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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Quote:Colinsworth should become our coach.  

I was just thinking that
Blake needs to go to the Mannings passing camp on that throwing motion
Blake needs to go to the Mannings passing camp on that throwing motion
Gus is so lost and confused

Quote:How does joke feel? You know he hears the fans criticism....Probably trains as hard as he can in the off season and yet still, barely even average

The great Judge Smails said it best. The world needs ditch diggers too.
way to embarrass us, Gus!!!! Good thing we pay you MILLIONS to improve this team and you fail and that...and STILL get paid regardless. if only we ALL could get paid millions to stink at at our jobs. 

Beyond ugly

3pts at half, we are jaguars
But.... I.... Uh-huh.... It's just..... I think.... ....... ......

Wow, Just Wow.
BB throwing motion isn't THAT bad.
Quote:Gus is so lost and confused

Players, not plays.  Remember that, you moron.  



How fitting
Someone needs to yell at Gus. "Do your job!"
NBC: "We wont be back, thanks"
Im so disappointed
Quote:Myles jack looks like a girl
Or Michael Jackson before all the face lifts
Did you all see Brock Osweiler earlier this afternoon?  The tin horns are gonna kill us this year if we don't wake up.