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I hope this team finally gets the "Us against the world" attitude and does something with it.  I don't care if they play for their job, their coaches job or to throw up a big middle finger to the fans.  I'm seeing the offensive progress despite his bad play.  I wish Olsen would just eliminate the plays that target M Lewis.  Those darn plays are producing serious turnover risks.


I hope the game slows down a little bit more for Bortles and he keeps progressing on his reads.  For some reason there are certain plays were he really believes in the primary target and he throws it no matter what he sees in the defense.  The next stage is checking out or going to the second read.  The game tape has shown the 2nd read coming open ahead of his forced throw.


This team does have offensive potential and that is a nice change.

"If you’re somebody that has a fixed mindset who thinks that it’s all about winning then you’re going to do anything you can to get your results, no matter if you’re doing the wrong thing or being selfish or whatever. As long as you get your results that’s all that matters to you, and that’s not how we think in this team."



Not sure I understand what this means? No one is asking anyone to be selfish or do anything wrong. Is he making a quasi patriots kind of reference? Strange comment.

Quote:It is truly awesome. You could write a 5 page spread on what was going through each persons mind in that gif.


I would love to shake that mans hand and buy him any drink he wants.


If you are on here and reading this, I am in 147 row P. Hit me up.
When a questionable Gus challenge come up, I would want the video operator to play this gif on both ends of the video boards at the stadium.  That would be awesome.
I've kind of lost my respect for him with these comments. After all these years of the same mediocrity, we are just supposed to accept it and support it? No sir! We as the fans see what we have and know we should not be 1-5 right now; and it seems like we have to keep the accountability up for the team. This just proves to me that the mindset of the team is too soft and that boils down to coaching. The environment here is too soft; regardless of what the players say. We're led to believe that the team is "built" and it turns out that "we aren't there yet".


He really needs to close his mouth on this subject. He can be upset at how the outside is thinking, but how are we supposed to think after winning so little in such a long time......



Quote:"If you’re somebody that has a fixed mindset who thinks that it’s all about winning then you’re going to do anything you can to get your results, no matter if you’re doing the wrong thing or being selfish or whatever. As long as you get your results that’s all that matters to you, and that’s not how we think in this team."



Not sure I understand what this means? No one is asking anyone to be selfish or do anything wrong. Is he making a quasi patriots kind of reference? Strange comment.

Yeah that is such an odd statement.  If the fixed mindset is personal stats then yeah I can see the point.  But winning?  Seriously having a goal of winning is a problem?


Jeez I knew the whole participation trophy and government give me mindset has taking serious hold but Professional Athletes are 1 percent-ers?  

Quote:"If you’re somebody that has a fixed mindset who thinks that it’s all about winning then you’re going to do anything you can to get your results, no matter if you’re doing the wrong thing or being selfish or whatever. As long as you get your results that’s all that matters to you, and that’s not how we think in this team."



Not sure I understand what this means? No one is asking anyone to be selfish or do anything wrong. Is he making a quasi patriots kind of reference? Strange comment.

I think his point is that no player is bigger than the team.  You can't have guys going off rogue doing what THEY think they need to do to achieve wins.  It's a team effort. 


Strange comment?  Maybe.  It depends on the framing of the question to be honest.  I think he's more or less asking fans to let the process play out this year.  The players trust the process will turn the team around.  We'll see at the end of the year whether that trust was warranted or not.
Must be hard making millions of dollars to suck on Sundays.
Quote:I don't think he was calling out "the fans."  He was calling out certain fans- the ones who want to see everyone fired right now.  

Ding Ding Ding!!!
Quote:I honestly couldn't care less what Marcedes Lewis has to say on any subject.

Some folks here take this stuff way too personally.
This.. I don't give a damn how he feels. It doesn't upset me at all. Then again I'm not part of this new world were every celebrity decisions and comments upset everyone.
Quote:I think his point is that no player is bigger than the team.  You can't have guys going off rogue doing what THEY think they need to do to achieve wins.  It's a team effort. 


Strange comment?  Maybe.  It depends on the framing of the question to be honest.  I think he's more or less asking fans to let the process play out this year.  The players trust the process will turn the team around.  We'll see at the end of the year whether that trust was warranted or not.

I'm on the page of playing out the year.  Nothing is going to be accomplished with chaos this year.  The offense is better overall and can improve even more with playing together.  With the talent improving it will really show us what we suspect is the case with the Head Coach.  It is nice to see some actual talent and potential talent emerging.


What I really don't want to see as a trend is various players stepping up and taking pot shots at the fans.  Fan is short for fanatic and we have emotional swings to and fro and that is acceptable.  Apathy is sold seats and no one in the stadium.  And then they will ask where everyone is at home games.
Quote:"If you’re somebody that has a fixed mindset who thinks that it’s all about winning then you’re going to do anything you can to get your results, no matter if you’re doing the wrong thing or being selfish or whatever. As long as you get your results that’s all that matters to you, and that’s not how we think in this team."

Not sure I understand what this means? No one is asking anyone to be selfish or do anything wrong. Is he making a quasi patriots kind of reference? Strange comment.

To me, it's quite obvious.

He's regurgitating the mantra that has been repeated to him over and over again for the last three years.

He's giving you a glimpse into the philosophy Bradley has instilled into this team. Winning is not important, the process is important. It's a loser's mentality and it needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
Quote:I think his point is that no player is bigger than the team.  You can't have guys going off rogue doing what THEY think they need to do to achieve wins.  It's a team effort. 


Strange comment?  Maybe.  It depends on the framing of the question to be honest.  I think he's more or less asking fans to let the process play out this year.  The players trust the process will turn the team around.  We'll see at the end of the year whether that trust was warranted or not.
Perhaps that's what he meant. I know it has to be annoying for the players to feel they give it their all and then get bashed by the fans, I get that.


What's interesting is they all seem to genuinely still be completely bought in to what Gus is doing, which is out of the norm for a losing team after several seasons. Whatever Gus' ultimate fate, he does have a connection with his players and they seem to have the  want  to win, they've just not figured out how to win. 
"It was just annoying," Lewis said. "Like, look, be quiet. Just be quiet. You guys are not out here grinding."


Well Marcedes, you aren't either.  No one on this team is except Hurns, Robinson, and Bortles.  That's kinda the problem. 

Quote:"It was just annoying," Lewis said. "Like, look, be quiet. Just be quiet. You guys are not out here grinding."


Well Marcedes, you aren't either.  No one on this team is except Hurns, Robinson, and Bortles.  That's kinda the problem. 

Amazing he said that.


"Shut up and accept failure or stop being a fan."


Just, wow. This team.
I understand where he's coming from but what he should realize saying stuff like that to the press is pretty dumb and not a good way to get the fans off your back.

I think the comments irk people a bit more because its coming from Lewis,who has gone downhill every year since he got his new contract.


He needs to look at the big picture from the fans perspective ,stick and stones and may break my bones and all that jazz.

If he believes in the process then good stick to the process and ignore all outside distractions,especially us fans.Can't imagine Poz talking about the fans in that manner.


To summarize, dumb comments by Lewis but nobody died and he has every right to speak his mind. 

Quote:"It was just annoying," Lewis said. "Like, look, be quiet. Just be quiet. You guys are not out here grinding."


Well Marcedes, you aren't either.  No one on this team is except Hurns, Robinson, and Bortles.  That's kinda the problem. 

Depends what his definition of "grinding" is. If he knew how many livers he and his team were responsible for damaging, he would change his tune.
Quote:Look, I'm not personally offended by this.

I think I've made it clear that his comments are a revelation to the team's loser mentality that has been indoctrinated into them by a failed head coach.

I don't care one twit what this TE says about the lack of support he feels the team is getting from fans. It doesn't matter to me.

What matters to me is this team actually winning games. And, let's face it, if you are not being pushed by your leader to see winning as being of the utmost importance, you are not going to be mentally strong enough to win.

What this TE has done is given us a look inside this team's psyche. And this team has the psyche of a loser.

And we see it every Sunday. This psyche has been shoved down the throats of this team by the head coach, he's responsible for this failure.

I think saying the TE's stupid comments are being taken personally by some fans is a way to change the subject to something trivial.

Saying this comment is being taken personal by some fans allows you to ignore the real issue that his stupid comment exposed.

The issue that has been exposed is that this TE has been brainwashed to think that the process is more important than winning. This TE has been indoctrinated into a losers mentality.

I feel sorry for him, because it's not his fault. It's the coach that's been beating the mantra of competing and not winning that is to blame.



I'm with Marcedes.

Fans think they care more than the people that are actually putting the time and hard work in.

I'd be peeved too...


You think every player in the league grinds for their love of the team and desire to win? You don't think there's hundreds of guys in this league who are just there to get a paycheck and wouldn't think twice before signing as a free agent with a franchise that the fanbase cannot stand?  


Don't fool yourself into thinking all of these guys leave it all out there.  I think more often than we as fans care to admit, they are thinking more about which club to hit up after the game than how they can help the team win.  Winning is just frosting on the cake.


I get that there's a bunch of guys out there who do play for the love of the game and for the wins, but clearly by his attitude, he isn't one of them. 
Quote:That final paragraph from the article is sickening. He's rationalizing the Gus Bradley coaching paradigm.

Winning isn't as important as the process? Wrong. Winning validates the process. If you are losing, you change the process.

Gus Bradley's coaching philosophy is great for the "yes men" on the team. As long as the players buy into this winning isn't important, just trust the process paradigm, then there is no accountability.

The grind? You mean the grind every freaking player on every freaking team goes through? You're going to complain about your grind as though you and this team are special? Every team grinds you fool!!!!

I'm sorry, but this mentality is a virus in the locker room. The belief that winning isn't important is contagious and it needs to be eradicated from the team. Unfortunately, this disease is being forced on this team by the head coach.

It doesn't matter how many great players are being drafted, or brought in via fee agency, if they are being indoctrinated to believe the process the coaches are putting them through is more important than winning, you create losers.

We have a coach who is creating losers. The sooner he's fired, the better. He is now literally doing more harm than good.

The attitude behind the whole thing is what bothers me, too.  It sums up Gus and what he's preached and it's awful.  The process isn't working.  It's a total loser mentality and it shows on the field week after week.  


Quote:It is definitely a weird dynamic. One thing I wonder is if guys like TJ Yeldon, Rashad Greene and Michael Bennett feel that coming from college programs where losing even one game in a year is considered unacceptable.

It makes me wonder too.  It's two different worlds for them.  I wonder how much they buy into this "process" that's gotten very few wins in almost 2.5 seasons.




Quote:I don't think he was calling out "the fans."  He was calling out certain fans- the ones who want to see everyone fired right now.  

Heaven forbid people want to get rid of them.  They've done so well.  Very few are calling for "everyone" to get fired.  I'd say there are only a handful at most that want to clean house completely.  Most have finally come to light that Gus and crew aren't getting the job done and the "process" that Marcedes talks about is no good.


Quote:I think his point is that no player is bigger than the team.  You can't have guys going off rogue doing what THEY think they need to do to achieve wins.  It's a team effort. 


Strange comment?  Maybe.  It depends on the framing of the question to be honest.  I think he's more or less asking fans to let the process play out this year.  The players trust the process will turn the team around.  We'll see at the end of the year whether that trust was warranted or not.

Lol we'll see at the end of the year...


Trust the process that has gotten us nowhere in 2.5 years.


Gus is the ultimate salesman.  He gets people to buy into complete garbage.
Learn to catch passes that hit you in the hands. Then we'll talk.

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