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Quote:ok jj.

what's that supposed to mean?

<div>There you go.
Some people like TAM and our other liberal friends on this board seem to think that it's up to the Federal Government to mandate people's lives and industry rules.

Not true at all.
Regarding the first part in bold, teaching conservative values in schools is constantly bashed by our liberal friends on this board.  The  10 Commandments on a courthouse or near any public property is viewed as "offensive" or "non-inclusive", and that opinion has been expressed by several members of our liberal friends.  The same goes with the idea of teaching the concept or idea of creationism even along side evolution in public schools.
Liberals seem to be so down with the idea of hard work and earning.  In our schools we teach that "there are no winners or losers... everyone gets a trophy". Start off in a low paying job?  How about working hard, learning and moving up?  It's really not that difficult.  As a high school kid I got a job at Burger King and worked my way up to assistant manager.  Was that my career choice?  Absolutely not.  However, it did provide me with important work experience and enough money to become independent at a young age.
Now think about this.  Taking a look at just the cost of living in say New York City or San Francisco California, does a higher minimum wage (if it must exist) of up to $15 make sense?  Perhaps, but how about in a state like Florida or Montana?
Now keeping with that thought, why is the cost of living higher in states like New York or California?  Could taxes be a reason?  Is a 2000 square foot home on 1/4 acre of land worth more because it's in a Los Angeles suburb rather than on a 5 acre parcel in Montana or Texas?
The bottom line is, you liberals on this board "bash" conservative ideals just as much as conservatives "bash" your liberal views.


Exactly.  The Federal minimum wage isn't a toy.  If there was every anything crying out for the 10th amendment its this issue.   Let each state choose its own way based on their individual standards of living and then tell us how that works out.  


Moreover, people have to understand one simple point:  in reality the minimum wage is ZERO!  If you don't produce enough to justify what you are being paid then you don't have a job.  It's that simple.  Also, most jobs don't pay minimum wage anyway.  That's for entry level in low skilled professions.  As JIB said, If you prove you can show up on time and not kill anyone you are usually taken through the system as you learn new skills and develop the ability to produce more in your chosen sector.  


The tragedy is that we spend more than any country on the planet, per capita, and we have a bunch of kids graduating high school who don't think they can ever figure out how to work the fry machine AND the grill and 40% of kids in college scared they won't be able to pay their student loans.  

<div>Regarding the first part in bold, teaching conservative values in schools is constantly bashed by our liberal friends on this board.  The  10 Commandments on a courthouse or near any public property is viewed as "offensive" or "non-inclusive", and that opinion has been expressed by several members of our liberal friends.  The same goes with the idea of teaching the concept or idea of creationism even along side evolution in public schools.


I wonder how conservatives would feel if every courthouse had Islamic Hadiths posted instead of the 10 commandments.

Creationism has no place in schools because it's not based on science.  It's not a scientific theory.  Now if you want a comparative religions course or something like that, then by all means.  Creationism does not belong in a science class.  It's not a scientific theory.  It's a philosophical question, not a scientific one. 
Now trump no longer "self-financing" (cause anyone taking donations is beholded to third parties, remember, remember) has hired a former Goldman Sachs fundraiser that has managed and made massive donations to Soros and Clinton. March trump march!



Don't worry Eric, Donald will contradict himself on this and many other things within a week, like he always does.


And as for self financing, haven't y'all learned?  Donald NEVER risks his own money. 


Just yours.

Quote:As for Eisenhower, if you want to go back to a $1 an hour minimum wage then that's fine i won't stop you.  the rest of the country might but that's a different story.  I don't think old ike would take too kindly to the idea of the justice department threatening states if they put signs on bathrooms or threatening to prosecute groups as racketeers because they dissent on AGCC.  


You haven't demonstrated that i turn a blind eye to anything, what you have demonstrated is that the left often takes emotional platitudes like REASONABLE and LIVING and tries to pass them off as fact.  


Conservatism isn't anarchism. 

LOL, you asked, and I pointed out something that you ignored.  You would have continued to ignore it, unless I called it out.  But whatever...  It's all good.  You have your own blind spot.  I'm sure I have mine.  


Though I cannot remember the last time you mentioned something that I said that you could despute.  Where as I've provided many instances where your bias has been flat out wrong.


And let me do it again right here...


"Although the nominal value of the minimum wage was increased by $5.65 (from $1.60 to $7.25) between 1968 and 2009, these legislated adjustments did not enable the minimum wage to keep pace with the increase in consumer prices, so the real minimum wage fell."  https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42973.pdf


I know that badger is gonna freak out that I'm providing facts with a cited source.  But guess what-- facts determine what is real and what isn't.


You and Oface are the same poster with differing ideologies.  Both of you take bits and pieces of the truth to skew reality in order for it to fit your own pre-conceived world view.  You know some things and then you leave out other things in order to make your point.


Oface does it for climate change, you do it for all things "conservative".  It's rather sad, but easily debunked.  I did it to you as well in terms of "taxes" and the administrative cost to a business.


I'm doing it to you again here with the minimum wage.  The real value of the minimum wage has decreased dramatically over time.  Productivity and profits of business has increased over time.  Deal with the facts, my friend.  Supply side economics does not work.  


I'm gonna start calling you jj-face...   Ninja


It's hasn't even been 24 hours since Trump all but locks up the nomination and this clown is ALREADY marching LEFT! He's considering raising the minimum wage!? Liberals rejoice! 


So let's review Trump is for establishing new tariffs (Taxes on the consumer), raising the minimum wage, and ignoring unfunded entitlements but he's going to be the best "jobs" president ever! 


Damn it, all you know nothing republicans got your panties wet on this TV star and now we've got to pick between two liberals. I blame YOU..........
I'm certainly not a liberal, but in all fairness, the minimum wage does need to be increased...I know minimum wage was never be designed to be a living wage, but not even $9 an hour is too low

Now think about this.  Taking a look at just the cost of living in say New York City or San Francisco California, does a higher minimum wage (if it must exist) of up to $15 make sense?  Perhaps, but how about in a state like Florida or Montana?
Now keeping with that thought, why is the cost of living higher in states like New York or California?  Could taxes be a reason?  Is a 2000 square foot home on 1/4 acre of land worth more because it's in a Los Angeles suburb rather than on a 5 acre parcel in Montana or Texas?


You don't understand free market principles and the economy if you think that the difference between the cost of living in one region of the country is higher than in another region of the country because of "taxes".


Dude, you guys are messing with the wrong poster if you're gonna try and flush that manure down the pipes on my watch.  
Quote:I'm certainly not a liberal, but in all fairness, the minimum wage does need to be increased...I know minimum wage was never be designed to be a living wage, but not even $9 an hour is too low

Minimum wage needs to be removed, not increased.
Quote:Minimum wage needs to be removed, not increased.

It's amazing that one populist politician and the republican mainstream is ready to say, yea the minimum wage that thing we've been saying is hurting business for decades we should go ahead and increase it. 
Quote:Minimum wage needs to be removed, not increased.
Let's bring back child labor while we're at it, amirite?


And involuntary servitude, too.
Quote:I'm certainly not a liberal, but in all fairness, the minimum wage does need to be increased...I know minimum wage was never be designed to be a living wage, but not even $9 an hour is too low

Why not $15 than, is that to high? Who should decide whats a living wage and whats not? And who are we to dictate that someone has to be paid a living wage by someone else? 
Quote:Let's bring back child labor while we're at it, amirite?


And involuntary servitude, too.

eliminating the wage floor isn't the same as slave labor. The big difference it's optional. If the wage doesn't match the labor than people won't fill the position simple as that. 
Quote:To be fair, if you are going to have a minimum wage, it needs to be raised in-line with the economy, inflation, and other factors. Otherwise, it needs to be removed totally (which will never happen). Regardless, all he said was he would look into it, but was more interested in bringing higher-paying jobs back to America rather than raise it. People overreacting either 1) Never supported Trump to begin with, or 2) Liberals trying to subvert Trump support.


<div>‘President Trump?’ Here’s How He Says It Would Look

Read this if you care. You won't agree with some of it, but a majority of American voters will.


if we're going to have forced participation in a health care system it should just be socialized single payer. 


that's a dangerous game to play, since we haven't removed the problem (government) we should just increase it's influence. 
Quote:Let's bring back child labor while we're at it, amirite?


And involuntary servitude, too.

Yep, slavery is totally the same thing.
Quote:is this a joke? blaming voters? looks like you are actually the "know nothing" here since the Republican party has been breaking promises for decades.  That's why a non-traditional candidate won the nomination.


A candidate (as far right as you are) has no chance to win an election.  I like Rand Paul too, he ain't winning.  Time to put down the libertarian utopia dreams and come down to reality.  We got bigger problems than businesses being forced to serve black people.

So you don't refute that your populist savior is already marching left. It's been a little more than 24 hours, just wait and see how far left he takes you.
I'm still waiting for a trumpette to tell my why it's ok for Trump to hire Goldman Sachs fundraiser and take third party funding, it doesn't make him a total sell out like everyone else......... :whistling:

Quote:Why not $15 than, is that to high? Who should decide whats a living wage and whats not? And who are we to dictate that someone has to be paid a living wage by someone else? 
ok lets do this...just abolish the minimum wage and allow companies to pay people $3.00 an hour,and only work them 24 hours a week...


Quote:eliminating the wage floor isn't the same as slave labor. The big difference it's optional. If the wage doesn't match the labor than people won't fill the position simple as that. 
and then what? half the population if not more all go on public assistance...I'm sure that's great for the economy...
Quote:So you don't refute that your populist savior is already marching left. It's been a little more than 24 hours, just wait and see how far left he takes you.
I'm not defending Trump, I'm just saying the minimum wage is a joke as a wage...Granted it was never designed to be a living wage, but it's just not enough
Quote:ok lets do this...just abolish the minimum wage and allow companies to pay people $3.00 an hour,and only work them 24 hours a week...


and then what? half the population if not more all go on public assistance...I'm sure that's great for the economy...

I never pay an employee the minimum wage. How can this be?
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