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Quote:I had no problem with Blake's comments, actually agreed. 


MLs comments are complete garbage.

That is how I feel as well. Lewis should have just not said anything.
Quote:You guys gonna egg his house?

No point, his house probably wouldn't catch the eggs Big Grin
LOL! His house would be the only one where the eggs actually bounced off......



[BLEEP] that [BLEEP].

My mind is having fun with this one.

Is that you Jameis?
Everyone whining in this thread... he was talking directly to you!  Laughing 


Eat it whiners.

Quote:Everyone whining in this thread... he was talking directly to you! Laughing

Eat it whiners.

Quote:Look, I'm not personally offended by this.

I think I've made it clear that his comments are a revelation to the team's loser mentality that has been indoctrinated into them by a failed head coach.

I don't care one twit what this TE says about the lack of support he feels the team is getting from fans. It doesn't matter to me.

What matters to me is this team actually winning games. And, let's face it, if you are not being pushed by your leader to see winning as being of the utmost importance, you are not going to be mentally strong enough to win.

What this TE has done is given us a look inside this team's psyche. And this team has the psyche of a loser.

And we see it every Sunday. This psyche has been shoved down the throats of this team by the head coach, he's responsible for this failure.

I think saying the TE's stupid comments are being taken personally by some fans is a way to change the subject to something trivial.

Saying this comment is being taken personal by some fans allows you to ignore the real issue that his stupid comment exposed.

The issue that has been exposed is that this TE has been brainwashed to think that the process is more important than winning. This TE has been indoctrinated into a losers mentality.

I feel sorry for him, because it's not his fault. It's the coach that's been beating the mantra of competing and not winning that is to blame.

You don't have to sit here and explain your self to anyone. Fans should care and express how they feel. Fbt does this in every thread that fans express disappointment. It's his schtick. He comes in sees fans taking a anti jags position and makes fun of you for it. He wants you to feel guilty for actually caring about this team. Even if the team makes you feel angry. But I've proven that if you say something nice about the team or player or coach he will wholeheartedly agree with you no matter how ridiculous the opinion. As long as your being overwhelmingly positive he's on your side. I have never seen fbt ever question this team in any way. He is the ultimate homer. If the team went 0-16 he would be here defending the team till bitter end. He's like a robot programmed to only take the positive side. Hey fbt I only got one thing to say to you: 10010101 01111010 10101110.
Quote:Everyone whining in this thread... he was talking directly to you! Laughing

Eat it whiners.

Hey everybody it's fbts minion.
Quote:Hey everybody it's fbts minion.
When you've really got nothing else to offer, go with this.


As often as you're clinging to my leg on posts, you'd think you'd know better.

Quote:You don't have to sit here and explain your self to anyone. Fans should care and express how they feel. Fbt does this in every thread that fans express disappointment. It's his schtick. He comes in sees fans taking a anti jags position and makes fun of you for it. He wants you to feel guilty for actually caring about this team. Even if the team makes you feel angry. But I've proven that if you say something nice about the team or player or coach he will wholeheartedly agree with you no matter how ridiculous the opinion. As long as your being overwhelmingly positive he's on your side. I have never seen fbt ever question this team in any way. He is the ultimate homer. If the team went 0-16 he would be here defending the team till bitter end. He's like a robot programmed to only take the positive side. Hey fbt I only got one thing to say to you: 10010101 01111010 10101110.
Keep flailing away, sweetheart.  You're not getting any closer.
Quote: what do you all not understand what hes saying. We are fans,we are supposse to stick with the team no matter what happens. Win,lose,or Tie? I want Jags to win just as much as everyone else does. All Lewis is doing is reminding us to stick by our team,even though the hard times like now. that doesn't mean you can't be dispointed after a loss,it just means to support the team even in a loss. 
Maybe Lewis should learn how to be a good football player before he tries to teach us how to be good fans.  


He's right though.  It's not about wins or losses.  Because the Jags never win.  It's only about losses.  When he has more than 48 yards on the season, then he can share some of his thoughts. 
Quote:Keep flailing away, sweetheart.  You're not getting any closer.
I think he pretty much explained you to a Tee.
Quote:No point, his house probably wouldn't catch the eggs Big Grin

Lol nice!
Ya'll better do as he says and shup or ya might get giraffed..
Quote:I think he pretty much explained you to a Tee.
Yeah, except for the part where I'm never critical about the team, and that I'm always positive.  Big swing and a miss.   I guess if I'm not brandishing pitchforks and torches like the low IQ crowd, this is cause for confusion.

Quote:You're sending him checks?  I know I'm not. 


Lewis is entitled to say whatever he wants.  That's his right.  If he wants to tell the fans to support the team, that's certainly his prerogative, just as it's yours to disagree with him. 
If you don't understand how athletes get paid due to fans, you are beyond help.  You send him a check every time you watch a game, buy merchandise, or buy tickets.  There is no NFL for him to make his millions if there are no fans to watch it.  


I get that you love to play devils advocate and try to see things from another perspective, but can you think as you do so sometimes? 
Quote:Yeah, except for the part where I'm never critical about the team, and that I'm always positive.  Big swing and a miss.   I guess if I'm not brandishing pitchforks and torches like the low IQ crowd, this is cause for confusion.
Thats where he hit the nail on the head.  You're a blind homer and you make fun of people if they feel otherwise.  You've been supporting every move this team makes for years.  Guess what, you were wrong, they suck.
Quote:If you don't understand how athletes get paid due to fans, you are beyond help.  You send him a check every time you watch a game, buy merchandise, or buy tickets.  There is no NFL for him to make his millions if there are no fans to watch it.  


I get that you love to play devils advocate and try to see things from another perspective, but can you think as you do so sometimes? 
I know exactly how the salary cap is determined.  Do you?


The % of the cap that is generated by ticket sales or merchandising is minuscule.  TV contracts are the primary driver, and that's determined by the advertisers willingness to fork over untold billions.  That's who pays the vast majority of their salaries, but hey, if you feel like you can go to a player and demand a refund of your 2 cents if they don't play up to your expectations, go for it.
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