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Quote:im thinking its because the ravens doesnt have enough cap space and we do? but thats just speculation, im too lazy to do the research lol
Pretty much. It was part of the negotiation since in order for Baltimore to fit Monroe under their current cap, they would need to not take as big of a hit so Jacksonville picked up that portion of the tab.
Quote:They got two draft picks for a guy they weren't going to re-sign anyway.

Planning a future in any way without your best young lineman is stupid however you do it.
Quote:Planning a future in any way without your best young lineman is stupid however you do it.

I'm curious, is there a cost ceiling that you would put on bringing Monroe back for next season? Is that ceiling impacted by Joeckel's presence on the roster?
It seem like whatever a GM does you guys support him and rally behind him, but when he is wrong and fail you guys bail! SMH just like yall did Gene !! I hope this is a good move. Im not surprise by it cuz he already let like half the team go.
Haha...Caldwell is dumb as rocks. Gene Smith Jr., yeah. Worst move since drafting Gabbert. But the lemmings will tapdance the night away.



Also, Tommy called for trading away Monroe...lol...what a tool.

So did it end up as a 4th and a 5th or a 4th and a 6th?

Quote:I'm curious, is there a cost ceiling that you would put on bringing Monroe back for next season? Is that ceiling impacted by Joeckel's presence on the roster?

Of course there is a limit, but he is a top 10 OT, they get paid well.


Joeckel's presence has no bearing on this, under the new CBA his contract is nothing to a team with the cap room we have.
I'm absolutely fine with this move.
Quote:I'm curious, is there a cost ceiling that you would put on bringing Monroe back for next season? Is that ceiling impacted by Joeckel's presence on the roster?

The cost ceiling is higher than the franchise tag for offensive linemen. He's worth at least that much, not to mention that the Jags paid out over $2M in this year's salary to facilitate the trade.

Would you pay $2,000,000 for two extra draft selections?


That's what the essence of this thing is ...


I'd say sure.


We've got about 41 roster holes out there being filled with "guys."

Quote:Haha...Caldwell is dumb as rocks. Gene Smith Jr., yeah. Worst move since drafting Gabbert. But the lemmings will tapdance the night away.



Also, Tommy called for trading away Monroe...lol...what a tool.
Were you one of the ones who was flaming me for wanting to trade Monroe?


Oh wait. I was right, and you were wrong. I can see why you'd be so mad.
Quote:Pretty much. It was part of the negotiation since in order for Baltimore to fit Monroe under their current cap, they would need to not take as big of a hit so Jacksonville picked up that portion of the tab.

So we paid them over $1 million to take our good young veteran LT?  In essence, we shipped them our #2 pick from 2013 (Joekel for Monroe is a wash) and paid them cash to get a 2014 4th & 5th.  And most people are ok with this?


I hear everyone who's saying they didn't want to re-sign Monroe because he would cost more than Joekel's rookie contract.  But in what material way did we just get better?  We didn't.  Perhaps more flexibility for 2014 offseason.  But the team wasted the #2 pick and the product on the field is worse.  Brilliant.
Quote:Would you pay $2,000,000 for two extra draft selections?


That's what the essence of this thing is ...


I'd say sure.


We've got about 41 roster holes out there being filled with "guys."

Well, since they've also traded a 26 year old LT who ranks around the top 10 in the league, it's a bit more than simply paying $2 million for two draft picks.


Also, what makes you think that a late 4th and a late 5th will be more than "just guys"? This team hasn't been able to draft more than "just guys" with top 10 draft picks - different regime, but based on this trade, I wonder if this isn't a case of "meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
This comment from PFT pretty much sums up what I think about this trade. I like Caldwell, but think this was a very dumb move.


So let me get this straight… Jax had a perfectly good LT in Monroe. They took a RT at #2 overall. The trade their perfectly fine LT for what they could have gotten in compensatory picks if he didn’t resign at the end of the year. Now they move their new RT to LT.

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;margin:0em 0em 1.2em;font-size:16px;color:rgb(0,0,0);">So, they are in the same exact position as they were in before the draft (one tackle)… except instead of having the #2 overall selection they now have two additional mid-round picks.

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;margin:0em 0em 1.2em;font-size:16px;color:rgb(0,0,0);">We may have a new Factory of Sadness.
Quote:This comment from PFT pretty much sums up what I think about this trade. I like Caldwell, but think this was a very dumb move.
They obviously want to go full tilt with the zone blocking next year and don't think Monroe will excel in it


Quote:This comment from PFT pretty much sums up what I think about this trade. I like Caldwell, but think this was a very dumb move.

Read that crud you quoted from PFT and re-evaluate - We did not take an RT - we took an LT of the future and for less money - and we got picks when he (EM) was gonna walk anyway - why is this so hard ?? - This is about the FUTURE - not right now..
Quote:Read that crud you quoted from PFT and re-evaluate - We did not take an RT - we took an LT of the future and for less money - and we got picks when he (EM) was gonna walk anyway - why is this so hard ?? - This is about the FUTURE - not right now..
I still like Caldwell, it's just that this trade was not a good one value wise. Oh and we would have resigned him if Ozzie didn't come calling. I fully expect us to pick up our franshise QB next year and with the rookie wage scale we will still have a crap load of cap space to resign any of our vets with expiring contracts.. Outside of QB and linemen we have enough peices on offense to be good if our next QB is the real deal....not to mention a pretty decent looking defense. Yes I think Caldwell can turn it around by next year becaue I respect his ability to draft. Though if we ended up resigning Monroe away from the Ravens after his contract expires I will name my first born son after him. Wink
People saying "we are stupid we should of resigned Monroe"  should take a second thought.


How do we know they didn't have a discussion and Monroe said he didn't want to come back. 

Quote:People saying "we are stupid we should of resigned Monroe"  should take a second thought.


How do we know they didn't have a discussion and Monroe said he didn't want to come back. 
Exactly, people don't know that!


Interesting tidbit. I honestly think if the Jaguars did shop Monroe they could have gotten more, Just my .02

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