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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Fickin hahahaha

loooooool I was about to lose my [BLEEP]

Soccer kick all the way.

Nice drive at least

Guys, this kight be a long year
Must be a haha and the backups are wearing the starters jerseys.
No words.  


To Describe.


The suck...

We can't even kick fg right
Can we just find a kicker that can casually kick a 20 yarder through the middle?

Jags looking like dooky stainz on National TV...lmao

Derek Jeter almost missed that one.

At this rate, the Jags will finish 5th or 6th in the division.

Quote:Lololol, Myers
Wasn't him
Quote:Should've just hammered it in with ivory but no waned to get fancy.

It's preseason, I think we all know Ivory can pound it from the 1.
What did ficken do ??
Too late on that throw to Thomas. And we can't help but shoot ourselves in the foot with self induced penalties.
I'm glad I got excited for this trash tonight.