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Quote:Raising the minimum wage, nor setting it at an arbitrary $15/hr, would resolve income inequality in this country. In reality, it could (and would with $15) make it worse and force more people onto welfare. However, without looking at the economics, I can safely say $7.25 is probably too low. Then again, it varies depending on which state you live in. It should be a states issue, really.

Well, JagWarrior, it's a start. When one looks at certain indicators with in certain certain industries and the oligopolies that run those industries, the wages have been set too low.

I think it's refreshing to see a republican actually start thinking about American worker's issues.

Welcome to the discussion.
Quote:They have to hate and despise everything and everyone they disagree with. It's an echo chamber. 


Quote:It's really sad, if you think about it. They have been suckered into thinking of everything I terms of my team versus your team, that they no longer are open to learning or seeking out the truth.

It's a shame, really.

both of you clowns can pipe down. this is true for any ideology. 
Quote:both of you clowns can pipe down. this is true for any ideology. 
No, it's really not. I do not despise conservatives. I just disagree with them.


You think it is the case because you foster it within yourself. Maybe that's the source of anger? You should really chill out. It's not good for your heart my man. 

Quote:Of course. Both sides have painted the other side as the enemy. No longer are we ALL Americans. It's all part of the cold war between Republicans and Democrats raising funds.

True, yet there are not echo chamber discussion between "liberal" posters in this forum bashing conservatives. Whereas, you can see it happening in almost every thread from our conservative brothers...

There are absolutely this posters that are for the blue team that gee caught up in that mentality.... but but to the extent I see from folks like jj, JIB, that one tack fan, etc.

Not trying to call out jj and JIB, I enjoy the debates with them. But at times like this, it's clear that they are closing their minds from facts based on where those facts originate from. Which I don't see happen as often from liberals.

But that's just my observation from a liberal perspective, so feel free to show me examples of where my bias blinds my perspective
Quote:Shouldn't that be enough?

I dunno, because I only hate Demos about thiiiis much more than I hate Pubbos.
Quote:No, it's really not. I do not despise conservatives. I just disagree with them.


You think it is the case because you foster it within yourself. Maybe that's the source of anger? You should really chill out. It's not good for your heart my man. 

your little shpeel about how everybody is close-minded but you is really ignorant.  you chill.
Quote:True, yet there are not echo chamber discussion between "liberal" posters in this forum bashing conservatives. Whereas, you can see it happening in almost every thread from our conservative brothers...

There are absolutely this posters that are for the blue team that gee caught up in that mentality.... but but to the extent I see from folks like jj, JIB, that one tack fan, etc.

Not trying to call out jj and JIB, I enjoy the debates with them. But at times like this, it's clear that they are closing their minds from facts based on where those facts originate from. Which I don't see happen as often from liberals.

But that's just my observation from a liberal perspective, so feel free to show me examples of where my bias blinds my perspective

ya sure. right here.  here you go thinking anybody who has a different point of view must be close-minded.  that in itself is close-minded.
Quote:your little shpeel about how everybody is close-minded but you is really ignorant.  you chill.
I don't think I said anything about close mindedness. You are just projecting your own insecurities now. For most reasonable people that would be quite embarrassing. 
Quote:I don't think I said anything about close mindedness. You are just projecting your own insecurities now. For most reasonable people that would be quite embarrassing. 

you seemed to infer that the hatred is one-sided.  that's close minded and ignorant.  even though you didn't say anything about close-mindedness, i am.  because you're a good example of the thing you claim to be above.

Quote:you seemed to infer that the hatred is one-sided.  that's close minded and ignorant.  even though you didn't say anything about close-mindedness, i am.  because you're a good example of the thing you claim to be above.
You are inferring a whole lot of things here based on a single quote I replied to. 


You said it was true of any ideology. I said it was not true for me. You presented an opinion as a fact and you are wrong. What exactly is your point? What does the underlined even mean? I am what I claim to be? Thank you? 
Quote:You are inferring a whole lot of things here based on a single quote I replied to. 


You said it was true of any ideology. I said it was not true for me. You presented an opinion as a fact and you are wrong. What exactly is your point? What does the underlined even mean? I am what I claim to be? Thank you? 

that's great. it is true for any ideology. that's a fact.  therefore your point about one side hating the other side they disagree with is completely irrelevant.  both sides of any argument are guilty of it.  so to say only conservatives do this is utter nonsense and in itself full of bias.  congratulations


so ya, not you, you dont do this. you're perfect.  but you cant deny that liberals and conservatives alike have a predisposition to hate the other side without investigation of facts needed.

Quote:True, yet there are not echo chamber discussion between "liberal" posters in this forum bashing conservatives. Whereas, you can see it happening in almost every thread from our conservative brothers...

There are absolutely this posters that are for the blue team that gee caught up in that mentality.... but but to the extent I see from folks like jj, JIB, that one tack fan, etc.

Not trying to call out jj and JIB, I enjoy the debates with them. But at times like this, it's clear that they are closing their minds from facts based on where those facts originate from. Which I don't see happen as often from liberals.

But that's just my observation from a liberal perspective, so feel free to show me examples of where my bias blinds my perspective

Care to back that up....
Quote:Guys guys.... Were on the same side.

I mean, it's right here...

And then right below this statement flsprts chimed in...

Red v Blue stuff, pretty easy to see...
Quote:ya sure. right here. here you go thinking anybody who has a different point of view must be close-minded. that in itself is close-minded.

Badger, I like you. You make me laugh.

So what do you think about trump's thoughts on minimum wage? Do you agree it needs to be looked at?
U said I specifically am ignoring facts based on "where they came from"
Quote:Badger, I like you. You make me laugh.

So what do you think about trump's thoughts on minimum wage? Do you agree it needs to be looked at?

not a big issue for me.  raising minimum wage would not cause the country to burn to the ground like many seem to think.


however, there is something to say about huge companies like McDonalds using min wage hikes to justify the mechanization of their labor.  this is bad. i will not support the mechanization of jobs.  that's the globalist plan after all, to replace poor people with machines, and reduce the population overall.


am i in favor of it? not really.  am i against it? not really.

Quote:U said I specifically am ignoring facts based on "where they came from"

Well... did you see my comment regarding Eisenhower? I mean, maybe ignoring was being too harsh... maybe you have a physical disability that makes you BLIND to facts that go against your world view! :-)

You should call your doctor, this ailment of yours may allow you to get a handicap placard... I have one since I blew out my Achilles, they are great!!
Quote:that's great. it is true for any ideology. that's a fact.  therefore your point about one side hating the other side they disagree with is completely irrelevant.  both sides of any argument are guilty of it.  so to say only conservatives do this is utter nonsense and in itself full of bias.  congratulations


so ya, not you, you dont do this. you're perfect.  but you cant deny that liberals and conservatives alike have a predisposition to hate the other side without investigation of facts needed.
ok jj.
Quote:Well... did you see my comment regarding Eisenhower? I mean, maybe ignoring was being too harsh... maybe you have a physical disability that makes you BLIND to facts that go against your world view! :-)

You should call your doctor, this ailment of yours may allow you to get a handicap placard... I have one since I blew out my Achilles, they are great!!

Awwwwwwwww that's so cute.  i didn't respond to one of your posts and you got all jealous.  Don't that beat all.  


Quote:You guys realize before the neocons brainwashed you, Eisenhower--a conservative-- was pro livable wages and sensible government regulation.

Maybe trump will wake some of you up. The racist stuff is kind of a shame, though...

As for Eisenhower, if you want to go back to a $1 an hour minimum wage then that's fine i won't stop you.  the rest of the country might but that's a different story.  I don't think old ike would take too kindly to the idea of the justice department threatening states if they put signs on bathrooms or threatening to prosecute groups as racketeers because they dissent on AGCC.  


You haven't demonstrated that i turn a blind eye to anything, what you have demonstrated is that the left often takes emotional platitudes like REASONABLE and LIVING and tries to pass them off as fact.  


Conservatism isn't anarchism. 

Quote:Raising the minimum wage, nor setting it at an arbitrary $15/hr, would resolve income inequality in this country. In reality, it could (and would with $15) make it worse and force more people onto welfare. However, without looking at the economics, I can safely say $7.25 is probably too low. Then again, it varies depending on which state you live in. It should be a states issue, really.


There you go.
Some people like TAM and our other liberal friends on this board seem to think that it's up to the Federal Government to mandate people's lives and industry rules.
Quote:True, yet there are not echo chamber discussion between "liberal" posters in this forum bashing conservatives. Whereas, you can see it happening in almost every thread from our conservative brothers...

There are absolutely this posters that are for the blue team that gee caught up in that mentality.... but but to the extent I see from folks like jj, JIB, that one tack fan, etc.

Not trying to call out jj and JIB, I enjoy the debates with them. But at times like this, it's clear that they are closing their minds from facts based on where those facts originate from. Which I don't see happen as often from liberals.

But that's just my observation from a liberal perspective, so feel free to show me examples of where my bias blinds my perspective

Not true at all.
Regarding the first part in bold, teaching conservative values in schools is constantly bashed by our liberal friends on this board.  The  10 Commandments on a courthouse or near any public property is viewed as "offensive" or "non-inclusive", and that opinion has been expressed by several members of our liberal friends.  The same goes with the idea of teaching the concept or idea of creationism even along side evolution in public schools.
Liberals seem to be so down with the idea of hard work and earning.  In our schools we teach that "there are no winners or losers... everyone gets a trophy". Start off in a low paying job?  How about working hard, learning and moving up?  It's really not that difficult.  As a high school kid I got a job at Burger King and worked my way up to assistant manager.  Was that my career choice?  Absolutely not.  However, it did provide me with important work experience and enough money to become independent at a young age.
Now think about this.  Taking a look at just the cost of living in say New York City or San Francisco California, does a higher minimum wage (if it must exist) of up to $15 make sense?  Perhaps, but how about in a state like Florida or Montana?
Now keeping with that thought, why is the cost of living higher in states like New York or California?  Could taxes be a reason?  Is a 2000 square foot home on 1/4 acre of land worth more because it's in a Los Angeles suburb rather than on a 5 acre parcel in Montana or Texas?
The bottom line is, you liberals on this board "bash" conservative ideals just as much as conservatives "bash" your liberal views.
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