entity is a fallacy. But nra sheeple are under the allusion that a gun creates your freedom.

I think the last two days and few years, for that matter, would tell you differently. In my humble estimation.

Nobody is making you carry a gun, so don't.  Stop trying to take others rights away.
Quote:If only more black people owned more guns, then pigs would never kill them.

If only Alton Sterling and Philando Castillo in Minnesota had a gun... oh wait...

It's pretty clear, again, that we cannot trust the government. Why do you turn this around on your fellow citizens? Do you think giving up our right to weapons would stop cops from shooting people?


Quote:God knows your beloved Justice Department desperately wants to find a racial angle to this, just like you.

Question: In your opinion, what would be needed in this situation for you to consider this as being racial?
Cops have opened fire and killed unarmed people anyway.

We should only send white cops to arrest white folk...and only black cops to arrest black folk. Problem solved...you're welcome!
Quote:We should only send white cops to arrest white folk...and only black cops to arrest black folk. Problem solved...you're welcome!

Nah, we just need some kinda separation to keep them apart. Schools and malls and neighborhoods and the like, separate, but otherwise the same in every way; equal even.
Quote:Nah, we just need some kinda separation to keep them apart. Schools and malls and neighborhoods and the like, separate, but otherwise the same in every way; equal even.

we will start with water fountains since it is easiest and then the NBA.
And bathrooms...white, black and transgender
Quote:Nah, we just need some kinda separation to keep them apart. Schools and malls and neighborhoods and the like, separate, but otherwise the same in every way; equal even.
Quote:Nobody is making you carry a gun, so don't. Stop trying to take others rights away.

I don't know how many times people have to tell this to you...NOBODY IS TRYING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!!!!
Quote:Question: In your opinion, what would be needed in this situation for you to consider this as being racial?


Just because a cop is one race and the victim is another, that doesn't instantly make it a racial thing.  You don't see the same instigators raising a ruckus when there's a shooting involving a minority officer and a white victim.  Race is never questioned in those instances. 



Right. Specifically for you, what type of evidence would you need to see at minimum.


Just because a cop is one race and the victim is another, that doesn't instantly make it a racial thing.  You don't see the same instigators raising a ruckus when there's a shooting involving a minority officer and a white victim.  Race is never questioned in those instances. 

if the police didn't have a history of abusing blacks then this wouldn't be an issue, but they do and here we are.



Just because a cop is one race and the victim is another, that doesn't instantly make it a racial thing. You don't see the same instigators raising a ruckus when there's a shooting involving a minority officer and a white victim. Race is never questioned in those instances.

I agree with the edited portion of your statement. Everything is not automatically "a racial thing." I would just like to know in this instance at minimum, what would need to be present for you to say it was racial.
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