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Trump dominates... well, you know...

When's he gonna release his taxes?
More than likely he's not going to. 

Quote:When's he gonna release his taxes?

Never, and no one will care.
It's funny that the folks that are so scared of the big bad federal government and its tendency towards tyranny all of a sudden are a-ok with a candidate that is so opaque, he thinks releasing his tax returns is none of our business.

Anyone else see the hilarious hypocrisy in this?
Quote:It's funny that the folks that are so scared of the big bad federal government and its tendency towards tyranny all of a sudden are a-ok with a candidate that is so opaque, he thinks releasing his tax returns is none of our business.

Anyone else see the hilarious hypocrisy in this?

If you are so concerned about his business and finances go read his financial statements of his business he released, twice.



We all know about the trials and tribulations of his business endeavors.

We're talking about his personal taxes. Remember when he gave mittens grief about his taxes?

Again, it's pretty hilarious how willing trumpettes are to just ignore these things all of a sudden...

Don't come crying about the federal government and its problems anymore, trumpettes. You perpetuate your own bed wetting.
Quote:We all know about the trials and tribulations of his business endeavors.

We're talking about his personal taxes. Remember when he gave mittens grief about his taxes?

Again, it's pretty hilarious how willing trumpettes are to just ignore these things all of a sudden...

Don't come crying about the federal government and its problems anymore, trumpettes. You perpetuate your own bed wetting.

Yea it's too bad we can't have Bernie "Breadline" Sanduhs. He would get rid of all the millionahs and billionahs in this country and make everybody equal (-ly poor).
Quote:Yea it's too bad we can't have Bernie "Breadline" Sanduhs. He would get rid of all the millionahs and billionahs in this country and make everybody equal (-ly poor).

Is that what he said? Do you have a direct quote on that?
Quote:Is that what he said? Do you have a direct quote on that?

Regradless of what he said it's the outcome we can expect.
Quote:Regradless of what he said it's the outcome we can expect.
There's actually alot of nuance within my answer to you that I am about to respond with, but the answer to what you posted is the following:

Quote:Is that what he said? Do you have a direct quote on that?

He did say bread lines are a good thing. Look it up. I'm on mobile or else I'd post it myself.
Quote:There's actually alot of nuance within my answer to you that I am about to respond with, but the answer to what you posted is the following:


Yea we'd all be rich if Crazy Bernie got elected. He'd just break up the big banks, and take everything away from the millionahs and billionahs and give it all to us. Free Lam-buh-ginis for everyone!
Quote:When's he gonna release his taxes?

When Obama releases his college transcripts.

Quote:It's funny that the folks that are so scared of the big bad federal government and its tendency towards tyranny all of a sudden are a-ok with a candidate that is so opaque, he thinks releasing his tax returns is none of our business.

Anyone else see the hilarious hypocrisy in this?

You have it backwards. The tyrannical government should not be collecting personal information to begin with. The income tax return is an imposition on the right to privacy.

Donald Trump should release his tax returns when Hillary Clinton releases her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts.

Quote:Donald Trump should release his tax returns when Hillary Clinton releases her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts.

Houston... We have a winner
Looks like slippery Mitt finally gave up.
You guys are so sad. Did you know that trump slammed mittens for not releasing his taxes soon enough?

Lol, the pretzels you guys must have to spin in your head to rationalize trumps hypocrisies must be more twisted than his one son's crooked smile...
2.4% annual growth rate....

10 trillion dollars in debt....

Feel the bern.
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