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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Back to life, back to reality.

Good song.
Another great performance by our SECONDARY!


Regards...............the Chiefjag

Same primetime Jags
Same old Jags... at least on Defense

LOL get Jockel out the game dude sucks

Quote:Where is Sample and Gipson?
Sample not playing and Gipson I have no idea about...
I don't think this defense is going to do anything special this year.
That Manning commercial for sunday ticket was funny but some what sad lol.

Looks like new head coach next season
Triple welp..... Well let's see how they respond.....
Joeckel = pressure/sack machine

Quote:I don't think this defensenis going to do anything special this year.
Calm down it was a great play call slip screen to the RB
At least we have college football coming up next week...
Is there where I yell fire Gus?
Quote:Where is Sample and Gipson?

Sample has been injured for a while now.
Quote:I don't think this defense is going to do anything special this year.
They will, that was all Evans. Seriously why is he playing?
Quote:Why is Evans playing????
that's what I was wondering. Where's Gipson or even Thompson?
Quote:We have to disguise blitzes a little better.

Even Tirico called it before the snap. Was very obvious.
Joeckle got beat like Ike and Tina