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I don't think Marcedes realizes that fans aren't just frustrated with the Gus Bradley era but with the Jags as a whole over the past almost ten years. Sorry Marcedes but you are wrong.
Quote:I really do get where he's coming from. I don't think fans like to be told to be quiet, but I can understand a player's frustration. They know we've been bad, they don't want to hear it when they're living it.

That being said, poor choice of words and lack of tact for sure. Probably would have been better for him to not say anything.
That is fair.  However I think these guys need to realize that when you are in this profession, your job performance gets reviewed every time you take the field by tens of thousands of people.  While I would hate that if it happened to me, I think my millions of dollars could dry my tears. 
If its not all about wins and losses..why do they keep score? Have standings?


Totally understood why a fanbase would not like hearing his comments. Especially from a guy who has underperformed, is over paid and contributed squat


Some fans do not subscribe to the "Thank you sir, may have another" while some take it in the piss and smile. All relative.


Fans do have some say so, by just staying home.


This putz isnt a new player, he knows how bad the last few years have been, yet .... 

I think players here are too used to not being pushed by the media and fans in this town.  For too long people have let mediocrity be the norm and not let their frustration show.  Now that it is showing a few players have made comments. 


Do they understand what goes on in other cities across the NFL?  This is nothing compared to what happens in other much larger markets.  It's time for our players to develop thicker skin.  If they don't like it, play better.

Marcedes is a bum on the field so it makes sense that he has bum takes off the field.

Get a brain! Moran
[Image: 0.jpg]

Quote:How so? Because I don't care what Lewis said? Your befuddlement extends beyond Marcedes comments if that's the case.
Usually I'm on board with you FBT but these comments are ridiculous. This fan base has more than supported this team, myself included. That stadium could have been much more empty with the product being put on this field the last 3 seasons. This has been a historically bad team yet the fans keep coming and filling the seats. His comments were off base and as a fan since the beginning I am offended as a season ticket holder.
Marcedes needs to shut his holster
Lol @ FBT and patience. That's why you haven't gotten laid in like 2 decades bruh.
Quote:Marcedes is a bum on the field so it makes sense that he has bum takes off the field.

Get a brain! Moran


hahahahah classic... "Moran." smooth dude.
Marcedes should be ashamed of himself.

Quote:hahahahah classic... "Moran." smooth dude.

It's a joke. I'm on mobile or I'd post the picture. Google search "Get a brain! Moran."

Or don't. I really don't care.
Quote:Lol @ FBT and patience. That's why you haven't gotten laid in like 2 decades bruh.
whoa haha i seriously loled to this. sick burn. why so serious? 
Quote:I was just thinking.... it is pretty amazing that this guy has 60K posts in 14 years. I have been a member here for 10 years and I feel like I post a lot and still haven't even hit 10K.

I can't even imagine the time it would take to post 60K posts, 90% of which include insulting other people. That is pretty amazing when you think about it.

I've been here since 05 and I can't imagine 60k posts. But I just think he's sad.
Quote:Lol @ FBT and patience. That's why you haven't gotten laid in like 2 decades bruh.

Oh my....
Quote:Lol @ FBT and patience. That's why you haven't gotten laid in like 2 decades bruh.
I lol'd irl. Too savage.  
Hey, you ask for it when you traipse around here the way he does. 

thankfully this is the last year of his contract.  probably his last year in the nfl.  


I'm with Marcedes.

Fans think they care more than the people that are actually putting the time and hard work in.

I'd be peeved too...
I'm sure a lot of fans do care more than some of the players.
Quote:thankfully this is the last year of his contract.  probably his last year in the nfl.  

I'm sure some team will go "hey derp, he's 12 feet tall, bet we can use him in the redzone", only to be disappointed that he has no hands. 
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