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It must be a good thing, right?




Dude, 11th DR,. Mad Cow was Cray Cray for a hot minute!

Oh man, 11 pages of this...  



OK, so let me say one thing...



The "rich folks" are the worst leaders.  


Billionaires make their money because they exploit weaknesses.  Why would anyone idolize a shark?


I don't.  


Look at our government.  It's all run by millionaires that got their money from billionaires.  How has that worked for the rest of us chumps?  Not too good.  


But...  If anyone has some money to get ready to push around....  In a couple years, your mortgage will be valuable so long as you're not upside down.
Quote:according to the university of Minnesota a respected researcher they don't know how it spreads fully. They've even advised WHO that they think this strain may be limited airborne
So no,  they don't KNOW exactly whats going on with this strand, there's tons of questions from people that know way more then me or you about this strand.
There is a HUGE difference between aerolized particles and Airborne viruses. If I sneeze towards you, and your inahle those floating particles, you will be contaminated. Those particles, though, are almost immediately forced downard onto a surface because of gravity. Airborne particles STAY in the air. Ebola isn't an airborne disease.

This isn't a new concept and this isn't something global health agencies weren't already aware of.
Quote:I'm not part of the people that believe 9-11 was the inside job. 


I am however part of the people that believe that do not trust Obama's motives for this country and that he indeed knows that the only way he can continue to stay in power past his term is to impose martial law and this epidemic would be one method to get his desired outcome. 




Just because it may have ultimately been inevitable that it reached our shores doesn't mean that we shouldn't have taken every precaution we could have to have slowed that result/ lessened the opportunities from it happening.


France did the correct thing.


We practically laid out the red carpet for ebola to come to the USA....as well as the asinine decision to put our 3000 soldiers in harms way over there (I'd bet that Obama's intent there is for it to spread throughout our military and others once they come back). Why else would you send 3000 troops there into that situation??? Its one thing to send select expert medical staff over there (and even THEY couldn't avoid getting it)....sending green troops over there has no benefit other than if your intent is to spread it to them and bring them back to spread the disease in the manner the president wants the disease spread. 
Of course you are not. One happened under a republican president's watch and the other happened under the evil evil democrat's. 
Quote:Of course you are not. One happened under a republican president's watch and the other happened under the evil evil democrat's. 

Well, being that the initial trade center attack (1993) happened under a democrat and that same administration had the chance to take out Bin Laden in the late 1990's but wimped out as they usually do in matters of foreign policy, I'd not be throwing the above stones....


I'm guessing that you believe that 9-11 was an inside job? 

Quiet thread is quiet.

Where are all the panickers now?
Quote:Quiet thread is quiet.

Where are all the panickers now?
Very few people are panicking I haven't seen a mad rush on stores and people with drawling from crowds. It's something many people are watching and we are far from out of the woods.
Quote:Very few people are panicking I haven't seen a mad rush on stores and people with drawling from crowds. It's something many people are watching and we are far from out of the woods.
Some people were suggesting that world health care organizations, that have been working with Ebola for years, were not aware of how it is transmitted. Stupid, panicking, ignorant, whatever you want to call it.
And before you link the Minnesota article again:

if you think that the aeorlization of particles from bloodborne pathogens is a new concept, then you are foolish. If you think that aerolized particles means the same thing as airborne pathogen, then you are INCREDIBLY foolish.


Some people were suggesting that world health care organizations, that have been working with Ebola for years, were not aware of how it is transmitted. Stupid, panicking, ignorant, whatever you want to call it.

So commenting the nurses in Texas is an indictment of the WHO, ok keep reaching bubba.
Quote:So commenting the nurses in Texas is an indictment of the WHO, ok keep reaching bubba.



And these guys wore protective gear? I'm starting to think we're just not sure how it spreads.

"We're". Care to clarify what you meant by "we're"?

And then when I brought up doctors and researchers, your response was:
"I said I'm not sure they know how it spreads anymore."

Now you are changing your turn to just the infected workers?

I'm going to ask you three simple questions that I'm sure you will try to dodge/deflect:
1. Do you believe Ebola is an airborne pathogen?
2. Do you believe that scientists and researches were unware of particle aerolization of contact pathogens prior to your post?
3. Do you understand the differene between aerolized particles of contact pathogens and airborne pathogens?
13 years later, satire becomes reality.


Thanks Obama!






"We're". Care to clarify what you meant by "we're"?

And then when I brought up doctors and researchers, your response was:

"I said I'm not sure they know how it spreads anymore."

Now you are changing your turn to just the infected workers?

I'm going to ask you three simple questions that I'm sure you will try to dodge/deflect:

1. Do you believe Ebola is an airborne pathogen?

2. Do you believe that scientists and researches were unware of particle aerolization of contact pathogens prior to your post?

3. Do you understand the differene between aerolized particles of contact pathogens and airborne pathogens?

Holy crap man,


I made a comment that two workers in TEXAS got infected I'm not sure they know how it's spread, whats going on. You've managed to turn it into a 10 page inquisition about my medical knowledge. I've linked articles from CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and others that have all said the same exact thing, the virus mutates and they don't know everything about it. Do I think it's airborne I have no clue, I don't think it is doesn't mean it's not going to in the future. No I'm not convinced scientist and researches know everything about the virus or specifically this strand that has given them more trouble then any other strand of Ebola in the past.


I know you're bent on everything I say but it's getting a little sad at this point.
What's sad is you discreditting world health organizations that have been working with Ebola for years. "I'm starting to think we're just not sure how it spreads" is a stupid statement, because Ebola transmission isn't some forgein concept. You continue to dig yourself a deeper hole when you could simply state "I was misspoken". I'm not sure why something as little as conceding your point kills your ego so much. Stop being so insecure.
Then I will say it. 


I am not 100% sure that they { The WHO et al. } know everything about Ebola and it's transmission. 


And that concerns me a little bit. 

Quote:What's sad is you discreditting world health organizations that have been working with Ebola for years. "I'm starting to think we're just not sure how it spreads" is a stupid statement, because Ebola transmission isn't some forgein concept. You continue to dig yourself a deeper hole when you could simply state "I was misspoken". I'm not sure why something as little as conceding your point kills your ego so much. Stop being so insecure.

You've got to be kidding, how many ways do I have to say no I don't believe they know everything about Ebola including all the ways it's currently being transmitted.
Which is sad, because it's a virus that has been studied for years and it's a FACT that Ebola is a contact / droplet precaution. You can cross your arms and stomp your feet, but it doesn't change that fact.

Again, aerolization of particles =/= airborne precaution.
Quote:Which is sad, because it's a virus that has been studied for years and it's a FACT that Ebola is a contact / droplet precaution. You can cross your arms and stomp your feet, but it doesn't change that fact.

Again, aerolization of particles =/= airborne precaution.

So if this virus has been studied so well and we know exactly how it's transmitted why are we just NOW changing the protective gear and how it's used today? Did we just not care before? Did we not take it seriously? Or is it more contagious then previously thought?


Quote:So if this virus has been studied so well and we know exactly how it's transmitted why are we just NOW changing the protective gear and how it's used today? Did we just not care before? Did we not take it seriously? Or is it more contagious then previously thought?

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/19/cdc-ebola_n_6011286.html'>http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/19/cdc-ebola_n_6011286.html</a>

Actually, it sounds like the for-profit Texas hospital this went down at, which I understand is currently a ghost town, simply did the bare minimum when it comes to requirements.

From the article:

'Nurses have voiced concern that they have never cared for Ebola patients before and feel unprepared and underequipped. "If hospital administrators had to take care of Ebola patients, they would have the gold standard and hazmat suits," said RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, a union with 185,000 members'

It seems to me that government regulations have been ramped up due to a lack of self-governing at the hospital by its administrators--in other words, nothing to do with not knowing how it's transmitted.
Quote:Actually, it sounds like the for-profit Texas hospital this went down at, which I understand is currently a ghost town, simply did the bare minimum when it comes to requirements.

From the article:

'Nurses have voiced concern that they have never cared for Ebola patients before and feel unprepared and underequipped. "If hospital administrators had to take care of Ebola patients, they would have the gold standard and hazmat suits," said RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, a union with 185,000 members'

It seems to me that government regulations have been ramped up due to a lack of self-governing at the hospital by its administrators--in other words, nothing to do with not knowing how it's transmitted.

From what I understand prior to this week the cdc guidelines did not require complete covering of the skin while treating Ebola patients. So why do they now change the guidelines why wasn't it required before and now it is?

To me that suggest this virus is more contagious then they previously thought.
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