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I find the idea that Trump is:

1. A leftist

2. Endorsed or supported by the left

3. Created by the left

4. Something the left should/would rejoice about

..to be fairly ridiculous. The left wants nothing to do with him and are not responsible for his rise to the presumed nomination.
Quote:I find the idea that Trump is:

1. A leftist

2. Endorsed or supported by the left

3. Created by the left

4. Something the left should/would rejoice about

..to be fairly ridiculous. The left wants nothing to do with him and are not responsible for his rise to the presumed nomination.

[Image: 1x-11.jpg]
Quote:[Image: 1x-11.jpg]

Case closed. We can just ignore the past year of campaign statements.
Quote:Case closed. We can just ignore the past year of campaign statements.

Have you read his book?
Quote:Have you read his book?

I don't care what his book says. He has flip flopped on just about every position. I don't care that his daughter is BFFs with Chelsea. I don't care about the man in the slightest.

He didn't run as a Democrat. He wasn't planted in the GOP by Democrats. He wasn't given the nomination by Democrats. I don't know a single Democrat who endorses (or can stomach) Trump. He is the Republican party's candidate and their problem.
Quote:[Image: 1x-11.jpg]

Is this some sort of "gotcha!" moment? Political rivals cannot be friendly at a wedding?
Quote:Is this some sort of "gotcha!" moment? Political rivals cannot be friendly at a wedding?

They aren't rivals.
Quote:They aren't rivals.

Easy there big fella. Easy.
Quote:They aren't rivals.

Very true as far as I'm concerned.  Two peas in a pod.
Quote:Very true as far as I'm concerned. Two peas in a pod.

Name the issues they agree that makes them "pea roomies".
Quote:Name the issues they agree that makes them "pea roomies".

Assault weapons ban

Federal funding for planned parenthood

Progressive tax system with increasing brackets

Single payer healthcare (notice how trump always says obama care is a mess and is going to be replaced with something great, he's already on record advocating single payer)

I can go on?
Quote:Assault weapons ban

Federal funding for planned parenthood

Progressive tax system with increasing brackets

Single payer healthcare (notice how trump always says obama care is a mess and is going to be replaced with something great, he's already on record advocating single payer)

I can go on?

Absolutely go on.  The trumpettes don't realize that they have been duped.  We either have the real female version of Hillary in office next (highly likely) or we have the male counterpart (I wonder if Trump will "self identify" as something else?).


Either way, the next most important part of the upcoming election is going to be Congress.
Quote:Assault weapons ban

Federal funding for planned parenthood

Progressive tax system with increasing brackets

Single payer healthcare (notice how trump always says obama care is a mess and is going to be replaced with something great, he's already on record advocating single payer)

I can go on?

He's said health savings accounts repeatedly.

So I guess that means laffer and Reagan were socialist revolutionaries. Even his tax plan had tiers.
Quote:He's said health savings accounts repeatedly.

So I guess that means laffer and Reagan were socialist revolutionaries. Even his tax plan had tiers.

Your choosing to hear what you want to hear. He is openly in support of universal healthcare which can only be achieve through state controlled healthcare.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/657674'>http://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/657674</a>
Not true. 1.) Ronald Reagan didn't repeal Medicaid. 2.) rush Limbaugh advocated catastrophic healthcare for the poor. 3.)Ben Carson put forth a plan to take care of the indigent.

There is a difference between carrying for the poor and taking over a 6th of the economy.
Quote:Assault weapons ban

Federal funding for planned parenthood

Progressive tax system with increasing brackets

Single payer healthcare (notice how trump always says obama care is a mess and is going to be replaced with something great, he's already on record advocating single payer)

I can go on?

That's right, the planned parenthood thing and the healthcare thing two points that I think Hillary and Trump may be pretty close on.  But didn't trump come off his progressive tax plan?  I thought I saw that somewhere.


The problem with Trump is I have no idea which things he's said that he's now disavoiwing.  It's wishful thinking on trumpettes to think they know exactly what he's gonna do once he gets elected.


I mean the only thing I think you can really say he's gonna try (keyword:  TRY) to do is build a wall...  LOL.  And make Mexico pay for it.  
I mean, can you really say you know what the heck herr Trump is gonna do?


<p style="font-family:'ff-tisa-web-pro', Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:1.125em;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:rgb(247,248,248);">Over the weekend, Trump spoke openly of changing his tax plan on the Sunday shows. “The thing I'm going to do is make sure the middle class gets good tax breaks,” he said on NBC’s <i>Meet the Press</i>. “Because they have been absolutely shunned. The other thing, I'm going to fight very hard for business. For the wealthy, I think, frankly, it's going to go up. And you know what, it really should go up.”

<p style="font-family:'ff-tisa-web-pro', Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:1.125em;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:rgb(247,248,248);">The next day, on CNN, Trump tried to clarify that he wasn’t actually talking about raising rates on the wealthy, just raising them from his original plan. “If I increase it on the wealthy, they're still going to pay less than they pay now,” he said.


Interesting take from Cubes. Sounds like he is positioning himself for a 2020 run.



Interesting take from Cubes. Sounds like he is positioning himself for a 2020 run.

Nice link.. I haven't read the whole thing yet...  But to think that the stock market is gonna crash just because of a Trump presidency is dumb, which was like the first sentance of the article.  Yet another example that billionaires are not necessarily smarter than the rest of us.


I'll be honest with you, the fear that Trump puts in the Cubes makes me reconsider my position on Trump for like half a second.

Quote:Nice link.. I haven't read the whole thing yet...  But to think that the stock market is gonna crash just because of a Trump presidency is dumb, which was like the first sentance of the article.  Yet another example that billionaires are not necessarily smarter than the rest of us.


I'll be honest with you, the fear that Trump puts in the Cubes makes me reconsider my position on Trump for like half a second.

What I think happened is throughout this process, Cuban became resentful and the "what if's" overtook him that it could just as easily have been him in the place of The Don right now. 


Cuban realizes that what Don does affects the future of self-funded billionaires running for office and is either trying to separate himself from Trump or offer his opinion in a backhanded way.


I know it is just a TV show, but Cuban is a hot head as well as his dealings with the NBA.This is the same guy who's main negotiation tactic when dealing with entrepreneurs is threatening to take his offer off the table if they decide to listen to offers from other investors. How would that translate in the White House?

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