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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Lmao even the ref was laughing.

Son of a Bee Sting

What in the hell?
I say just let the 1st team play until the 4th Q cause they are starting like crap and it'll probably the same way in the 3rd Q
we have the worse coaches in the leage

Good grief

Repeat 2nd down?

These refs are chumps
Gus is lost boys.
Does Gus even know the freaking rules of the game?

Great coaching there...  Shouldn't somebody have told him how to do that???  


Collinsworth blames the player.  I blame the coach.

You forget to report?
O wow I remember my first time playing football now
[BLEEP] christ, it's always something 

Lolol, dumb errors
whoa...come on guys...

Try and get cute...


And more penalties

Keep on moving back.